> The Bill Test by Erik Casey (DVD + Gimmicks)

Bill Test has made a home in my wallet Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 23rd, 2016
The Gimmick: My first thoughts were that I should (as taught in the DVD) just go ahead and make my own, because this just looks wrong. But I decided I would test it out first. And much to my surprise, it totally fooled them. Given the nature of the routine, the gimmick comes in and out of play so naturally that they just assume it is their bill. Why wouldn’t it be? I will most likely make up my own gimmick in the future if I need to, but this one works just fine.
The DVD: Wow, this DVD was longer than I anticipated. A little repetitive at times, but Eric really wants to go into every detail. Which is great for a beginner, annoying for me at time. The alternate changes and handlings are awesome and I find myself just practicing them on my free time.
Overall: This is the most fair bill transpo out there. It requires some decent audience management and time. It isn’t a fast one that is over as soon as it began. If that is what you’re looking for, just get the 5-and-1 Transpo. If you’re looking for a good engaging performance piece, get The Bill Test.

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Mar 31st 2016 9:01am
Thanks for the review! The included gimmick is surprisingly deceptive, as magicians we tend to over think it. A layman will assume everything is normal up until the point of something abnormal happening. When that happens, the gimmick is already gone and we are left with borrowed bills.

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