Destiny Deal by Craig Petty Just follow the instructions, and the best magic trick your audience has ever seen will just... happen! Any card they want will be at any number they name! The best part? Use a borrowed shuffled deck!
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Position Impossible by Brent Braun Find a thought-of card at ANY number. Brent has been closing his shows with this for over 5 years. NEW MULTI-PHASE GREG WILSON ROUTINE NOW INCLUDED.
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MACAAN by Matt Mello Presented by Craig Petty (Instant Download) The Any-Card-At-Any-Number for workers. Perfect for walkaround, and a true reputation-maker. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Brain Child by Kyle Purnell (Red) A miracle PLUS a kicker ending. A card is merely thought-of, and then found at a randomly named number by your spectator! And that's not even the kicker! ONLY 38 LEFT.
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Final Destination by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) So deeply deceptive it fools even the cleverest audiences. And the kicker ending FRIES EVERYONE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Where It Has To Go by Rick Lax (Instant Download) They freely choose how the trick will end. YOU make it happen. A stunning miracle that turns card magic on its head. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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SCASN: Secret Card at Secret Number by Chris Westfall (Instant Download) A number is SECRETLY thought of, and a card SECRETLY thought of. SCASN brings them together! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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"The Magician" That Became "The Mentalist" by Dustin Dean (Instant Download) A collection of workable material and ideas.
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Be Visual by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 3) (Instant Download) A multi-phase powerhouse routine that is nearly an act in itself. This lesson teaches you to harness the power of chaos to create giant visuals in the minds of your spectator.
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Wrong Turn by David Jonathan (Instant Download) A Stunning ACAAN With An Unexpected Kicker Twist!
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Quadrare Caan Opus by Diamond Jim Tyler (DVD) Two amazing effects into one stellar stand-up showpiece.
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Close Up From Far Away by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) 10 More Tricks From "The Budget"
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The Andrich Reverse a'CAAN by Paul Andrich (Instant Download) An extremely stunning yet easy to learn Any Card At Any Number (A'CAAN)
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SCAARN by Steven Daniels (Instant Download) Impromptu freely selected card at any random number
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Blank ACAAN - by Matt Pilcher (Instant Download) ACAAN - The way it should have always been done!
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Simple Sleightless ACAAN 2.0 by Abhinav Bothra (eBook + Video) (Instant Download) One of the simplest method of performing the Holy Grail of Card Magic
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vACAANt by Area52 (Instant Download) The best ACAAN out there. Quote us on it.
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The Empirical ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra (Instant Download) An engaging version of Any Card At Any Number
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CAANTASTIC by Abhinav Bothra (PDF + Video) (Instant Download) CARD AT ANY NUMBER ON STEROIDS
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Impossible ACAAN by Himitsu Magic - Trick This is a multi-purpose magic prop that looks like a normal paper pad. But it can be used to perform many tricks. It is a very useful tool!! The video shows one idea, whereby you perform an Impossible ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) effect. Your spectator shuffles a deck of cards. They are then prese
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FLUKE by Wayne Dobson - Trick A red deck and a blue deck is shown, and one chosen by a spectator, say the red deck.The spectator now calls out a number from 1 to 52, say 18.You open the blue deck and find there is one card reversed in the deck, which is placed unseen on the top of the deck. The spectator now opens his red deck,
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At the Table Live Lecture Cameron Francis - DVD As a close up magician, Cameron is well known for his off-beat, quirky style of magic. He has performed all over the country including the Close Up Gallery of the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. He is also a regular performer at Wizardz Magic Theater in Orlando. His appearance At The Table i
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Real World ACAAN by Jonathan Royle Mixed Media DOWNLOAD The short video performance on this page is a true and accurate recording of exactly what your audience and also those participating in this ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) experiment will perceive and witness when you perform this remarkable routine. Perhaps even more importantly, it is how all thos
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At The Table Live 2 Alan Rorrison - DVD He is one of the world's leading consultants for televised magic and stage productions. He also has a reputation for creating strong, hard-hitting, real world magic, with a specialty using technology in his effects and amazing card work. We have finally convinced him to reveal some of the secrets an
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Routines Matter by T. Lewis & P. Willmarth - Book This amazing book presents 40 stand-up and close-up routines as used By Trevor in his adult club and close-up performances. Also includes a section on MC advice and material you can and will use. So much to choose from, as you delve into effects that are not only fun to perform, but have a big impac
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CAAN - Change At Any Number by Zack Lach video DOWNLOAD An amazing trick -- you change the spectator's card without touching anything!! The spectator selects any card and it is lost in the deck. They then select any number between 1 and 52. The random card found at that position is then placed face up at that number. Upon counting again, that random card
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BD31 by Joe Fox and The Magic Apple - Trick AN AWESOME "CARD AT ANY NUMBER" EFFECT! A folded birthday card is shown, and is in plain view throughout the routine. You ask your spectator for the DAY on which their birthday falls. The SPECTATOR deals the cards, one at a time, until they reach that exact number (day). The cards before and after t
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
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