Tarbell 44: Rabbit and Dove Magic (Instant Download) Get ready for some apparatus magic as we take a look at the world of Mini-Illusions!
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Barehanded Dove Production (Invisible Dove Harness) by Andy Amyx This is a great harness for bare handed productions. This harness design is very safe for your birds and is used by many top professionals. These are perfect for effects such as dove in balloon, fire to dove, and the dove split
Out of stock. $28.00 $22.96
Fielding West Comedy Magic Show - DVD Fielding West is not only a magician's magician, but he possesses that very rare and impeccable sense of comedic timing that has landed him the opening spot for some of the biggest names in show business. A winner in the prestigious Desert Magic Seminar's Comedy Magic competition, Fielding has opene
In stock. $70.00 $66.50
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Dove Harness (Newspaper) by Mr. Magic - Trick A professional standard dove harness for trouble-free production of a live dove. Made from silk material with a newspaper print and complete with a Velcro strap, three snap fasteners, and a rivet.
Out of stock. $6.84 $5.61
Behind the Seams by Tony Clark (DVD) Leaning Dove Magic made easy!
In stock. $34.95 $29.98
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Classic Dove Pan SS by Mr. Magic - Trick Audiences love when you magically produce items, especially live ones! This is beautifully made for the production of a dove, bunny, silks, streamers or spring flowers. Show that nothing is in the pan. Place the lid on and immediately remove it, revealing your magical production! Ideal for stage sho
Out of stock. $57.44 $47.10
Sponge Doves (1 Pair) by Alan Wong - Trick These foam doves will leave your audience roaring! Turn one dove to two doves. A great finish for any sponge prop act, the foam doves are definitely a crowd-pleaser. Comes with two foam doves. Dimensions Approximately 7 3/4" x 4 1/4" x 2 1/2" (19.69cm x 10.795cm x 6.35cm)
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Ultimate Dove Loop Holder by Dan Sperry - Trick This loop holder locks your loops into place no matter if they are wire or fishing line loops. Just pin this gimmick into your jacket and you'll never have to worry about "fishing" for your loops again.
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.20
Dimmare's The Dove Whisperer (2 DVD Set) by James Dimmare and The Miracle Factory - DVD One of the greatest performers of dove magic of our time, Dimmare shares his most precious insights into dove magic and working with birds in The Dove Whisperer, his new 2-DVD set! Never before have so many intricate details been revealed about dove work! You will not only learn to perform more star
Out of stock. $60.00
Electric Dove by JL - Trick The electric dove is a great stage prop that appears to be the real thing.If you want to give the illusion of using a bird in your show then this is for you. Runs on 2 AAbatteries.
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Secrets of Bird Magic Vol. 1 by Dave Womach Secrets of Bird Magic Volume 1 features many new concepts with birds, including the exploding dove vanish, impromptu parakeet from Kleenex, and many, many more. Learn the beginning steps of how to train your parrot for a show. Everything you'll need to know to get your birds into your 1st show! Amaz
Out of stock. $50.00
Secrets of Bird Magic Vol. 2 by Dave Womach - DVD Now, nearly a decade after its original release, Secrets Of Bird Magic still proves to be the best and only DVD for learning how to do many different steals with your parrot, including basics of how to get your parrot to go into a harness! Features live show footage from backstage, so you can see ho
Out of stock. $50.00
Falcon Flight by John Calvert & The Miracle Factory Over 90 Minutes of MaterialOne-hour film of Calvert's 1995 evening show30-minute Calvert interviewTwenty classic Calvert effects performed Hosted by Jeff Hobson From Hobson's Lecture Network Archives Highlights include:Opening: Dove-Catching, Bowl of Water Production, Two-Girl Appearance, Silk Strea
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Wings by Amos Levkovitch & The Miracle Factory 75 Minutes of Expert Dove Magic SecretsInsights on Dove Effects, Training, and CareIngenious Production TechniquesLive Amos dove performance Hosted by Jeff Hobson From Hobson's Lecture Network Archives Highlights include:Amos' Dove ActThe Automatic-Opening Dove HolderShaping a LoopSafely Loading a D
Out of stock. $30.00
Break Away Dove Vanish by Daytona Magic - Trick EFFECTS: There are two basic effects that can be accomplished with the Break-Away Dove Vanish. Either a small dove or other small animal can be made to vanish, or a small dove can be changed to a small rabbit or other small animal.
Out of stock. $109.00 $83.93
Bird Cages From Book of Fire - by Sumit Chhajer - Trick Audiences are always fascinated with any illusion that contains fire.... If the fire comes with a surprise kicker it's even more fascinating and magical!A normal book produces automatic fire flames and then instantly produces THREE Large Bird Cages!This book is a versatile gimmick that can be added
Out of stock. $180.00 $138.60
Dove Egg by Morrissey Magic - Trick For the dove worker looking for something just a little different to add to the act!After the magician has produced a number of doves the audience is led to believe that another dove is on the way - BUT - they are in for quite a SURPRISE!!!! The magician reaches into the folds of the silk and produc
Out of stock. $29.95 $22.46
Dove Bag (Newspaper style) by Andy Amyx - Trick Andy Amyx Presents Dove from Newspaper using his Ultra Quick Release Dove holder design. Andy has found the perfect fabric for the classic Dove from Newspaper. And using his Ultra Quick Release Holder there is never any fumbling to release the dove from the holder.
Out of stock. $50.00 $38.50
Pro Dove Wire by Andy Amyx Andy Amyx Black Loop Wire is an extraordinary value. This super thin and very strong black wire is perfect for replacing your original wire or fishing line for your dove bags (holders) and invisible dove harnesses (bare handed dove production). Each spool has 50 feet of wire.
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.84
Color Change Dove Frame by Jaehoon Lim - Trick The picture of a dove in the black frame changes its color 3 times in a row. And as the last picture disappears the picture of the dove changes to a real dove.This is a considerably visual effective item that can catch applause from the audience.Included:Color Change Dove Frame.Gimmick(Including eve
Out of stock. $350.00 $269.50
DOVE HOUSE by Nahuel Olivera Magic (black and red) DOVE HOUSE with transparents walls!!!
Out of stock. $85.00
Pro Dove Pocket (Light Weight) by Andy Amyx - Trick The Pro Dove Pocket (Light Weight) is most ideal for holding and producing doves from a Dove Bag or Holder. This pocket can "breathe" better when your dove is in a Dove Bag or Holder. It is made out of the highest grade satin and is guaranteed to produce your doves smoothly every time. It is also gu
In stock. $20.00 $16.40
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Dove Holder (black) - Tony Clark (BLACK) This dove holder is made so that the dove is always snug and secure. All you have to remember is to load the dove tail first, making sure that the dove's legs are extended back toward the tail. Now fasten the Velcro, adjusting it so the dove is snug and secure. This is one of the best ways of f
Out of stock. $30.00 $18.75
Dove Holder (red) - Tony Clark (RED) This dove holder is made so that the dove is always snug and secure. All you have to remember is to load the dove tail first, making sure that the dove's legs are extended back toward the tail. Now fasten the Velcro, adjusting it so the dove is snug and secure. This is one of the best ways of f
Out of stock. $30.00 $18.75
Dove Holder (white) - Tony Clark (WHITE) This dove holder is made so that the dove is always snug and secure. All you have to remember is to load the dove tail first, making sure that the dove's legs are extended back toward the tail. Now fasten the Velcro, adjusting it so the dove is snug and secure. This is one of the best ways of f
Out of stock. $30.00 $18.75
J.H. One-Hand Dove Bag - Right Hand (Red) by Jaehoon Lim - Trick This dove bag has been through a lot of trial and error, and it has finally been completed.If you do magic with doves...you will want this Dove Bag!To be able to have your dove go in and out easily and quickly of a bag with use of only one hand was hard in the past but Jaehoon Lim has made the J.H.
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
J.H. DOVE HARNESS, Size Small by Jaehoon Lim - Trick This Invisible harness is a very safe system for any dove. Original design made by Korean, Dove Magician Jaehoon Lim. He used many kinds of barehanded harness', and after all the years he developed a better system for doves, and magicians.Included:J.H. DOVE HARNESS, Size Small. About Jaehoon Lim: 20
Out of stock. $30.00 $22.50
J.H. DOVE WIRE by Jaehoon Lim If you have performed with doves, you must have experienced the dove wire brakeing during the show. BUT this wire is very strong. This is the strongest wire that you can trust and experience on the stage with your doves! Made by Korean by dove magician Jaehoon Lim.Included:J.H. DOVE WIRE 35 feet (11
Out of stock. $9.00 $6.93
Light & Shadow (Green) by Lucian - Trick "Light and Shadow" combines two classic magic effects. It not only allows you to control the light but also produces anything with light. You don't need any complex set-up or programming. There is no chemical reactions and can be reused over and over again. And you can also print anything onto the b
Out of stock. $85.00
Encyclopedia of Dove Magic Volume 3 (Limited) by Ian Adair - Book The Encyclopedia of Dove Magic by Ian Adair has been considered the most important set of books ever written on the subject of Bird Magic. Each volume is packed with incredible information from how to handle, dye and take care of your birds as well as a VERY long list of magic effects, appearances,
Out of stock. $39.95
Encyclopedia of Dove Magic Volume 5 (Limited) by Ian Adair - Book The Encyclopedia of Dove Magic by Ian Adair has been considered the most important set of books ever written on the subject of Bird Magic. Each volume is packed with incredible information from how to handle, dye and take care of your birds as well as a VERY long list of magic effects, appearances,
Out of stock. $39.95
Dove Worker by CY - DVD Interested in dove magic? Do you want to bring yours to the next level? Introducing a revolutionary DVD to teach you modern stage magic with doves. From the basic controls and sequences to advanced presentations that will make your magic look as miraculous and visual as it can get, CY shares some of
Out of stock. $80.00
Velvet Dove Production Bag - Dimmare (Black) by Viking Magic - Trick The Velvet Dove Production Bag - Dimmare is a wonderful addition to the dove worker's arsenal. It is the finest on the market. Designed by James Dimmare, manufactured by Viking to his specifications. Beautifully made in plush velvet with gold trim. The bag is shown empty, pounded flat, wrung out and
Out of stock. $47.50
Velvet Dove Production Bag - Standard (Red) by Viking Magic - Trick Velvet Dove Production Bag - Standard is a beautiful bag using the snap-release method. The bag is shown empty inside and out, yet a dove is produced. Self-contained. No body loads, etc.; very deceptive.
Out of stock. $47.50 $37.05
Dove Harness (Black) by Mr. Magic - Trick A professional standard dove harness for trouble-free production of a live dove. Made from black silk material and complete with a Velcro strap, three snap fasteners, and a rivet.
Out of stock. $3.96
Dove Harness (Red) by Mr. Magic - Trick A professional standard dove harness for trouble-free production of a live dove. Made from red silk material and complete with a Velcro strap, three snap fasteners, and a rivet.
Out of stock. $3.96
Dove Harness (White) by Mr. Magic - Trick A professional standard dove harness for trouble-free production of a live dove. Made from white silk material and complete with a Velcro strap, three snap fasteners, and a rivet.
Out of stock. $3.96
FLIGHT CLUB BOOKLET by Dan Sperry - Book Within the pages of this book, gothic master of shock illusion, handsome boyish good looks, and all-around swell guy, Dan Sperry, reveals all the details of how to travel with your birds for your show. Everything from local gigs to domestic and even international travel, along with personal tips, tr
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
NOTES ABOUT NOTHING by Dan Sperry - Book "I saw Dan destroy an audience of 3000 people last year. I was one of them. I'd never seen or heard of him before and he was just brilliant!" - Andy Nyman "There is a damn good reason Dan Sperry is in the world's largest, best selling touring magic show right now. He's that good!" - Bizzaro "Dan Spe
Out of stock. $25.00
PRO-COMFORT DOVE POCKET by Dan Sperry - TRICK PRO-COMFORT DOVE POCKET A Safe And Secure Dove Pocket For Any Dove Production Effect Dan Sperry now releases his personal adaptation of the dove pocket. Everything from the design and size of the pocket to the material used to make it has been the result of years of trial and error. This pocket has
Out of stock. $25.00
PRO-COMFORT INVISIBLE DOVE HARNESS by Dan Sperry - TRICK PRO-COMFORT INVISIBLE DOVE HARNESS The Safest And Most Comfortable Design For Bare-Handed Dove Productions. Dan Sperry has taken the classic design of an IH and modified it for better security, comfort, and safety in mind for the dove. By making just a few minor adjustments, these simple yet crucial
Out of stock. $45.00
Pro Dove Pocket (Heavy Weight) by Andy Amyx - Trick The Pro Dove Pocket (Heavy Weight) is most ideal for holding and producing doves from a invisible harness. It is made out of the highest grade satin and is guaranteed to produce your doves smoothly every time. It is also guaranteed to last for years and years. This is the same style pocket Andy uses
Out of stock. $27.00 $22.14
Flipover Box Ala Pickle (Standard) by Ickle Pickle - Trick You are a true magician when you can make something disappear. This box enables you to do exactly that! A live dove (or any small item) is placed through the lid of the box. When the sides fall, the dove has vanished! Looks astonishing!
Out of stock. $135.00 $110.70
AUTO DOVE AND RABBIT CAGE by Tora Magic The magician shows an empty cage to the audience. He then opens it and places one or two doves in it. After a magical gesture, he takes the cage out and suddenly the two doves have changed into two beautiful rabbits! All sides and walls are displayed completely open to show that nothing is in the ca
Out of stock. $250.00
Dove Pan (alum) 7.5 inch by Mr. Magic - Trick Audiences love when you magically produce items, especially live ones! This is beautifully made for the production of a dove, bunny, silks, streamers or spring flowers. Show that nothing is in the pan. Place the lid on and immediately remove it, revealing your magical production! Ideal for stage sho
Out of stock. $49.95 $39.96
Doves on Sword in Glass Cube by Tora Magic - Trick The magician shows an empty glass box and sword to the audience. After passing the sword through the glassy box, instantly two doves magically appear on the sword! Comes complete with glass box, sword, base and instructional DVD.
Out of stock. $275.00
Auto Dove to Silk by Tora Magic - Trick After making a dove appear, the magician puts it inside an elegant box with a transparent side. The audience can clearly see the dove inside the box. In an instant, the dove visually changes into a white silk that "jumps" out of the box. Tora magic quality. A great effect for any kind of audience. C
Out of stock. $125.00
Automatic Hat to Bird Cage by Tora Magic - Trick The magician shows a hat to the audience. Instantly, it changes into a bird cage! Comes complete with a cage, hat and instructional DVD.
Out of stock. $150.00
Surprising Dove Box by Tora Magic - Trick A dove is placed into a shrinking box, the box is impaled several times, and the dove is magically unharmed! Here's what happens: A box on the magician's table is made of three sections. Its left and right sections are movable and the center one is fixed. The box's size is exactly the size of one do
Out of stock. $225.00
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