This is just a quick review - The box is great. The small accessory that comes with it is CHEAP and
garbage. This would have been much better if they had a custom made accessory with the small
gimmick installing properly instead of just with some cheap blue tac. Sorry but this ruined it for
me. When you are paying this amount of money you expect that the whole product is quality.
The Gift is spectacular bot unfortunately you are very correct. If you buy this, you will need to spend $3-$5 bucks to buy a crucial replacement "accessory" that works with the box 100% of the time without having to worry about finding the "sweet spot". The manufacturer should not have been so cheap for the price of this trick and should have done right by the customer in this regard.
I still love "The Gift" very, very, much, but high-price product should equal high-end quality.
i agree... needs a larger thing...
I agree that this is amazing! But, why in the world would you use such a cheap piece of crap with this amazing and awesome box???? VERY bad choice and makes zero sense. I would have GLADLY paid a few more bucks to avoid the frustration and headache of having to do so myself.
It would be like buying a Porsche and putting cheap ass Sears tires on it. No offense to Sears.
I don't find what you guys are saying is correct, I find that all the elements supplied are top notch. I am VERY satisfied.
I also disagree. Elements work well together. Amazing effect.
The small supplied magnet works like a charm if you know where to aim it. Just practice!
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