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Fist Full of Dollars by Gregory Wilson (Eisenhower Dollars)

A coin routine that turns audiences into believers. Coin magic never looked so real. COMES COMPLETE WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED.
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"Classic Gregory Wilson, direct, do-able, and devious. Fist Full of Dollars does everything Split Focus does, but closer to the audience, and they can touch and handle the coins." - Curtis Kam

You snap their fingers. You grab their attention. You snap again and a huge silver coin appears at your fingertips. Gregory Wilson has created an incredible coin routine that you’re going to want to do. Produce three coins from thin air, then just as impossibly they vanish. This is Fist Full of Dollars by Gregory Wilson.

Here’s what happens:

The performer snaps their clearly empty hand a few times before a coin visually appears at the fingertips. The performer snaps two more times making two more giant silver coins appear from nowhere. Just as mysteriously the coins are cleanly vanished one at a time leaving the hands as bare as the moment the trick started.

Fist Full of Dollars is a fully worked out routine that uses simple sleight of hand and a gimmicked coin that allows for the cleanest appearances and vanishes in magic. This is available in both dollar size and half dollar sizes, and when you purchase the effect you receive the gimmicked coin as well as all of the coins needed to perform the routine. You are ready to go right out of the box. If you think you might already have the gimmick (watch the Inside The Box demo with Nick & Erik to confirm your suspicions) you can get just the instructions for the routine as a convenient digital download so you can perform this trick today. This routine is perfect for almost any close-up situation and a rewarding effect to learn. Start with nothing, end with nothing, leave your audience with an impossible memory of a Fist Full of Dollars by Gregory Wilson.

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One of my openers Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 23rd, 2016
This effect is great and the gimmick i got was very well made. The presentation is amazing, this gets huge reactions. To make this effect great, you need to be a good performer who understands how to use his/her body to really sell what is happening. If you want something easier, than get triad coins, but i think this is much better.
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Pretty happy with this! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 9th, 2021
Like anything, there is room for improvement. Overall, this is pretty excellent. I already had the gimmick in half dollar size, so decided to get the Eisenhower set and see how I liked it. A few quick notes about the physical props:

My tin was a rectangular box, like an altoids tin, rather than round. Makes zero difference, just surprised me when it arrived. Also, the coins were simply wrapped in wax paper and put in the tin, along with the link to the video download. They arrived safe and sound, so maybe foam etc. would be unnecessary, but would have been kinda nice. Again, not a big deal. The last minor quibble - the coins arrived dirty. Like, had some kind of liquid splotches on them, etc. As if they were pulled out of someone's pocket, thrown in the box and shipped out. A little soap and water cleaned them up perfectly, so no harm no foul.

A slightly more important set of quibbles, that make this, for ME, four stars instead of five - only one of the coins provided fit the gimmick correctly. As it seems to be a 'regular' and not an 'expanded' gimmick, I can kind of understand this - except that I accidentally got the gimmick locked on the wrong coin a few times. After the second or third time of having to throw it into my cupped hand to try and dislodge it, I finally just took an emery board to the edges of the second coin until it slips in and out of the gimmick as well as the other one. Problem solved, but a little unnecessary. At the price of the package, you can buy the video, and a gimmick + coin from Roy Kueppers, or even buy the gimmick + 4 coins for a few more than this set, and throw an extra 15 on top for the video. So, based on price, I feel like it is totally fair to be a bit nitpicky about the little things. That said, after that minor modification, everything works great, and I am very happy with the set.

Quick tip - in the video, he recommends masking tape to help mask the noise. I went instead with the clear double-stick tape, and a disk of toilet paper. Seems to pad the noise even better, and does not seem to have added enough depth to the nested set to matter.

The video: I bought the video primarily to learn the snap production. I wish he had spent a little more time on teaching it - specifically how to actually snap the coin into view. Lovely details on everything leading up to it, but the actual bringing it into view part seems a little neglected. With practice and experimentation, however, it can be figured out and looks great! It DOES seem to be drastically easier to get a good "snap" from the dollar size coins than from a half dollar, at least in my hands.

If I were going to buy this again, I think I would have instead bought the coins from RK and just purchased the download, but overall I have learned a lot, and am quite happy with the set. If you just want to order one item and be done with it, however, and don't mind possibly doing a little work to fine tune the fit of the gimmicks, then by all means, pick this up!
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Good First Trick Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 1st, 2016
So I have recently got into magic and not a huge fan of coins. I wanted to get a few tricks I could do that wouldn't be overly hard, so I got this trick and paired it with Matt Mello's Energy Coin ($10 download is all you need if you buy First Full of Dollars). This trick has a few sleights that take practice, but I had a lot of fun practicing it. A lot of the negative reviews come from costing so much, but since this was my first gimmick like this, I thought it was reasonable. So if you don't know what the gimmick is or you need one, definitely get this trick. Once you get it down, you can't help but want to do more and more in front of the mirror and fool yourself.
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Ok routine, OK gimmick Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 16th, 2016
I wanted to get the Eisenhower gimmick this trick comes with, and saw this deal, so I figured why not get a routine included. The gimmick is decent--can't really complain (well, I can, but I won't)--but the regular coins I got were scratched and beat up to the point where I won't use them. Like a lot of other customers complained, the gimmick also only works on one coin, and not the other (OK, fine, I'll complain).

The's ok, but there are better ways to use the gimmick than this routine. I know the "street hustler" is Gregory's schtick, but the routine is much too difficult for only leaving a minor impression on people.

I support Gregory, but can't support this routine or the coins it comes with.
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Disappointed Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 9th, 2016
The set i received had 2 different coins and the gimnick work correctly with one coin only. Moreover, i can't use the gimnick with regular half silver dollar because of the portion of red metal on his edge. I love Greg Wilson and bis routines but i think in this case wouldn't be necessary to sell such a common gimnick, i would be happy to buy only the routine.
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review Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 2nd, 2020
very slick and easy to learn
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simple and effective Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 11th, 2017
This routine is direct, easy to follow, and visual.
It has plenty of magical moments and quite fun to do.
I prefer this over JJ's Triad coins.

This routine motivated me learn Greg's approach for the final vanish.
It's a nice utilty that seemed scary at first, but the more i did it, the more i got comfortable with it i became.

I do this routine using poker chips gimmicks from tango.
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Don't like to buy unnecessary stuff Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 25th, 2016
The routine is good. However there should be an option to be able to buy the trick w/o the gimmick.

The gimmick you get is as good as any of the good versions of it you have encountered before. I personally like better matching between the gimmick and supplied coins -- easy to fix but when you are paying near top dollar for this should be taken care of at the source.

I would have been more happy buying the trick (for less) and making better use of something I already have.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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Great prop, great teaching, .......... Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 9th, 2020
I dont know wth people are complaining about. The thing from the beach fits fine on all the coins and us well made. On top of that your getting greg Wilson's teaching. I'll watch him teach how to blow his nose. Lol. Stop b*thing about something just for the sake of b*itching. There is nothing to complain about.
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Great addition for any coin enthusiast Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 2nd, 2020
Great concept with the coins. Has been a great addition to my coin routines. Easy to follow instructions, Gregory presents it the same on video as if he was in front of you. I've gotten to experience Gregory perform and lecture at Michigan Magic Day 2019 and it seemed the same to me. Thanks again for a powerful tool in my arsenal.
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