This Week's Top 10 Tricks Under $10

1. Link King by D..
2. Gaslight by Se..
3. Bicycle Elite ..
4. TIES: The Invi..
5. Marked Cards b..
6. Tarbell 54: Ch..
7. Close-Up Illus..
8. Invisible Deck..
9. At The Same Le..

This Week's Top 10 Tricks Under $30

1. Extra Sensory ..
2. Destiny Deal b..
3. Pretty Penny b..
4. Room 237 Playi..
5. Entourage by G..
6. Print on Deman..
7. 52 Stunner by ..
8. Ishihara Test ..
9. POW (Perfect O..
10. Peter Studebak..

This Week's Top 10 Tricks Under $50

1. Stitch by Tita..
2. Instant Transf..
3. Rattle Dice by..
4. Level Up by Cr..
5. Little Door by..
6. Free Will Delu..
7. Chop by Craig ..
8. Omni Air by Vi..
9. Psypher PRO by..
10. Marc Paul LIVE..

This Week's Top 10 Tricks Over $50

1. Room 237 Playi..
2. Big Headline b..
4. Liquify by Tob..
5. Lucid by Roddy..
6. Mark Southwort..
7. Reverse Logic ..
8. Hopping Keys b..
9. The Green Neck..
10. Force-Sight by..
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