Invisible Deck Red (Bicycle) Performed on National Television! You will get absolutely enormous reactions every time. This effect is simple to perform... It's almost TOO POWERFUL!!! Highly Recommended
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Invisible Deck Blue (Bicycle) Performed on National Television! You will get absolutely enormous reactions every time. This effect is simple to perform... It's almost TOO POWERFUL!!! Highly Recommended
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Tarbell 81: Modern Stage Magic (Instant Download) Tricks, devices, and routines adapted to work on the modern stage of today.
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Memento Mori Invisible Deck - Trick The #1 selling custom playing cards, Memento Mori, is now available as Invisible Decks! Incredibly EASY TO DO --but oh so powerful, the new Memento Mori Invisible Decks will allow you to perform magic that has been on national TV... but with your own unique style. Ask a spectator to THINK of ANY car
In stock. $14.95 $12.86
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Invisible Playing Cards by Madam Adelie (3 PACK) A bear trap to organically get into the Invisible Deck. Leave this magical empty box on your table and your guests will do the rest.
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Omni Case by Laurent Villiger and Gentlemen's Magic - Trick What if your card case could become completely transparent in a blink of an eye, with only one playing card, the one chosen and signed by the spectator! TOTALLY UNEXPECTED, EXTREMELY VISUAL Laurent Villiger is the third creator to join the Gentlemen's Magic team. More than a trick, Omni Case is a to
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Utterly Invisible by Rob Ellinger (Instant Download) Make your invisible deck routine TRULY invisible with this bold new take on one of the great card effects
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Rostrum by Jared Arroyo (Instant Download) A mind bending full deck suspension with a borrowed pack of cards
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Intuition by AMG Magic (Instant Download) Invisible Cards + A Deck of 51= A Humorous Mentalism Routine
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Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Invisible Deck) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
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Look No Hands by Wayne Dobson - Book 10 Incredible Hands Off routines The one condition I set myself in developing these routines is that effects would not be diluted just because they were 'Hands Off' - in fact, if anything, they would become stronger. Well they did become stronger, much stronger! A couple of these routines have been
Out of stock. $25.00
Mint by Area52 video DOWNLOAD The Invisible Deck. Reimagined from scratch. The Invisible Deck is a classic in magic. The spectator names any card, and it is revealed to be the only card facing the other way in the deck. An extreme display of skill and mentalism, the Invisible Deck is a crowd favorite. It's one of the tricks that
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Readily Available by ZF & Himitsu Magic - Trick The magician first shows a bottle filled with a beverage, along with a "transparent straw." Then, when the audience expects the magician to place the straw into the drink, they are surprised - it begins sucking up the liquid while held in the air, not the bottle! And, the liquid in the bottle gradua
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Card Magic Masterclass (False Shuffles and Cuts) by Roberto Giobbi - DVD Introducing THE best way to build a card magic foundation. Twenty years ago, Roberto Giobbi, card magic's most distinguished author, wrote Card College, a series of books now considered THE Bibles on card magic. This DVD teaches a full collection of false shuffles and cuts, all curated by Roberto hi
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