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HypnoCup by David Ethan

List price:$10.00
Price: $7.50
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Illusion: wrong interpretation of sensorial information.

Humans have 5 senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and ...taste.

Do you know a lot of tricks playing on the taste buds of the spectators?

That's what you'll be able to do with HypnoCup.

Under the pretext of a demonstration of hypnosis, this ingenious gimmicked paper cup allows you to influence the taste of your spectators without any rudiment knowledge of hypnosis:

The magician shows the inside of a fast-food paper cup filled with cola and ice cubes.

He closes the paper cup with the lid and the spectator drinks from the paper cup with a straw. "Sure, that tastes like cola."

After a brief demonstration of hypnosis, the spectator drinks again from the same straw and in the same paper cup: Surprise! The drink now tastes like water!

The magician opens the paper cup and pours the contents into a glass revealing that the paper cup is still filled with cola and ice!

Prop cup is easy to make.

The same gimmicked paper cup can be used several times.

Richly illustrated 16 page booklet.

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