Mr Has only performs real card magic that happens to be self working. I discovered his work here at
Penguin with his version of OOTW. Based on the reaction I receive from performing his OOTW, I placed
that effect in my top 5 SW card magic effects. While I have yet to perform The Friendship Game, I am
confident it will take first or second place in my self working card magic repertoire. Larry Hass'
skill as an instructor is second only to his skill as a magician. The video and audio is first class
during his instruction. Every detail is covered to my satisfaction. The 2 Penguin downloads from
Larry Hass that I have are perfect for my performance style. Don't care much for card slight of hand
magic, but highly recommend The Friendship Game to all who have or have not mastered a variety of
card slights.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
I was skeptical at first after viewing the trailer video. The procedure is similar to the Predixion
effect which I have purchased here and have enjoyed. What I saw in the trailer here seemed
impossible in some cases, because I know how the other one works.
Well, after having purchased
The Friendship Game, I am thrilled with the clever enhancements that Larry Hass has added to this
that make it appear even more impossible!
And it is great because it is a no set-up and no
sleight effect that is easy to do yet it can be stunning to see.
And it does not require the 2nd
prepared deck that Predixion does.
However, I am not knocking Predixion. I have had a lot of fun
with it.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
I bought this to discover Dr. Hass’ twist on the ending that allows them to deal in any order. I’m
pleased with his addition but not quite as impressed with it as he is. No harm, no foul. We’re all a
bit precious with our own ideas. If you like the demo and premise, I think you’ll enjoy this
routine. For me, I think Gemini Twins fits the premise even better and is slightly more fooling, so
I’m going to take the presentation I learned here and apply it to that method.
This is a very good effect, very quick to learn, and simple to perform. I don't find it as strong as
others in Larry's series, so I don't perform it very often. Under the proper circumstances and with
the right participants, though, it works like a charm.
There was one time when the only
deck of cards nearby was an Uno deck, and I actuality think it made the effect stronger because I
could pull out exact duplicates of the cards my helpers would select. The only ones you'll have to
fudge are the zeroes since there is only one zero of each color in the deck.
Excellent download. Larry Hass explains in detail not just how do to do the trick but gives helpful
tips on presentation. Only have done it once for two friends and got a "Wow, that's good."
response. I'll be doing it a lot for others now. Glad I bought this Penguin Magic trick.
Very easy to perform. Once I learned the method, I kicked myself for not having figured it out. Well
Larry est , comme à son habitude, très pédagogue. Il nous explique une formidable routine que l'on
s'imagine à jouer entouré d'une famille lors d'un mariage, ou seul avec un couple d'amoureux. Tout
y est expliqué en détail et notamment l'approche psychologique de toutes les phases.
Un bonheur
à présenter.
Merci Larry. Je cours acheter vos autres vidéos sur Penguin
Solid take on some old techniques, put to good use.
Great trick. Easy to perform and really hard to work back. Tricks with regular borrowed decks are
the best
I have changed over to mostly mentalism from other stiles of Magic because I play to older adults.
This bit is really good for taking up time and giving a strong peace of Magic.My number one reason I
do mentalism is 1. I’m older and not a suave locking magician for Dove work or box tricks. 2. I’m
getting lazy and like to pack small and play the stage or parlor room. This is one of the best bits
out there.