Christopher Carter LIVE (Instant Download) One of our highest rated products of all time. Learn the material that Christopher Carter uses to earn a living. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Think of One by Allan Kronzek (Instant Download) One of the strongest tricks you can possibly do. From a borrowed shuffled deck, you find a MERELY THOUGHT-OF CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Gazzo's Tossed Out Deck (Rider Back Deck) One of the greatest card tricks in the history of magic. Road tested, refined and CROWD ready. Most highly recommended!
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Tarbell 25: Sleight of Hand with Cards (Instant Download) Learn sleight-of-hand AND immediately see how you can ENTERTAIN with it. A TWO HOUR lesson that will take your card magic to the next level.
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Penguin Magic Monthly: March 2023 (Magazine) The Taco Card issue! Introducing a brand new card gaff makes cards vanish, appear, and turn over without any sleight of hand!
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Dry Roasted by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) Transform coffee into beans in your empty hand! An unforgettable fooler from master of close-up magic. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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DeLand's Centennial Edition (Collector's Set) A pair of 100-year-old marked decks, recreated and improved for the 21st century. Designed by Phill Smith, printed by USPCC. 0 IN STOCK.
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CARD IN FIRE by Patricio Teran (Instant Download) The spectator takes a card but the magician does not find the selection so he burns a piece of paper and the chosen card appears on the card, and the returns to normality, this impressive effect is explained step by step by Patricio Teran. Without a doubt, a great trick that you cannot miss in your
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Gazzo's Tossed Out Deck (DVD Download) One of the greatest card tricks in the history of magic. Road tested, refined and CROWD ready. Most highly recommended!
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Juggling - From Antiquity to the Middle Ages the forgotten history of throwing and catching
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As The Crow Flies book I am proud to offer "As the Crow Flies", a new book of magic routines for restaurant performers by my pal Raymonde Crow. I edited and produced the book as well as shooting the photos for it (lots of 'em!). I have also seen Raymonde perform this material in restaurants for lay-audiences, and it is, i
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2018 Madison Edition of The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase and Neema Atri This is a very special 2018 Madison Edition of The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase... Artist Neema Atri has taken every one of M.D. Smith's original drawings of Erdnase's hands and modified them by giving Erdnase the tattooed hands of Daniel Madison! It is the perfect addition to any Madiso
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