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By Darkness Influenced by KOTAH and Ronald J. Dayton - Book

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A unique and varied collection of magic, this 121-page book is best described by the following excerpt from the book's Foreword:

Though oceans of material flood from Mr. Dayton's prolific mind, the magical ideas he puts forth are always sound in method and straightforward in application.

With his combination of historical knowledge, concentrated ability to work out magical gimmicks, and a focused creativity which allows wonderful stories to unfold magically, one encounters a rare commodity in the Magical World indeed: A "thinking-magician's magician."

You're holding in your hands a thoughtful volume of some of Ron's (and Kotah's) most prized work.

In this book you'll find a range of magic you can actually perform... close-up, cabaret, parlor, even on stage. You'll find concepts and ideas that will inspire you and transport your imagination to new places.

You'll discover that the magic genre known as "Bizarre Magic" is not just for a chosen or peculiar few, but consists of emotionally satisfying stores, presentations, and magic... each and every magician can incorporate into his repertoire to refresh his show and elevate his art.

Like any raging fire, Ron thrives on fuel... and that fuel is often in the comments and feedback he receives from other performers, so if anything... or everything... if this volume moves you, excites you, or motivates you to change and improve the way you do your Magic, write him and let him know.

Dear Reader, the future of Magic is yours, and the Art is within your own hands!


Walt Anthony

Spellbinder Entertainment

San Francisco, Summer 2005

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