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The Dr's Billet Tear by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download)

Imagine discretely learning what's written on a TWICE FOLDED piece of paper with NO props, NO funny moves and NO COVER. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Price: $34.95

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“I use my own Perfected Center Tear all the time. But I have to tell you this; I use a piece of paper from my pad. When I saw how clean Bill’s version looked with a business card, I had to learn it too. It is smart to have a variety of methods at your disposal. Dr. Bill’s Billet Tear is top notch and as good as it gets. If it means anything from a guy who has been ripping paper up for most of his life, take my advice and get this!” -Richard Osterlind

"The Dr's Billet Tear gets my highest recommendation and final endorsement as the best, most practical and undetectable center tear in history. Yet another amazing addition to the new generation of ultra-smooth billet work, this one is simply too good to miss! I've been using TDBT exclusively in my own private shows and public performances and several months in I'm still unable to find even a single fault in its psychology, timing, construction, execution and nearly infinite applications to everything I do ." - Jerome Finley

"The tear that I have been using for years has been moved to second in my arsenal. The Dr's Billet Tear is now my first choice." - Tony Razzano

"The Dr's Billet Tear really caught me by surprise! I was fortunate enough to get to experiment with this for several months and it has replaced all the other tears I used in my shows. I have to admit I never would have believed a tear could be this quick and practical, I thought the concept had been pretty much explored to death and then Dr. Bill comes up with this! What a great way to improve upon a classic idea." - Mauricio Jaramillo

"Ahh, Dr. Bill has been at it again. I believe I've been with him on this since the first tear and all the way to the final peek. Now don't take that wrong.... I didn't create this tear in any way, but I was there as Dr. Bill worked on The Dr's Billet Tear, confirming its ease and utility in my own performances with it.

The ride has been a lot of fun and, in the end, I now have a great tear that I use regularly. Dr. Bill has created the type of tear I like: simple, to the point, and with very little to go wrong. You can learn this one quickly and easily. You get a real nice chunk to peek and it happens in an instant. Or feel free to delay your peek if that's what the situation calls for, another fine feature of Dr. Bill's method.

I'm sure many will grab onto TDBT and make it part of their arsenal. It's one of those tears that once you do it a few times it seems to be locked into your memory. In the past I've learned many tears, but only two have stuck with me. I used those sparingly and for specific situations. The Dr's Billet Tear is so robust I use it in ANY situation.

Congratulations to Dr. Bill and his new contribution to the field of mentalism!"
- Greg Arce

"I've been lucky to become friends with most of the world's full-time performing mentalists, through my Conversations With Mind Readers interviews. To a man, all the pro's favor simplicity and practicality of method over almost anything else. When they are in the heat of performing, the last thing you want to be using is technique that, unconsciously, you know damn well looks suspect or is prone to mistake. That is why I love Dr. Bill Cushman's Center Tear. It meets all the criteria of the working pro mentalist: It is easy. Practical. Looks natural, since the peek is done in the tearing "action." And, it's something you will have confidence doing, therefore you reduce the chance of wreaking with "magician's guilt" when performing it.

I've been using Bill's center tear since the first day he shared it with me. I am pretty sure that YOU will be using it immediately too, once you are exposed to its method. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."
-Ben Cummings, founder,

A piece of paper or card holding a secret thought folded safely within, is torn straight down the middle, once in each direction. Tear a third time if you wish.

The peek may be instant or delayed. Your choice.

What should you look for in a Center Tear? As little as possible!

On that note:

"Here's a word I think describes the pinnacle of billet work of all kinds, MUNDANE. Do not be afraid or disappointed. By mundane, I mean that it is an everyday looking occurrence. Harmless, normal, simple and honest looking it IS only WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. And that's what you see with the good Dr.'s tear. Seeing someone use it looks mundane. Like they are doing exactly and precisely nothing but ripping up small folded pieces of paper or card. The technique involved is as simple as can be, honest looking and gives you plenty to look at! I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and using this - it's taken the place of the other Card Tear's in my repertoire." -Iain Dunford

Use business cards, index cards or paper. Whichever you choose, it is simply folded in quarters; no steps, no flaps, now worries.

The Dr's Billet Tear is versatile. While in essence an "instant access" Card Tear, there is a small variation allowing for a delay that you will find very useful in many performing situations.

The sequence itself is taught in 10 pages, including 18 "ParaLab style" illustrations by Thomas Heine making everything crystal clear and classy. This is the easiest tear you will ever learn and perform. In its simplicity lie its strengths.

Dr. Bill has also included a section on his ideas about what to peek. Among other things, you will learn how to limit the range of choices while appearing to increase them! There is also a section on practice tips that includes concepts many of us know but don't use to our full advantage.

Dr. Bill's effect "7 Deadly Sins" is taught in its entirety, newly choreographed for use with TDBT. Besides being Dr. Bill's favorite thing to do with a Card Tear, 7 Deadly Sins is a lesson in the art. You will no longer have to worry about why you are having something written down, why it is being torn up soon after or making sure the writing is large, legible and just where you want it. All this is accomplished without having to be directive and can be applied to a variety of different kinds of routines. Many of these principles apply to any kind of peek you may need to take.

Finally, as a bonus, Dr. Bill has included his essay, "Justifying Your Gaze," originally printed in his ebook "Suggestabilities", offering even more peak peek techniques.

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Priced Too High Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 18th, 2014
The "Dr's Billet Tear" is excellent and the instructional material (a PDF and four extremely short videos) is top quality. So why only three stars? It is overpriced ($34.95) for a download. I expected the method to be superior to others on the market that I already do, like Osterlind's "Perfect Center Tear," Ran's "Think Pink" and Cassidy's "Billet Killers." I find that I have to continually practice the ones I already do to keep them smooth and deceptive. However, when I saw the endorsements by Osterlind, Finley and others, I thought this would be something extraordinarily different and superior. It is not. It is another excellent method to perform the center tear. If you don't do a center tear or only have one method, you might want to purchase Richard Osterlind LIVE (Penguin LIVE) for $29.95 and get excellent instruction on doing Osterlind's "Perfect Center Tear," plus about 3 additional lecture hours on other mentalism effects. If you need to learn more, Bob Cassidy's "Billet Killers" is only $19.95. Ran's "Think Pink" is only $9.95. There is just not enough value in the "Dr's Billet Tear" to justify the price $34.95. Normally, Penguin's products are excellent values, but not this one.
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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A Lesson In Mentalism Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 5th, 2013
When you get this, you're not getting a "trick". What you are getting is a powerful tool that in the right hands will allow you to perform all manner of strong routines on stage, close up and perhaps even more importantly in impromptu situations.

I've never hid the fact that I adore Dr. Bill's thinking. With this latest release I find myself smiling again with those frequent "AHA!" moments that I've found lacking in so many other releases.

Aside from the actual tear, you get his 7 Deadly Sins routine and his Justifying Your Gaze essay. Studied carefully these comprise a lesson in mentalism. His thoughts on what he refers to as the Cognitive Shift - which can be applied to so much more than a center tear - allow you to give the impression of real mind reading when you start to reveal details that are never written down.

As for the other person who posted asking if it's supposed to be a challenge tear, the answer is no. Although this tear is clean enough to fool even the most astute observer, if you're performing it as a challenge "try and catch me peek your info" type of tear, then I you're doing it wrong. Again the routine and essay that accompany the tear will help in understanding all of the nuances that go into making something like this successful.

The only downfall with the 7 Deadly Sins routine would be that it's not something you'd want to include in a magic set since it's something special that when performed correctly will probably come across as "real". For me, that's a good problem to have :)
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Iron Man vs Superman Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 12th, 2013
I could fill a page praising this Tremendous, POWERFUL, elegant yet simple concept. In fact, I kinda did just that at The Magic Cafe :).

Bill Cushman's PDF presentation really surprised me in how much fun it was to read and learn from. He has a warm thoughtful spirit that shines through as he teaches, and you sense that: even though it is only a written format you are learning from.

Normally I HATE READING INSTRUCTIONS!!!...!!! ( I typed the exclamation points so loudly I had to pause and take a breath before I could finish them :) ).

I SO prefer DVD presentations, but the written instruction sequence and simple beauty of Mr. Cushman's presentation is masterful. If I can learn from this quickly, most anyone can, so rest assured that the learning curve for learning this ground-breaking method is IMMIDIATE: the method will be fully understood within a few minutes.

The best magic, the most "magical" magic is the kind that allows even a novice like me to be able to perform a powerful and convincing illusion anywhere, anytime, at a moment's notice with no preparation necessary.

The Dr's Billet Tear delivers that in Spades.

I love great gimmicks and rely on them since I have so little real skill. But, Mr Cushman's tear can lift, even a beginner, up to the level of legends for at least a few moments by teaching them a tool, a treasure that will become a part of them.

I had noted at the Cafe: Great gimmicks like the Invisible Deck or the Flipper quarter or Mr. Nardi's Extractor clothe you with the powers of IRON MAN allowing you to do incredible things. But, absent the suit, you are toast.

And then there is Dr. Bill's tear...this incredible teaching of art allows you to become SUPERMAN able to perform anywhere, anytime, and on any planet. Dr. Bill's magic isn't "in the suit", instead, it is "in you".

Thankyou Mr. Cushman
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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The center tear Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 24th, 2013
Very good, although I think that the price is too high. However, Chester Sass in his book "Chestosterone", published a "center tear" very similar and equally beautiful.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Way Over-priced Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 29th, 2017
With great versions already out (Spidey's 'Shredder', Richard Osterlind's 'Perfected Center Tear', Stride & Wassilak's 'Scatter Thought Off-Center Tear', etc.) it's hard to recommend this cost for what's simply another method that the magician can self-amuse with but no different in the eyes of the spectator(s). You could almost get all 3 of the aforementioned versions for the cost of this one.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Perfect! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 17th, 2017
This is a very good centre tear indeed. You get your glimpse quickly and very cleanly. You get a PDF with some excellent illustration and several short videos are included to demonstrate the tear. I was a little baffled util I looked at the videos then it fell in place immediately. Its actually very simple and natural. Also the glimpse you do get is about 50% of the card - which is a great help. All in all 5 out of 5 stars - this is the one I will be using
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Another great method to add to your arsenal Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 15th, 2013
I use Richard Osterland's center tear a lot,to great effect,

Dr. Bill gives us an absolutely wonderful new way with simple moves and built in misdirection, to blow minds anew!
It's great to know both methods.

Thank you Doctor.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Strong Tool, Simple to Learn Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 26th, 2013
A strong and simple solution to the center tear, makes you wonder why do it any other way. Of just as much value as the technique is the routine and thoughts that are taught with it, some important lessons in when and how to use a center tear, and when it's not appropriate. Anyone with an interest in mentalism will find value in this.
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Great Information! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 13th, 2013
This is a terrific piece to add to any mentalist's "bag of tricks". It's always good to know at least a few different billet tears for different situations, but THIS ONE takes the cake! Don't be put off by the price tag either, because the information you get, truly, would still be a bargain at twice the price! I was skeptical at first, before ordering, due to the price "for just a billet tear" but believe me, it's so clever, so simple and yet so deceptive, it is worth every penny and more! I hope this review helps...
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Exclusively the method I use Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 25th, 2013
In the past I used a variety of other methods to secretly obtain information that has been written down. TDBT is not only the easiest, it is also the cleanest.

I highly recommend this.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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