Excellent. This was a refreshing lecture... a departure from those that show "tricks" and
method-reveals, one after the other, with shallow segues in between. Your lecture displayed a love
of-- and for-- magic, magicians, process, and craft. I don't normally rate products but feel
especially happy to do so here. Your generally-applicable thought-provoking theory on misdirection
make for a good time. Some reviews commented that your rambling style was a little bothersome, but
I found your examples of misdirection and how you reveal a good transformation or production
delightfully thought provoking, so I enjoyed a little time to process and savor the moment. We were
together for a good long time. You shared a lot of technique, so there was a lot to learn. Your
presentation of various products was mentioned by some reviews as salesmanship or self promotion. I
disagree. I viewed your inventions as an inspiring look into your creative process. I also have to
mention that the reviewer who thought you had been drinking must have been drunk himself. I don't
know you, but it's obvious to me you are a kind soul, with a wry sense of humor, in the tradition of
your mentor, Slydini, similarly in love with the craft of magic and with people themselves who love
magic. Thanks for a great lecture, Rocco.