The Vault - Gerard on Hoy by Andrew Gerard video DOWNLOAD Learn the world's greatest un-gimmicked, impromptu, anytime anywhere book test! Plus 3 incredible new routines based on the Hoy principal from Andrew Gerard. Bro Gilbert joins Andrew Gerard on this first installment of their studio sessions series for a no nonsense, no hype, jam session on David Hoy
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The Vault - Energy Bill by Andrew Gerard video DOWNLOAD The performer offers a demonstration of human energy. A bill is borrowed, signed, and placed on the table. Held at the performer's fingertips, the bill starts to move. The performer lets go of the bill and steps a few feet away... the bill continues to move! Finally, the performer gestures and the b
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The Vault - FIFTY 50 by Andrew Gerard from Conscious Magic Episode 2 video DOWNLOAD 50/50 effects (where the odds are 50/50 that the mentalist will predict correctly) only matter when something of value is put on the line. In FIFTY 50, Andrew puts $100 on the line and wagers whether the spectator will pick up the bill with their left or right hand. He always gets it right! This is
In stock. $10.00
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The Vault - The Process by Andrew Gerard (Two Volume) video DOWNLOAD Here's the invisible framework and formula that may profoundly change the way you perform, create, and even THINK about magic! Andrew Gerard sits down with longtime friend, Bro Gilbert, and for the first time, reveals all of the above. Gerard shows 5 effects that incorporate The Process. Light Room
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The Scryer Project (2 DVD Set) by Andrew Gerard, Richard Webster and Paul Romhany - DVD The most anticipated DVD project of 2014 featuring Andrew Gerard, Richard Webster and Paul Romhany Two DVD over two and a half hours of material that is a masterclass in performance and knowledge. Neal Scryer has been described as the most influential mentalist since Annemann. Both Richard Webster a
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The Vault - Conscious Magic Episode 1 by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink video DOWNLOAD Mentalism at its finest! If you enjoy performing and creating the illusion of reading your spectator's mind, this is for you! "Gerard has been the greatest influence on my professional career to date. His presentation of Out of This World is the only one I use - I tried to duct tape his mouth to kee
In stock. $25.00
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The Process by Andrew Gerard (DVD) Andrew Gerard sits down with longtime friend, Bro Gilbert, and for the first time, reveals the invisible framework and formula, that may profoundly change the way you perform, create and even THINK about magic.Gerard shows 5 effects that incorporate The Process.The information contained in these DVD
Out of stock. $100.00 $75.00
Limited Deluxe Edition Conscious Magic Episode 1 (T-Rex and Real World plus Gimmicks) with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard - DVD The Limited Deluxe Edition includes a genuine set of LoopsSupplies are limited!"Gerard has been the greatest influence on my professional career to date. His presentation of Out of This World is the only one I use - I tried to duct tape his mouth to keep it to myself but alas Ran Pink removed the ta
Out of stock. $35.00
Conscious Magic Episode 2 (Get Lucky, Becoming, Radio, Fifty 50) with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard - DVD "When I see Ran or Andrew's name on a product, I instantly want to learn it because I know it's going to be well thought out and above all, a real world worker. To hear Ran and AG have now joined forces on a series of products has got me very excited. My order is in as should yours be! Their routine
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Conscious Magic Episode 3 (Accuracy, STFU, The Formula and White Room) with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard - DVD "When I see Ran's or Andrew's name on a product, I instantly want to learn it because I know it's going to be well thought out and, above all, a real-world worker. To hear Ran and AG have now joined forces on a series of products has got me very excited. My order is in as should yours be! Their rout
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OCD Deck by Andrew Gerard and SansMinds - Trick This deck does everything for you and you can even perform it surrounded. Imagine having the spectator holding a shuffled deck of playing cards along with their signed card somewhere in the deck. They shake the deck, and the entire deck, including their signed card, rearranges itself back into new d
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Conscious Magic Episode 5 (Know Technology, Deja Vu, Dreamweaver, Key Accessory, and Bidding Around) with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard - DVD "Ran and Andrew share some serious secrets to performing real world material. This is my kind of magic!" - Dynamo "Our mission with Conscious Magic is to elevate the art of magic by empowering the performer to have a deeper insight into the process of creating, performing and even thinking about mag
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Real Time by Andrew Gerard - Trick EffectA broken pocket watch is displayed and proved to the audience that it does NOT work. A spectator is selected and shown that the watch hands spin when the stem is pulled, but that's all. It is held to the spectator's ear, but as the watch is broken it does not tick and the hands don't move. The
Out of stock. $199.00 $149.25
Key Accessory by Andrew Gerard - Trick This effect has been said by many to be the most powerful Metal Bending Routine in existence, a personal experience for someone and a souvenir like no other... EffectSeveral keys and colored rubber bands are shown. A spectator freely selects a key. The key is initialed on one side by the spectator a
Out of stock. $75.00 $56.25
Mind Waves (3 DVD Set) by Andrew Gerard - DVD This 3 DVD set by Andrew Gerard is a complete look at everything you will need to know about performing mentalism on the radio, from gaining publicity locally in your area to promoting your show.On these DVDs Andrew Gerard explains the effects thoroughly leaving no question unanswered. Audio clips o
In stock. $60.00 $49.20
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Ice From Water by Andrew Gerard - Trick EffectThe performer places a clear glass of water on the table. With sleeves rolled up and both hands shown empty, the performer reaches into the water and pulls out his hand in a closed fist, opens it, and ice appears... Again, the performer shows his hand empty, reaches into the water, closes his
Out of stock. $75.00 $56.25
Falling For You by Andrew Gerard - Trick "Very rarely do I feel that I have created a new plot in card magic that is unique and baffling. This effect and presentation I feel is both..."- Andrew Gerard EffectA spectator is shown a small bunch of cards and is asked to remember one. The cards are mixed and dropped to the ground by a spectator
Out of stock. $8.35 $6.51
Street Cents by Andrew Gerard - Trick EffectThe performer gives a spectator his/her business card folded up and asks them to place it in their pocket for later. Then a game of "which coin in the hand" is played 5 times in a row and a score is kept of the spectator's hits and misses. The performer asks the spectator to remove the busines
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Cardiac by Andrew Gerard - Trick EffectInvite a spectator to take your pulse. To ensure there is nothing restricting your pulse, allow them to check under your arms and examine your arms completely. They will agree there are no devices on you. Ask them to find your pulse. When they have it, ask them to snap their fingers along with
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Accuracy by Andrew Gerard - Trick EffectThe performer places a one dollar bill and a one hundred dollar bill on the table along with a quarter. The spectator is asked to spin the quarter on the table while the performer's back is turned. When the quarter comes to rest the spectator is asked to remember which side is up. The spectato
Out of stock. $24.99 $18.74
Psyche by Andrew Gerard - DVD EffectIt starts with a coin from their pocket; it bends in their hand and in front of their the end they are left with a bent coin they signed. Andrew Gerard's dirty little secret is OUT! No bending devices are used during the performance of this effect...The only thing that gets bent is y
In stock. $45.00 $34.65
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Energy Bill by Andrew Gerard - DVD EffectThe performer offers a demonstration of Human Energy. A bill is borrowed, signed and placed on the table. Held at the performer's fingertips, the bill starts to move. The performer lets go of the bill and steps a few feet away... the bill continues to move! Finally the performer gestures and t
Out of stock. $45.00 $34.65
REFILL Ice From Water by Andrew Gerard - Trick Refill for Ice From Water Trick by Andrew Gerard
Out of stock. $22.00 $16.50
Scratch And Grin by Andrew Gerard - Trick If you have ever wanted to predict a REAL scratch and win lotto ticket for your audience, now you can! Andrew Gerard is giving you an amazingly simple and clever tool to add to your arsenal. You can predict a scratch and win ticket held in a spectator's hand from across a room! This method is 100% s
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
REFILL for Scratch and Grin by Andrew Gerard - Trick Refill for Andrew Gerard's Scratch and Grin.
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
VANISH Magazine December 2014/January 2015 - Andrew Gerard eBook DOWNLOAD Issue 17: From the Editor by Paul Romhany  News by Nick Lewin Andrew Gerard Interview by Paul Romhany The Importance of Wonder by Ben Robinson Entertaining Kids by Tim Mannix Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde Delusional Illusionists Part 2 by Jeff Hobson Micky Hades: A Passion for Magic b
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Conscious Magic Trilogy (Vol 1 thru 3) with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard - DVD Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink Present: CMTrilogy CONSCIOUS MAGIC EPISODES 1-2-3 "Ran and Andrew share some serious secrets to performing real world material. This is my kind of magic!" - Dynamo This critically acclaimed series is now available in a Limited-Edition Box Set. With over 4 hours of real wor
Out of stock. $75.00
The Vault - Psyche by Andrew Gerard video DOWNLOAD They will swear they felt their coin bend in their own hand! And there's more! It starts with a coin from their pocket; it bends in their hand and in front of their eyes. At the end, they are left with a bent coin they signed. Andrew Gerard's dirty little secret is OUT! No bending devices are used d
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Conscious Magic Episode 4 (Trip, Red Hot Pocket, Right and Shadow Stick) with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard - DVD "Ran and Andrew share some serious secrets to performing real world material. This is my kind of magic!" - Dynamo In this series, Ran and Andrew reveal their go-to routines that they perform in real-life casual situations such as bars, house parties, and on the street. Not only do they teach new eff
In stock. $35.00 $33.25
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