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3 Classic Card Tricks DVD feat Marty Grams + Gaffed Bicycle Deck (DVD+Equipment)

Price: $25.99
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The Essential Gaffed Bicycle Deck includes cards for Million Dollar Monte, Wild Card, MacDonald's Aces, Black Widow Packet Trick, plus many many more! In the bonus DVD "3 Classic Card Tricks" Marty Grams will teach you his versions of Million Dollar Monte, Wild Card, and MacDonald's Aces.

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Black Widow Cards Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 3rd, 2012
In response to Donald Marhefka about the spider packet trick in this deck of cards. There is a trick called "Mo Money Monte" that these cards will work for. You can find it on "Easy Magic You Can Make At Home." Just replace the jokers with the empty spider web cards and the aces with the spider cards. This is a fun deck of cards, and I recommend it.
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Black Widow Packet Trick Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 17th, 2012
The gaffed deck includes many gaffed cards. It includes five gaffed cards for the "Black Widow Packet Trick." However, there is no performance of the trick. Of course, no tutorial either.
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Good Job Magic Makers Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 13th, 2011
I'm not a big fan of Magic Makers, but this is just great! Don't get this for the dvd (even though the DVD is alright)
Get it for the deck that comes with it. The thing is a dream come true, double facers,double backers, everything that you could ever ask for. All that I have to say is Good Job Magic Makers :)
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