> ODD by Marcus Eddie

Great performance = Great effect Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 4th, 2014
They say the genius is the one who notices the obvious which seems to elude the masses. That definitely appears to be the case here. When you learn the method you will instantly think to yourself "DUH!!!" (for lack of a more fitting term).

I've now performed this hundreds of times and often close with it receiving a room full of applause. I will incorporate three spectators. Each writes down their choice on a piece of paper so nobody else shares with one another until the time is right and nobody is influenced by another's choice.

1st spec: secretly writes a value A-K
2nd spec: secretly writes a suit
3rd spec: chooses either red or blue

Also, this way the color of the box is less of a factor or memory for that matter as we are not simply saying "here think of a card you gotta see this", but rather building a routine and focusing all attention on THEIR decisions and THEIR predictions. But for those who find it an issue I offer this:

I tried using a "neutral" color (white) box for awhile, until I realized that I was the only one who ever remembered what color the box was. Everyone else's minds were on the trick and experiencing the effect. I take the box out, pour out the cards and spread them showing there are no duplicates, and put the box away. They unfold their papers and together come up with one card and one color as a COLLECTIVE. All the attention and memories fall to the spectators. I've never once had anybody ask me about the box being a white box and if they didn't notice the unique box, then they most definitely would not notice the Blue or Red, so I've stopped being concerned with that long ago.

Ok, getting off topic. The point is this a a great trick with an ingenious method. The only limitation is your imagination and performance.

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Oct 19th 2019 10:46am
Totally agree about the card box.
Nobody cares, nobody notices.

I carry my ordinary red cards in a black box anyway,
because I like the way the black box looks.

I used to do Brainwave a lot, before even bothering with the neutral black box.
Having performed it many times, nobody ever seemed to notice that I pulled red cards out of a blue box (or vice versa).

Even if someone were to notice, how does that explain anything to a layperson?

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