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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 02 (Instant Download)

Using any 2 decks, find a secretly chosen card at a number randomly selected by your spectators! ORDER ALL 12 TRICKS IN THE SERIES AND SAVE 25%.
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The Impossible ACAAN - With 2 Decks

In lesson 2 of the ACAAN Project, Dani Daortiz begins to take you inside his pillars of magic that allow you to mold your spectator’s mind as though it were clay in your hands. Not only do you learn a two-deck ACAAN routine that can be performed completely impromptu using borrowed decks, but Dani teaches you the important work of spectator management. In the effect this lesson focuses on a small number of cards is taken from the deck and hidden away by one spectator. Another spectator shuffles another deck, selects a card, and it is then thoroughly lost in the pack. The first spectator brings out the cards they removed from the first deck and adds their values together. The selected card is impossibly found at the same position as the sum of those values.

The lesson, over an hour in length, is focused on audience psychology, timing, and another one of Dani’s signature nearly sleightless Any Card At Any Number effects. Key Takeaways for the student are:

False Memories
You’ve heard many magicians talk about false memories in the minds of the spectator, but have you ever sat with a master of this technique? Dani breaks down exactly how he develops and anchors false memories in the mind of the spectators. These are powerful techniques that you will use in your other work.

The Question
Undoubtedly, The Question is one of the performance techniques Dani uses to greater effect than any other performer. While so many performers treat a magic trick as something to be performed at an audience, Dani uses questions to not only engage his audience but manage them to create a superlative effect. In this lesson, you’ll learn how Dani times his questions in performance for maximum effect.

The Block Force
Any card magician can force an individual card. Learning how to force groups of cards can open whole new worlds of magic to you. This extremely open and fair way of controlling not only which group of cards a spectator chooses, but how many cards they take, will allow you to perform new miracles with an ordinary deck.

Lesson Two of The ACAAAN Project builds upon the principles Dani has already shared with you while focusing on audience management, psychology, and timing. In addition to learning an amazing two-deck ACAAN, you’ll become privy to some of the secrets that make the magic of Dani DaOrtiz so disarmingly devastating. It’s time to go to school with Dan DaOrtiz in lesson two of The ACAAN Project.

To see every trick in this series, visit ACAAN Project COMPLETE by Dani DaOrtiz.

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Great routines and info; difficult for non-Spanish speakers to follow Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 12th, 2021
(Eight chapters of the subscription received so far)
So far, the routines are fantastic and the supplementary information, even better. But unfortunately, there is an issue that makes me lower my rating from 5 stars: Dani's heavily accented English makes it a chore to follow what he's saying. Some words are really indecipherable, at least to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with what I'm getting, but it's frustrating to know that I'm missing out on even more gold. (It's bad enough that I would actually try to learn enough Spanish to follow those videos, but I'm in the middle of an Italian course and I don't want to get mixed up!)

I really think the producers came up short by not having a professional translation done and presented as a voiceover or subtitles. Maybe Penguin could follow up on that. If that happens, definitely a 5 star package.

I'd buy again in a heartbeat, even knowing about the language barrier here.
6 of 9 magicians found this helpful.
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So far, so great! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 26th, 2021
I love Dan DaOrtiz's work and style. I ordered the full year's worth of monthly releases for this project. So far, I've only seen the first installment, but it was as good as I expected.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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GOLD Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 18th, 2021
The things Dani teaches you can apply to everything you do!
His approach, his philosophy, his theory are nothing but phenomenal, let alone the ACAANs he teaches.
Highly recommended!
3 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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God’clue ! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 28th, 2021
Mon anglais n’est assez précis pour décrire ce que j’ai vu ou plutôt ressenti ;-) la carte pensée en dernière intention est juste un bijou qui m’a bluffé! Ce que le Maître ( j’ai suivi son Maître Tamariz !) ensuite explique, est exactement ce que j’ai analysé à la fin! Autrement dit la démonstration de la force du verbe ( et quand même il faut bien le dire de la misdirection!) est sublime!
Il travaille la magie pour nous, comme d’autres, et surtout transmet son savoir et celui des anciens! La transmission depuis une bonne génération amène à des résultats extraordinaires, là où les échecs et le jeu de go sont dépassés par l’IA.
Cela fait partie des intelligences qu’il faut mélanger ( mais vraiment!) pour aller vers le meilleur. Merci à lui! Et à tous ceux qui travaillent dans ce sens.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Ingenious Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 7th, 2023
Dani uses lots of words in his videos... I make it short... the best I have seen... alone his insights on psychology are priceless... a true treasure!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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ACAAN project Complete Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 25th, 2021
I always enjoy his magic and his presentation.
You need the combination of the two to make it a success and for it to great and fun.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Quick question Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 5th, 2021
Wonderful introduction.
Did Dani say that we could submit videos of our performances for other students to respond/comment? If so, I have one (ACAAN 6) that I would like to send. Where would I send it?

Looking forward to the rest of the course!

1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Einfach nur Genial!!!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 4th, 2021
Ich sah die ersten Trailer und wusste sofort das es ein unglaubliches Projekt wird! Es ist weit aus mehr als im Trailer zu sehen ist! Von einem Mastermind in Magie, nicht einfach nur den Trick erklärt, sondern auch die Psychologie und das Zuschauer handling! Einfach jeden Cent wert! Und ich kann es kaum erwarten noch mehr zu lernen! Auch weil Dani alles so genau erklärt (und ich bin froh darüber) können die Videos ruhig 2 Stunden dauern um wirklich alles genau zu verstehen!!! Liebe Grüße aus Österreich
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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it is risky Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 26th, 2021
imo the trick in first chapter was stronger. also there is a part in this trick that is risky to pull off and im not seeing myself performing this trick in the future but you learn alot of things about psychology. this why i gave 4 stars. the trick alone is 3 stars.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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KILLER!!! Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 2nd, 2021
Dani is so great! First video is one of the most mind blowing (and so easy to do) ACAAN that you can ever do with a borrowed shuffled deck.

Reputation maker that will blow your audience mind!

I look forward to the next video.

This is a STRONG 5 stars recommendation!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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