The Imaginary Coincidence by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 7) (Instant Download) Two spectators deal to a merely thought of card, even though one of them is using an imaginary deck!
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Vanish ACAAN by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 9) (Instant Download) Vanish a thought of playing card from one deck, and make it re-appear in another deck at a named location!
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At The Same Level by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 8) (Instant Download) One of Dani’s most powerful card at number effects, but with a double revelation kicker from a borrowed shuffled deck!
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HLG Plus by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 12) (Instant Download) Dani’s most closely guarded secrets on the Classic Force are finally revealed!
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Green Gambling by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 10) (Instant Download) A self-working trick becomes an impossible bet that you always win!
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Force Project COMPLETE by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) Learn the greatest card forces on the planet from one of the best card magicians alive
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Dont Touch by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 11 ) (Instant Download) Two thought of cards from a shuffled deck rise to the top with no sleight of hand!
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Or Not by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) Dani's reputation maker, revealed for the very first time. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Double Ambitious Thought by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 6) (Instant Download) Imagine making a NAMED card rise to the top of the deck. Now imagine REPEATING THE TRICK. Without even TOUCHING the deck a card is NAMED and is instantly the top card. Twice!!
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Know It All by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) The ultimate close-up tossed-out deck. Dani DaOrtiz's most beginner-friendly release is also one of his most powerful. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Coincidences by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 4) (Instant Download) You and the spectator impossibly choose the same card from two different decks! And you can repeat it over and over again!
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The Four Forces by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 1) (Instant Download) Four spectators don’t stand a chance when you have complete control over their selections!
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 01 (Instant Download) The Ritual ACAANIn lesson 1 of The ACAAN Project Dani Daortiz wastes no time in teaching you a high-impact card at number, audience management, psychology, and so much more. This deep exploration of ACAAN begins with four spectators thoroughly shuffling the deck. One audience member remembers a card
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Chaos Project COMPLETE by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) A masterclass on Dani's signature style of casual chaos. Over the course of 12 tricks (lessons), Dani will teach all aspects of his theories and methods. Save $30 when you pre-order this collection.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most brilliant card magicians in HISTORY came to Penguin for an unforgettable THREE HOUR card workshop. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz (PROPS INCLUDED) A masterpiece that puts everyone on the edge of their seats and you at the center of attention. A thought-of card appears at a thought-of number. COMES COMPLETE WITH DECK.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE 3 (Instant Download) One of the most original card magicians in the world reveals just how calculated his unconventional style really is. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING TODAY.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE 2 (Instant Download) One of the best card magicians on the planet came to Penguin LIVE! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Only 52 by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 2) (Instant Download) This trick is so good, we can tell you half of the secret and you still won't know how to do it. Ready? The "borrowed" deck isn't really borrowed. Ok, good luck!
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One Second For The World by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 9) (Instant Download) An incredible Out Of This World where your audience makes all the choices!
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ACAAN Project COMPLETE by Dani DaOrtiz (Video Series) Receive Dani DaOrtiz lessons for one year. Aimed at pros, these are advanced lessons focused on the "Any Card At Any Number" plot, each one teaching new methods.
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Symbiosis by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 3) (Instant Download) An incredible trick where you let the spectators do almost everything! Shuffle, select and EVEN FIND the chosen cards!
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Semi-Automatic Weapons Project COMPLETE by Dani DaOrtiz (Video Series) Thousands of magicians have been drawn to the magnetic personality, electric performance, and personal vision of magic that is the force of nature known as Dani DaOrtiz. A living legend in the field of card magic, and one of the most sought-after advisors and teachers of magic, his deep thoughts reg
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Max Intuition by Dani DaOrtiz (Force Project Chapter 5) (Instant Download) An unbelievable sequence of miracles. Creates a moment of anticipation unlike anything you've seen before! Not physically demanding but requires practice in presentation. Incredible trick.
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Very Lucky by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 1) (Instant Download) No matter how the spectator tries to ruin the trick, the thought-of card ends up at EXACTLY the predicted location. The master of chaos teaches his methods.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE ACT (Instant Download) One of the world's best card magicians presents a new, devastating card ACT with only ONE standard deck of cards. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING THE FULL ACT TODAY.
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Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) A masterpiece that puts everyone on the edge of their seats and you at the center of attention. A thought-of card appears at a thought-of number. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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I Knew It! by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 12) (Instant Download) This should NOT be possible. You write a prediction and HAND it to your spectator. You never touch it again! Yet it proves you knew EVERYTHING that is about to RANDOMLY HAPPEN.
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My Personal Deck - Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) Personal stack deck of Dani DaOrtiz
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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION by Dani DaOrtiz - BOOK Without a doubt, this is Dani DaOrtiz's most representative book. And now it is available for the first time in English. Its first edition, published in Spanish in 2009, surprised all card magic lovers, due to Dani's philosophy that "Everything happens from the point of view of the audience" (as we
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Chaotic Oil & Water by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 7) (Instant Download) The entire deck is shuffled by the spectators, and they freely grab cards and put them in a pile. Without even touching the cards you make them separate into red and black!
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Thought of Card Location by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 10) (Instant Download) A thought of card revelation that feels like real magic!
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Spectator Finds His Card by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 11) (Instant Download) The most baffling multiple-card selection we have ever seen!
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Chaos and Order by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) Super strong card magic using any ORDINARY DECK. ALL NEW TRICKS. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Photographic Memory by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 2) (Instant Download) The audience divides the cards into red and black in the most unbelievably fair way.
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Imaginary Memorization by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 8) (Instant Download) Name the position of a thought of card from a borrowed shuffled deck!
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 06: Semi-Automatic Card At Number (Instant Download) From complete randomness comes one of the most fooling card miracles we've ever experienced. A masterclass for pros and serious enthusiasts. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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At The Table Live Lecture - Dani DaOrtiz 2 December 21st 2016 video DOWNLOAD Here's a man who needs very little introduction, Dani DaOrtiz. 1/3rd of the world famous "Fat Brothers," the biggest thing about Dani is his magic and ability to entertain a crowd. With influences like Tamariz and Ascanio, Dani's magic is nothing less than finely honed techniques hidden behind a faa
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The Big Coincidence by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 5) (Instant Download) An impossible coincidence! Two spectators mix freely chosen packets and in the end they have the same number of cards.. and the cards are in the same order!!
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Crystal Spelling by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 4) (Instant Download) A thoroughly shuffled deck, and yet the three cards are spelled to with no sleight of hand.
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Semi-Automatic Card Magic by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) 9 Semi-Automatic Tricks by Dani DaOrtiz
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 09 (Instant Download) A borrowed deck is shuffled BY YOUR AUDIENCE. And yet, when someone names a card and a number, it's there. This insanely clever trick fools everyone. 50 min. instructions. A masterclass in card magic.
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One Second by Dani DaOrtiz (ACAAN Project #11) (Instant Download) Truly pro-caliber magic. Impossible to reverse engineer, the secret relies on psychology more than sleights, which makes video by far the best way to learn it. This is a masterclass in card magic.
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Lateral Thought Of Cards Across by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 11) (Instant Download) Lateral Thought Of Cards AcrossDani Daortiz shares with you an unbelievably direct Cards Across routine that will teach you the principles to help develop new effects. A brand new deck is opened, the jokers are removed, and it is handed out, and a spectator deals through half of the deck. The other
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At The Table Live Lecture - Dani DaOrtiz 1 January 28th 2015 video DOWNLOAD We have seen Dani DaOrtiz MELT the minds of his fellow magicians during late-night sessions at conventions time and time again. With a mix of his unique approach to magic thinking, influences from names like Tamariz and Ascanio, and his unconventional and always massively entertaining presentations
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Dani's Collection of Weapons by Dani DaOrtiz video DOWNLOAD Widely known for his seemingly cavalier and carefree style, Legendary magician Dani DaOrtiz shares his three-part collection of "weapons" for the first time ever. Not only will you learn some fantastic tricks, but more importantly, he'll teach all of his subtleties and techniques that take his magic
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 03 (Instant Download) The Impossible ACAAN - The Thought Of CardIn Lesson 3 of The ACAAN Project Danny teaches you the secrets of audience management through an utterly impossible thought of card at thought of number. Multiple members of the audience shuffle the deck. As the deck is reassembled one member of the audience
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 05 (Instant Download) From complete chaos comes one of the most devastating card miracles we've ever seen. A masterclass for pros and serious enthusiasts. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Open Triumph by Dani DaOrtiz video DOWNLOAD The Most Visual Instant in-the-hands Triumph effect on the Planet! A new video release of Dani DaOrtiz! In this video download, he talks about technique, ideas, subtleties and all the theory regarding one of his most representative tricks. Content: Introduction to the effect, story and origin ("The
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Chaotic Triumph by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 6) (Instant Download) Your entire audience participates in an impossible Triumph effect that is practically self-working!
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Semi-Automatic Card Magic Vol. 2 by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) 11 New Semiautomatic tricks by Dani DaOrtiz
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Cemetery of Cards by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) 11 Incredible Torn and restored Routines
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 04 (Instant Download) Four outrageous coincidences in one unforgettable miracle routine using an ORDINARY DECK. Advanced card magic for pros and serious enthusiasts. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 08 (Instant Download) Unlike anything you've seen before. A random number is called out, and AFTER counting to it any card is named. Without any moves, the card is revealed to be the named card.
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Lie Detector by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Chapter 1) (Instant Download) An incredible "secret weapon" that lets you perform this miracle lie-detector test, and MUCH MUCH MORE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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DOUBLE Any Card At Any Number by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 3) (Instant Download) From pure chaos comes a DOUBLE miracle. Cards are shuffled, randomly thought of, and 3 numbers are randomly picked. BOTH chosen cards are EXACTLY at their numbers.
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The Abracadabra Trick by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 6) (Instant Download) Find a card under truly impossible conditions. It's as if cards simply appear when you want them to. Delightful to watch and perform. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Random Selection and Destiny by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 7) (Instant Download) Cards are shuffled by the audience, then any number of cards are dealt by the spectator and the card matches your prediction! Unbelievable! START LEARNING NOW.
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The Vault - Open Triumph by Dani DaOrtiz video DOWNLOAD The Most Visual, Instant, in-the-hands Triumph effect on the Planet! A new video release by Dani DaOrtiz! In this video download, he talks about technique, ideas, subtleties and all the theory regarding one of his most representative tricks. The basic effect is that the deck is comprised of face-up
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Flashback by Dani DaOrtiz (DVD and Gimmick) An IMPOSSIBLE Color Separation that is both EASY to do and visually STUNNING. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Be Visual by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 3) (Instant Download) A multi-phase powerhouse routine that is nearly an act in itself. This lesson teaches you to harness the power of chaos to create giant visuals in the minds of your spectator.
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 02 (Instant Download) Using any 2 decks, find a secretly chosen card at a number randomly selected by your spectators! ORDER ALL 12 TRICKS IN THE SERIES AND SAVE 25%.
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 07 (Instant Download) A masterclass in deception. From two borrowed SHUFFLED decks, you find a chosen card from a randomly chosen number. Dani's subtle psychological secrets elevate this from trick to miracle.
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ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 10 (Instant Download) An impossible miracle created almost entirely by your audience. A card is randomly chosen, and a number randomly named. Not only do you reveal the card but the number too!
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The Pendulum by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 5) (Instant Download) Turn into a human pendulum and miraculously sense a secretly chosen card with seemingly no possible clues! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Thought Of Card At Thought Of Number by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 8) (Instant Download) Thought Of Card At Thought Of NumberSemi-Automatic Weapons Chapter 8:Dani DaOrtiz shares with you a stunning thought of card at thought of number that also serves as a lesson for anyone who wants to have total control while presenting absolute chaos. The trick begins with the spectator shuffling the
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Building Seminar by Dani DaOrtiz COMPLETE (Instant Download) A UNIQUE SEMINAR ON CONSTRUCTION FROM THE DAORTIZ POINT OF VIEWLearn to build your tricks with all of Dani's secrets.DaOrtiz is preparing a special seminar via streaming, with three different chapters, which will talk about the construction and structures that Dani uses to create and structure his r
In stock. $90.00
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Here & Now 2 by Dani DaOrtiz video DOWNLOAD Here & Now IIIt is Dani's live seminar, recorded from his studio and its divided in the following sections:ChaosForcesMiscellaneaInterviewsChaosWorking at HomeIn GroupYou will get four video downloads full with new concepts, techniques and tricks. More than six hours of magic!Welcome to Dani's w
In stock. $60.00
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Here & Now 1 by Dani DaOrtiz video DOWNLOAD These downloads were filmed live, direct from Grupokaps studio. Here you will find Dani's newest material and best-kept secrets. Prepare to be amazed, learn and have fun in the hands of Dani DaOrtiz! Part 1 - NEW EFFECTS I A download loaded with new effects, never before published, with ex
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Pressure Force by Dani DaOrtiz - video DOWNLOAD "Pressure Force is a great lesson in spectator management. Even if you are not into card tricks - the psychology behind Pressure Force is a must-to-learn for every performer! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT!"- Menny Lindenfeld"Dani DaOrtiz needs no introduction. His performances are that of a true m
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The Vault - Pressure Force by Dani Daortiz video Download "Pressure Force is a great lesson in spectator management. Even if you are not into card tricks - the psychology behind Pressure Force is a must-to-learn for every performer! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT!"- Menny Lindenfeld"Dani DaOrtiz needs no introduction. His performances are that of a true m
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Fat Brothers 2 by Dani DaOrtiz, Christian Engblom and Miguel Angel Gea (2 DVD Set) 12 killer tricks from the "The 3 Kings of Magic" -Juan Tamariz NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $60.00
Utopia by Dani DaOrtiz (4 DVD Set) He can wow a convention full of card experts and now he's teaching his unique approach on this GROUNDBREAKING new 8-HOUR DVD set. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE 2 (DVD) One of the best card magicians on the planet came to Penguin LIVE!
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Mi Baraja Personal - Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) Baraja Ordenada de Dani DaOrtiz
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C10 by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) C10 System by Dani DaOrtiz
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The Mirage by Dani DaOrtiz and Luis De Matos - Trick The Mirage is one of Dani DaOrtiz's favourite routines. It is a special deck of cards that combines elements of Hofzinser's Transformation Pack and Robert-Houdin's Protean Pack. It enables the performer to transform a deck of fifty-two different cards into a deck that is all alike. Not just once, bu
Out of stock. $35.00
Here & Now (4 DVD Set) by Dani DaOrtiz - DVD This is Dani DaOrtiz's new DVD set. These DVDs were filmed live, direct from Grupokaps studio. Here you will find Dani's newest material and best-kept secrets. Prepare to be amazed, learn and have fun in the hands of Dani DaOrtiz! DVD 1 - NEW EFFECTS I A DVD loaded with new effects, never before pub
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LAP by Juan Tamariz, Yann Frisch and Dani DaOrtiz - DVD LAP, BY JUAN TAMARIZ, YANN FRISCH, AND DANI DAORTIZ, INCLUDES FIVE DISCS WITH MORE THAN TEN HOURS -- IT IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE WORKS ABOUT THE ART OF LAPPING. DVD 1 - PHILOSOPHY - Dani DaOrtiz's complete philosophy on the lap, from theoretical to the practical details of the lap. Ideas, techniq
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Card in the bottle by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) More than a work about Card in Bottle
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Open Triumph by Dani DaOrtiz - Trick A new video release of Dani Daortiz, in one video he talks about technique, ideas, subtleties and all the theory about one of his most representative tricks. ContentIntroduction to the effect, story and origin ("The Tamariz challenge") TheoryChaos theoryTriumph versus Oil and WaterAbout the color ch
Out of stock. $19.95
ACAAN Project by Dani DaOrtiz Chapter 12 (Instant Download) The Dice Card At NumberIn the final lesson of The ACAAN Project, Dani blows the doors of the place with an incredibly fair card at number that features prediction, dice, two decks, and mind-blowing magic. 8 dice and two decks of cards of different colors are introduced to the audience. One deck is o
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The Forgotten Number by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 2) (Instant Download) An incredible coincidence. Not only do your spectators shuffle, but they roll dice too! And at the same number in 2 packs, 2 different thought-of cards are found.
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The Very Magical Stupid Thing by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 4) (Instant Download) An insane trick where the magician appears to KNOW EVERYTHING. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Synchronized Revelation by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 9) (Instant Download) This shouldn't be possible. The deck is shuffled, then casually cut. A random card is chosen from each and yet both end up in the exact same position. So good it fools magicians, yet self-working!
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Special Coincidence by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 10) (Instant Download) From a mixed up deck, a card is freely chosen, then ANOTHER card is freely chosen, AND THEY MATCH! The best part? It's practically self-working! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Semi-Automatic Transposition by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 12) (Instant Download) The Semi-Automatic TranspositionIn the final lesson of the Semi-Automatic Weapons project Dani DaOrtiz shares with you one of his most cherished techniques. The introduction to this technique is through his Semi-Automatic Transposition. To begin, the magician breaks the deck into four packets and ha
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Here & Now 2 (4 DVD Set) by Dani DaOrtiz - DVD Here & Now IIIt is Dani's live seminar, recorded from his studio and its divided in the following sections:ChaosForcesMiscellaneaInterviewsChaosWorking at HomeIn GroupYou will get four DVDs full with new concepts, techniques and tricks. More than six hours of magic!Welcome to Dani's world!
In stock. $60.00
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Foundations by Dani DaOrtiz (Building Seminar Chapter 1) (Instant Download) A UNIQUE SEMINAR ON CONSTRUCTION FROM THE DAORTIZ POINT OF VIEWLearn to build your tricks with all of Dani's secrets.DaOrtiz is preparing a special seminar via streaming, with three different chapters, which will talk about the construction and structures that Dani uses to create and structure his r
In stock. $30.00
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Building Emotions by Dani DaOrtiz (Building Seminar Chapter 2) (Instant Download) A UNIQUE SEMINAR ON CONSTRUCTION FROM THE DAORTIZ POINT OF VIEWLearn to build your tricks with all of Dani's secrets.DaOrtiz is preparing a special seminar via streaming, with three different chapters, which will talk about the construction and structures that Dani uses to create and structure his r
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Strategies with Structures by Dani DaOrtiz (Building Seminar Chapter 3) (Instant Download) A UNIQUE SEMINAR ON CONSTRUCTION FROM THE DAORTIZ POINT OF VIEWLearn to build your tricks with all of Dani's secrets.DaOrtiz is preparing a special seminar via streaming, with three different chapters, which will talk about the construction and structures that Dani uses to create and structure his r
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Que Raro by Dani DaOrtiz and Christian Englbom - DVD Christian and Dani met for the first time in Spain, 2004. It was love at first sight of each others magic. Half a year later Dani came to Finland to give a lecture, and to film this DVD with Christian. The collection of tricks and techniques on this DVD were the ones Christian and Dani showed each o
Out of stock. $50.00 $38.50
L&D Lennart Green & Dani DaOrtiz - DVD In this brand-new two volume set, we are transported to Dani Daortiz's Spanish studio, where he and card legend Lennart Green alternate with astounding tricks. If there is a loose theme to this collection, it is strong card magic that will play to both small and parlor audiences. Very few ever get t
Out of stock. $40.00
At The Table Live Lecture Dani DaOrtiz 2 - DVD Here's a man who needs very little introduction, Dani DaOrtiz. 1/3rd of the world famous "Fat Brothers," the biggest thing about Dani is his magic and ability to entertain a crowd. With influences like Tamariz and Ascanio, Dani's magic is nothing less than finely honed techniques hidden behind a faa
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.66
The Boundless by Dani DaOrtiz - DVD New routines and a special part of DaOrtiz's techniques. This new work by Dani DaOrtiz contains 9 new routines, in addition to a special chapter on techniques, which Dani uses in many of his routines. He explains how to blend cartain techniques within the natural context of your handlings. ONE MORE
Out of stock. $60.00
Trinity by Dani DaOrtiz - video DOWNLOAD Welcome to Trinity, Dani DaOrtiz's masterclass on control by making it look like you have absolutely no control. It is the perfect blend of chaos, "free choice," and psychology.In Trinity, cards are randomly handed out and shuffled. One person memorizes a card and then all the cards are returned to
In stock. $14.95
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The Boundless by Dani DaOrtiz video DOWNLOAD New routines and a special part of DaOrtiz's techniques. This new work by Dani DaOrtiz contains 9 new routines, in addition to a special chapter on techniques, which Dani uses in many of his routines. He explains how to blend cartain techniques within the natural context of your handlings. ONE MORE
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FIVE (LIMITED) by Dani DaOrtiz - Book Five is Dani DaOrtiz limited edition new book. Only 600 copies where made and was created specially for FISM 2022. Dani has selected four and tricks and a theory essay about his concept "the pillars". Each copy it's numbered and sign by Dani Dani DaOrtiz
Out of stock. $99.95
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