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Intricate Web of Distraction Whit Hadyn, DVD

List price:$35.00
Price: $26.25
You save: $8.75 (25%)
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Whit Haydn is one of the best minds in magic when it comes to routining classic magic. Routines such as Whit Haydn's Four Ring Routine, the Mongolian Pop-Knot, the Teleportation Device, Chicago Surprise, Fast & Loose, and many others have become standards in the arsenals of many top-flight professionals.

The "Color-Changing Knives" is a wonderful close-up item, but until now, it has had several weaknesses in method and presentation. With Whit Haydn's "The Intricate Web of Distraction," these weaknesses are overcome.

This routine is both practical for the working magician and powerful in performance. The patter is entertaining and funny, and yet, because the humor is based on the situation, it easily adapts to the individual style of the performer.

Whit has performed this routine thousands of times in front of audiences at the Magic Castle, Caesars Magical Empire, trade shows, hospitality suites, and cocktail parties. It never fails to enthrall his audience as he wraps them in a web of intelligent humor and amazing prestidigitation.

The DVD shows a live performance of the routine and then every detail of technique and performance is carefully and thoroughly explained. Watching this DVD is like having a personal lesson in magic from one of the best and most entertaining magicians around today.

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Excellent Routine Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 4th, 2010
You can not go wrong with a magical product of any type that has Whit's name on it. This is a fantastic routine for the color changing knives. The ones he uses are the Mogar knives that are not always easy to come by. Buy this DVD and you will never look at the color changing knives the same again. This is worth every penny and then some. Buy it now.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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