An excellent effect--both versions. HOWEVER---Since most of us will be using it
in strolling and
"table hopping" gigs, the two force cards should NOT have been so
similar (mine were 2 of spades
and 2 of clubs). Many times folks (especially kids)
will watch you perform twice and with two
black deuces it looks as if the same card
(almost) comes up twice in a row. I suggest that one
should be a red and the other
a black card--or if you can only print black, if one is a two, the
other should be a
five or six.
13 of 13 magicians found this helpful.
It's a worker! The magnetic chip gives a moment of misdirection which makes the t** ch****
completely undetectable by the spectator allowing for the kicker to play even stronger! Great
workmanship. However, I wished the chip could be made available with other reveals other than the
11 of 11 magicians found this helpful.
You get two very well-made gimmicks that will last a very long time and allow you to perform three
versions of this effect. Also, as delivered, it allows you to repeat the effect with two different
outcomes, for example at adjacent tables at a restaurant. That kind of part is a minor annoyance and
I wish the card revealed were more different between the two versions. However, Erik provides sound
instruction on modifying the gimmicks you have or making a version of your own where the outcomes
can be more different.
Beyond the gimmicks and effects, Erik provides excellent
instructions for EVERY aspect of every version. He does this in a way that is both clear and
interesting. There is one move that shows up in a lot of effects and some people may be
uncomfortable trying. I won’t name it because that would be revealing part of the method. However,
his instruction on this, as with everything else in the video, is as outstanding. Andl, much like
Paul Green's "The Odds Are With Me" provides the world's best place to practice a classic force
(actually two of them), each of the Lucky Coin routines provide a spot where you can do this move
that is so well covered there is no way to get burned.
Erik even spends some time
explaining something that I’ve known about for the past 30+ years and have never seen explained.
While I can’t say any of that part was new, it was certainly never laid out in as clear a fashion.
Even if you wind up not performing any version of this, though you probably will, you will
walk away a better performer for having watched his instruction.
10 of 10 magicians found this helpful.
I was fortunate enough to be gifted this wonderful little package from Erik when he and I met
several months ago, and I immediately went home and watched the tutorial. If you are a working
magician that specializes in close-up performance (i.e. bar work, table-hopping, strolling, etc.)
you would be smart to add this to your arsenal. Yes, there are MANY effects on the market, but VERY
FEW of them have the versatility and impact that Erik's "Ultimate Lucky Coin" does, and with such
little effort. The sleight-of-hand required to make the gimmick work is minimal, but the reactions
are VERY strong. Erik's creation is a winner and I'm proud to own it - now you can too.
10 of 14 magicians found this helpful.
Really pleased with this effect. There's a bit of sleight work, but nothing too challenging.
Totally worth keeping in your pocket.
6 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
Erik has taken a throwaway gag and turned it into some fun magic that I will always have with me.
Great fun when you are out with friends but would also work tableside. I have had a lot of fun with
this and well worth the price. The instructions are great and easy to follow.
5 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
This is an excellent effect. My one criticism is that the two routines (with and without the
magnetic gimmick) should use a very different card. Mine uses a two
of spades and two of clubs.
If you do strolling magic, some people may see you
perform twice--and might assume it is the
same card each time, thus destroying
any assumption they get a free choice. The two cards should
be different colors
or at least a two of clubs and a five or seven of spades.
this if you intend to make more copies.
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
This is one of those tricks that hits the market from time to time and is so generically appealing
to the masses that we jump all over it and there's a good reason for that...It's a great trick!! The
trick is easy to perform, easy to follow, enjoyable by a wide variety of ages and very magical. The
props supplied are first class, nice weight and feel. Thank's to Erik Tait and P.M. Happy New Year
to All! Peace from S. Oregon...
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
First things first, Erik is a buddy. I swear to you, though, he has not asked me to write a review.
Also, if I didn't like Lucky Coin, I just wouldn't have written a review (you know, so it wouldn't
be awkward between us). I don't do a lot of reviews, mostly because I'm lazy, but this absolutely
deserves a review. So here goes...
What a great trick! I've performed this once. It was for
my wife. She's seen a lot of magic and to be honest, she's a bit numb to it. Her reaction was,
"WOW!", but not like a sarcastic "wow" like I'm used to hearing from her when I perform my most
recent miracle. She was REALLY impressed. She even picked the coin up and studied it for a few
seconds. As she walked away she said, "That was so good, it makes me wanna make out with you". Not
really, but that would have been awesome.
Spend the $40 and add this to your walk around
right away. You will not be disappointed.
4 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
I have performed this six times in a parlor type environment. Each time I have presented this the
audience was blown away. In the words of Harry Lorayne, “it’s a grasper”.
Things you
should consider: this routine requires a force and a top change is required. However the
missdirection is so strong at the moment you execute the top change you could exchange the card in
question for a one with a different colored back without being noticed by the audience. So if your
top change sucks it’s still OK :-)
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.