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Rick Maue LIVE (Penguin LIVE)

One of the most influential and elusive performers of magic and mentalism shares secrets that he’s kept quiet for 30 years.
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"A short, pithy quote seems inadequate when recommending a three-hour masterclass with one of magic’s most interesting and insightful thinkers. Personally, I find Rick to have a fascinating and revealing perspective on the performance of magic and mentalism. If you are a serious student of the art, you will discover many invaluable ideas worth exploring or applying to your own repertoire. The material is intriguing, and even if you don’t adopt any of his routines, the lessons shared along the way are often universal, such as his thoughts on creating natural logic for necessary procedures. Rick is an essential source of great thinking and an invaluable resource for mystery performers everywhere." - R. Paul Wilson

"Your performances not only fool me, to use your word, they also ‘engage’ me. I love your material, and I love you, pal." - Johnny Thompson

"Rick is, without question, one of the best lecturers I have ever seen and I’m proud to call him a great friend." - Simon Lovell

"Rick’s lecture absolutely blew me away. The material was strong, the theory was solid, and it is obvious from the first minute of the lecture that Rick CARES about his craft. I can’t wait to see it again." - Joshua Jay

"Why is it that when I see you lecture, I feel like I am watching a mad scientist at work?" - Marc DeSouza

"Very few lecturers, and I have seen many, have the understanding of magic, mentalism, and how to entertain with them that Rick Maue has. He is not only an excellent teacher of what to do and what not to do, but his own performances in the lecture demonstrate his understanding. I not only urge you to catch his lecture, but I also urge him to keep lecturing, for what he is saying and doing is very important." - Phil Willmarth

"The thinking behind the effects here is fascinating...simple in method and heavy on effect. These are the kinds of things that should be of interest to all of us. There are many lessons here. Well worth the time." - Doc Eason

"Rick Maue is prolific. He churns out ideas, effects, manuscripts, books, and e-books at anastonishing rate. ... Mr. Maue himself often refers to his material as ‘VdM Magic’, meaning that from a technical standpoint, the Venus de Milo could do them. Because there is no sleight of hand, you might be tempted to call his material easy, or even self-working. That would be a mistake, because behind the simple hands-off methods Maue employs, there are often ingenious mental or psychological ploys at work that require tremendous attention to detail and unwavering confidence in performance. ... Rick Maue is undeniably clever. He has a good head for the kind of material that is easy, direct, and deceptive. He also writes terrific scripts. His presentations take skill-free procedural effects that so often become tedious puzzles and transform them into strong theatrical pieces that are about larger ideas and connect with people’s lives. Maue clearly has a lot to say, and if commercial mentalism and psychological magic appeal to you, much of what he says is worth listening to." - Eric Mead (Genii, August 2010)

"Man, Rick is great. I love him.”" - Penn Jillette (taken from the Foreword of Rick’s upcoming book, Occam’s Magic)

Character. Intention. Meaning. Those are three words closely associated with one of the most celebrated creators of deception in the modern age. Rick Maue has received critical acclaim from some of the most powerful performers in magic, and now he’s here to share how he creates, crafts, and performs his unique brand of theater. In this rare offering, Rick performs a deeply personal autobiographic monologue, which is seasoned with four pieces of solid theatrical deception, and all of that is followed by a lecture that may best be described as an extensive excavation into one of the most influential and theatrically minded magicians of the past four decades.

During the lecture, Rick will not only dissect his performance, but he will also dig deep into a comprehensive discussion of character, scripting, creativity, and a collection of other wide-ranging topics that reveal his philosophy, as well as his approach to engaging an audience and holding them with rapt attention.

In addition, Rick will teach the four powerful routines from his show. Yes, each one is a solid performance piece. Yes, all four fit Rick’s description of what he calls, “VdM Magic”, which means, from a technical perspective, the Venus de Milo could do them (in other words, there is no difficult sleight of hand). But no, none of them require expensive props, which may explain why Michael Weber once dubbed Rick “OfficeMax Maven” (a name Max loved, by the way).

The performance pieces are:

Heads & Tales
What appears to be a simple fifty-fifty decision gives relevant meaning to even the simplest choices we make, thus transforming the performance into a high-stakes piece of theater that commands the audience’s attention. Plus, the piece helps to define Rick’s performance character, the theme of his show, and the relationship between the audience and the performer.

An open prediction card piece that demonstrates how Rick can control the thoughts, decisions, and physical actions of others. Plus, it unveils a reflective moment for the audience, one that makes them contemplate how they actually control the people in their own lives.

Collect Call
Another powerful demonstration of the performer’s ability to control the thoughts and decisions of others, not just others in the room, but folks located anywhere on the planet. It is the ultimate “packs flat/plays big” performance piece.

A running piece that extends throughout the show, ‘Gratitude’ leads to a final payoff that ties up all the loose ends, demonstrates true appreciation to one of the essential audience assistants, and reinforces the idea that the evening has been a successful partnership between the performer and the audience.

While the effects themselves have a profound impact on those watching the performance, the insight you’ll gain into Rick’s process is worth its weight in gold. This is more than a lecture; this is a lifetime of contemplation and an exploration of one creator’s passionate relationship with the world of Theatrical Deception. This is Rick Maue’s Penguin Live Lecture.

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Inspirational and Practical Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 27th, 2024
One of the very best "Live" sessions I've purchased. Rick and Patrick/George get to the real magic of creating a show. Like many I know in the past I thought of a "show" being a sequence of effects and little else. I now realise how shallow that was. It was a disservice to my audience, my magic and myself.

This lecture is for anyone who really wants to develop their art and their craft,

If you are expecting lots of tricks you will be disappointed. If you are looking for ways to structure your shows you will be more than rewarded.

Rick is insightful, charismatic and masterful.

I came away inspired, motivated and enriched.

Alan /|\
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Masterclass Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 27th, 2024
This lecture has quickly become one of my favorite penguin lectures of all time. Rick has demonstrated to me it’s all about the details. He reminds me of Vernon in a way for mentalism. If you are more interested in the practical side of putting together a show this is one of the best resources to learn to do just that!
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Good Stuff Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 30th, 2024
Really enjoyed the performance video. Great motivational presentation. Loved the multi character aspect of the presentation. It got my creative motor running.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Happy & sad Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 18th, 2025
Rick has incredible insight in to what it like being on stage. If you have never seen his previous DVDs you’ll get a lot of information that you as a performer need to hear. However, if you have his previous works you’ll get the same effects with updated information. Personally I have Rick’s other lecture DVDs so I was disappointed too receive the same effects. However, like I said, if you have never seen this material, you’ll get a lot of expert character development advise and strong effects! I give the material 5 stars because it’s worth it!
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Rick Maue Live Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 12th, 2025
Can I make that 4.8 stars? The content is excellent in every regard. The running time for all the material is a two-edged sword — The nice edge is that it allows for in-depth coverage of most topics discussed, The negative edge is that it makes the repetitious moments grate more than they should.

That being said, this video is aimed at people who are willing, even eager, to think deeply about their performances. Rick makes no pretense of having "The Answer" to how to do thing, but he *does* have a lot of important questions and concerns to dwell on if you want to take your performances to a higher level.

Although I have years of various types of performance experience, I still found much to mull over. I'd advise viewers to pay extra special attention to all Rick has to say about the relationship between the performer and audience. Pay extra special attention to the discussions about the relationship between the performer and audience. I said that twice on purpose. It may be the most important part of the whole presentation.
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Deep Dive into Presence Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 12th, 2025
This isn't about the effect but more about the affect you have on your audience.

Rick goes deep into that territory to help you understand the theatrical presentation side of what you do.

For me personally, it was validating as this is where I am in my career and it gave me good advice.

I've never liked what I call "ta-da" magic. If the idea is simply to fool or have a "ta-da" moment, I couldn't care less.

To me it's about connecting with people, lifting them up, resonating and that's what you'll learn here.

Rick is a master at this and shares his knowledge from years of experience.

Yes, you will learn some killer effects too, but understanding the psychology behind why they work is where this excels.

I've admired Rick's work since he lectured to my Ring in 2008 and this was like getting one on one time to explore showmanship.

Highly recommend it if you want to take what you do to a whole other level.
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Rick Maue Live Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 7th, 2025
What an astounding lecture, there is much to be learned here about character development, theatrical presentations and making your magic or mentalism stronger and most important meaningful. Rick Maue is a very wise man, and he shares deeply personal stuff here, giving us the benefits of his wisdom. This has to be one of the best lectures ever. I had the pleasure, years ago of seeing Rick perform and it’s a completely different experience from anything you’d ever see. I cannot imagine one mentalist or magician that could not learn something from this lecture, myself included of course.
My hats are off to you Rick, pun intended :-)
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Amazing! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 1st, 2025
I haven’t purchased anything in Magic for several years. I was not able to travel at the time Rick performed his most recent short run of shows. I was thrilled to find out that this was released, and bought it solely on the merit of wanting to see him perform. I’ve also long regretted that my wife has never seen him perform — until now!

Rick himself is a gift to everyone. Five stars.
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