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Howard Hamburg LIVE (Penguin LIVE)

One of the world's top card magicians came to Penguin for an amazing 3 1/2 LIVE hour event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
Price: $29.95
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”Diabolical card work.” -Max Maven

"Howard is one of the best card men in the world you never heard of." -Doc Eason

"Card table aficionado and raconteur pretty much sums up Howard Hamburg." -Dan & Dave Buck

What will he teach?

Howard will be presenting and expanding upon a lecture that earned him the Lecturer of the Year award from the Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood.

He'll begin with an effect he created for Dai Vernon's birthday which starts like a standard oil and water but takes a very surprising twist at the end.

Then, four kings and four queens get involved in some action and, as the plot thickens, the queens suddenly go missing... leaving the aces in their places.

Howard will then go in-depth into the underused yet versatile Veeser Concept which can be used for a multitude of applications.

He'll also perform a "You Do As I Do" effect using two decks of cards where he'll match a randomly selected card simply by repeating the spectator's actions.

Next, five one-dollar bills are mixed face-up and face-down, then, with a gesture, all the bills instantly turn face-up.

Howard will use a ordinary paperclip to find a selected card and cause one card to change into another between the spectator's palms.

There’s more…

He’ll also do some amazing things with four aces. One where they appear in a mysterious manner, and manage to trap a selected card at the same time. And another where the four aces magically turn face-down one-at-a-time, then suddenly change into the ace, two, three, and four of clubs.

Now the real treat, besides the impressive magic you'll learn, is that Howard will share stories of his experiences with some of the greats of magic. Legends like Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Frances Carlyle, Jimmy Grippo, Larry Jennings, Martin Nash, Jerry Andrus, and others.

Howard was friends with everybody who was anybody and he'll share his thoughts regarding the presentation of magic as he learned it from them.

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Meet Howard Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 31st, 2015
I am amateur magician from Tokyo. I truly enjoyed this lecture video, and inspired me. I used to live in LA during my school year.
After I watched lecture video, I soon contacted with Howard and will meet at Magic Castle early next year.This can be great experience for me. I am thankful for Penguin to give me such an precious opportunity.
5 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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The very best lecture yet Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 6th, 2014
I've bought LOTS of the Penguin Lectures and enjoyed a great deal of them - but have never felt compelled to write anything about them at all... until now.

This lecture is simply fantastic.

It's interesting from start to finish - anecdotes interspersed with great handling tips, moves and effects. It's clear that Howard Hamburg has led an amazing life in the world of magic and counts some of the true greats amongst his friends. There's one moment there when he tells a story about his birthday that is truly touching.

The material taught is great too - and there's nothing particularly difficult; he's kept it at a very straightforward technical level but has chosen some really interesting and inspiring subject matter to teach and discuss.

This really is the VERY best Penguin Lecture I've seen and may even be the best lecture I've seen, ever.

Thanks for sharing, Howard - this really was something special.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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A+++ card work! Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 8th, 2014
Howard's card magic looks moveless. One of the finest card handlers and Penguin lectures so far!
3 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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"Perfection is no detail... Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 27th, 2014
...but details make perfection." This quote from Leonardo Da Vinci first came to my mind after watching Howard Hamburg's lecture. It is filled with tiny little details for known plots, great handlings to familiar effects, words of wisdom one should keep in his magic mind forever and charming memories of his magic life alongside the true masters of our art such as Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Larry Jennings, Jimmy Grippo, just to name a few.

I would advise you to watch his lecture with pen and paper, because you should and will write down a lot to learn from him. I heard Howard's name before, but was unaware what a likeable guy he is and what a great value this lecture would be for me after more than 20 years in magic!

If you are looking for great tricks, this lecture is great! But if you are looking for the how's, why's and subtle details, this lecture is phenomenal! Thanks to Penguin for making it available!!
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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Solid subleties Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 8th, 2014
I met Howard at the Magic Castle a couple of months ago. He was sitting in Dai Vernon's corner at his "special place." When I was introduced to him he asked me to sit and of course I did. (to sit with Howard where Dai Vernon played with his cards was awesome!) He proceeded to blow my mind with some first rate card handlings. Some of what he did he showed and explained on this lecture, but not everything. The power of his handling was so perfect in person that the next day I purchased his "Howard Hamburg Sessions" dvd. It is totally awesome and has tricks on it that were not covered in the Penguin lecture. Everything about Howard during his Penguin Lecture, his mannerism and laid back demeanor was in person just as he came across at the Castle. I am one of those magicians that believes if you go away with at least "one" powerful new handling that a purchase was worth the cost. There are several effects worth the cost of the "Howard Hamburg Sessions" and this Penguin Live lecture is a true treasure worth adding to your collection. I'm going back to the Castle next month and I hope Howard is sitting there at "Dai's place!"
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Good lecture Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 24th, 2020
This is a good lecture, and I really enjoyed it. However, it is not for everyone. It is for card guys. And it is not for guys just starting out. It is for card guys who believe that subtlety and nuance make all the difference. Because that is what this lecture is primarily about: subtlety and nuance. I believe that these things do, in fact, make all the difference, so I loved it. Also, Howard tells some great stories. But unless you love the card stuff, those stories likely won't be enough to justify the $30, standing alone. But if you are a card guy, you'll love the stuff.
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One of the best Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 18th, 2015
One the best lectures I could watch.
This is à must have!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Best lecture ever!!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 12th, 2015
I haven't left a review in some time because of some bad lectures , so I just bought this lecture even though I was subscribed . Now, I am mad why the hell I delayed it for so long . First time in a lecture almost every effect is practical and amazing . But the best part was Hamburg's stories. Mostly when a magician starts telling his stories I normally skip it but this was the first time I wanted to hear his stories more than the effects. I am surprised that Howard is not that well known.
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If you like cards, you need this! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 21st, 2015
Full of great card magic. Well taught, and lots of great stories without spending the whole time talking. He teaches quite a few tricks and they are all great!
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If your into card magic watch this! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 22nd, 2015
this lecture will teach you some classic stuff (triumph, oil&water, gilberth principle, ...).
Relatively 'easy' to master card magic, for everybody and so beautifull.
So if you are looking for a lecture which teaches you card magic at its best, which you can show afterwards to your friend, this is a very good lecture and you will hear some insider stories of the magic castle (lerry jennings, ....), too. So if you are into card magic, this is the lecture for you.
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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