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Extreme Card Magic Volume 1 by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD

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And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch's Extreme CARD Magic - Card magic . . . with the emphasis on MAGIC!

There are card tricks . . . you know the ones - the pick-a-card-any-card affairs that are usually boring to perform and even more so to watch. Then there's card magic . . . where the cards do impossible things as if they had a life of their own. Effects like these are a joy to perform and mind-boggling and thoroughly entertaining to watch. This is the realm of Joe Rindfleisch.

The man behind the very popular Extreme Rubber Band Magic and Extreme Coin Magic DVDs, is back and this time, he's turning his creative energies towards the pasteboards.

In this two-volume series, you'll see - and learn - some of the most innovative and intertaining card magic ever created.

This is card magic - to the extreme!



MAGIC COIN - Joe's eclectic approach to Paul Curry's classic Open Prediction.

10 MATE - A wonderful effect where two cards of like color and value are found by the performer and the spectator. Virtually self-working!

HOMING CARD - A classic given the Rindfleisch treatment! An Ace repeatedly jumps from the table back to a packet of cards held in the performer's hand. It ends with a finish that you-and your spectators-won't believe!

HALF-MOON RISING (Joe Rindfleisch & Gene Maze) - A beautiful (and impromptu!) rising card miracle.

PROCESS OF ELIMIN-ACE-TION - Joe combines Twisting the Aces with Hofzinzer's Four Ace Problem and gets a winning combination!

RUB IT IN THEIR NOSE - A gambling expose where the performer beats four Aces with a Royal Flush. But how? By cheating, of course!

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Joe... Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 4th, 2010
He is SUCH a clever guy...

...but he CAN'T perform at ALL. All of his DVDs will put you STRAIGHT to sleep.

Regardless, this DVD does have some really good, original routines that I am currently doing, so that is why it gets 4 stars from me.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Some very good tricks. Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 24th, 2023
Do not copy the presentation of Joe's tricks! Joe's presentation is very boring. Furthermore, Joe is not at ease with the handling of cards (always the same control, not at ease with the faro shuffle, several odd displays of a packet of cards on the deck) compared to other magicians as Bill Malone, Darwin Ortiz, etc. Sometimes you can replace some techniques by better ones. However, I give 4 stars, as there are some very good and original tricks (my prefered tricks : half-moon rising, penciltration, collect call, overly ambitious).
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