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"Gabriel Werlen will go down in history as one of the 21st Century's greatest mentalism creators. Bold words I know, but easy to for me to say because I have seen, read and studied his material. Gabriel has also fooled me more times than any mentalist I have ever met. And his material isn't just fooling, it's also delightfully clever, the 'puts-a-grin-on-your-face-when-you-perform-it' kind of clever. There's no doubt that his Penguin lecture will shoot straight to the top of many people's Favourite Lecture of All Time list, and so it should." - Mark Elsdon
“Gabriel is one of my all-time favourite creators. Everything he releases is GOLD!” - Michael Murray
"I love Gabriel's approach to mentalism. His subtle, and sneaky, methods are a joy to discover in a lecture packed full of real-world tested routines." - Jon Allen
“Inexplicable and deeply fooling mysteries that will make your audience’s head spin. Created by the diabolical mind of the Werlen Dervish!” - Raj Madhok
“To See Garbriel is to be fooled. Ingenious, practical, fooling thinking” - Tim Trono
"Combining new sophisticated principles with smart presentations, Gabriel amazed me over and over again. I didn't stand a chance." - John Bannon
“In Mentalism, the path I chose to walk is a little traveled one, one that but a few are taking. For his obsession with psychology, his attention to detail and for the subtlety of his ploys, Gabriel is definitely a traveling companion. I believe that his work will inspire you” - Phedon Bilek
"Gabriel Werlen's 'Green Neck System' is a testament to his genius. With practical performance ideas that captivate and innovate, he stands as a true visionary in the field.” - Paul Brook
"I adore Gabriel, he is a genius! I got and studied all of his work and use parts of it in my active repertoire and work all the time. It is that good! His "Green Neck System" (look out for his second book!) is unbelievable and incredibly versatile. Juice for your brain and creativity! Truly my highest recommendation! " - Jan Forster
Gabriel Werlen is your favorite mentalists’ mentalist. He’s the mind behind The Green Neck System, an incredible method that allows you to perform some of the most powerful propless mentalism ever conceived. With just a few questions and simple statements, he can divine what you are thinking, the decisions you have made, and even what actions you will take in the future. Now, Gabriel is here to lay not only his favorite methods bare but introduce you to brand new concepts that are guaranteed to set the world of mentalism on fire. You’re about to become privy to some of the greatest secrets in mentalism in Gabriel Werlen’s Penguin Live Lecture.
Here is just a taste of what you will learn:
A new unpublished spin-off of the Green Neck System. A devious method for locating a participant's selected card from ten or more possibilities.
Setting The Table
This introduction to the Green Neck System allows you to know exactly which piece of silverware the spectator has chosen just in their mind. This is just the start of your propless mentalism journey.
Three transparent glasses and invisible colored balls are mixed up, and yet the performer knows exactly where the invisible colored balls are located. This incredible feat makes it truly appear as though you can look inside the mind of your spectator.
A Colorful Introduction
A paper ball is tossed out, and a person is given an opportunity to choose any color, and impossibly, the freely named color is chosen. This is not just a great way to start a show but also an excellent way to invite a spectator on stage.
The Loser Wins
Gabriel shares many variations on this principle so that you can turn confirmations of information into miracles. Predict coin flips, know which hand something is hidden in, and so much more.
This variation on Kenton Knepper’s Kolossal Killer uses a single small envelope and clever language to predict a single thought of playing card. It’s an exact hit every time. A mix of luck and intuition that keeps the spectator under your control.
Heads I Win Tails You Lose
A spectator imagines a coin flip and the magician successfully determines the outcome well before the spectator even thinks of the coin. This effect has a killer kicker to prove how good the magician is at predicting coion flips.
The Consolation Prize
A Bank Night routine that uses the Schroedinger Principle for a sure fire win for the magician every time. A game that is foreshaddowed from the beginning of the show turns into a knockout effect that is the perfect closer for any mentalism show.
In addition to these effects, you will be introduced to Werlen’s brand new concept, The Schrodinger Principle. This flips the concept of Dual Reality on its head and allows you to use just words to accomplish incredible mentalism that is impossible for your audience to backtrack. You’ll not only get introduced to the concept but learn incredible effects that allow you to predict how chosen numbers, imaginary coin flips, and even someone’s future.
Gabriel Werlen holds nothing back. This in-depth lecture, hosted by Erik Tait, shares some of the secrets that he’s only shared with the world’s top mind-readers. Almost everything can be performed without props or gimmicks, the concepts are easy to follow once you understand the principles, and you can give your audience one of the most authentic displays of mind-reading the world has ever seen. Prepare to harness the power of The Green Neck System with Gabriel Werlen’s Penguin Live Lecture.
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