Penguin Magic Monthly: July 2023 (Magazine) The double backer edition! An interview from the world's leading mentalism duo, an IQ test from Paul Harris, and Doug Conn fuses two cards together!
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Linking Laces by Paul Harris, David Jockisch and William Goodwin (Instant Download) One of the best impromptu tricks of all time, now better than ever.
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The Vault - Code of Silence by Gary Kurtz video DOWNLOAD The World's Easiest Invisible Coding System! Gary Kurtz has created the perfect invisible coding system that you can teach to a friend, the CEO of a company, your wife, etc. in just minutes. There is no complicated memory work and nothing for them to do! In fact, in the first two phases of this rout
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The Vault - In and Out by Luca Volpe video DOWNLOAD Like having an entire mind reading act in your pocket! Amaze your audience with a revised twist on a classic of mentalism! Give them a personality reading before revealing their thoughts in the most amazing way. All of this is In and Out, a small act in your pocket! Watch their stunned reactions! No
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The Vault - The Process by Andrew Gerard (Two Volume) video DOWNLOAD Here's the invisible framework and formula that may profoundly change the way you perform, create, and even THINK about magic! Andrew Gerard sits down with longtime friend, Bro Gilbert, and for the first time, reveals all of the above. Gerard shows 5 effects that incorporate The Process. Light Room
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MAGIC FOR THE SHORTSIGHTED By Pipo Villanueva (Instant Download) An award winning project featuring 6 routines from Pipo Villanueva’s professional repertoire
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The Vault - Butchered Bunny (A variation of the Robert Neale Bunny Bill) video DOWNLOAD An easy-to-fold variation of Robert Neale's magnificent origami Bunny Bill. Borrow a bill and quickly fold it into an origami hat... then gently squeeze the hat and a killer-cute origami bunny pops out! And it's all folded from just a single, normal dollar bill! Or print your business cards on dolla
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The Vault - SOS (Son of Stunner) by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Paul Harris' ingenious no-gimmicks color changing deck!
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The Vault - SS2 (Seductive Switch 2) by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Paul Harris Presents SS2 (Seductive Switch 2) Now you can do Paul Harris's legendary Seductive Switch effect with all of the cards face up! From the True Astonishments Box Set. An in-their-hands Blackjack transposition like no other! Easy to do. Effect: Give your spectator a Jack and a Six - you hav
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Gut Buster by Andrew Mayne (Equipment + DVD) You step behind your assistant and then proceed to shove your hand straight through their body!
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TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris (Box Set) (9 DVDs + Props) The best DVD set of the last 5 years just got EVEN BETTER. From the most influential man in modern closeup magic, Paul Harris. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $300.00
Movemint by Darryl Vanamburg (DVD + Gimmick) Without touching it, a mint rises, spins, flips EVEN VANISHES. All in your complete control. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $100.00
Pocket Bizarre by Peter Eggink (DVD and Gimmick) A perfect back pocket production where your hands NEVER come close the pocket. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $39.95
Reel Magic Quarterly - Episode 1 (Paul Harris) - DVD Contents:Paul Harris talks impromptu abouttechnology mastery and astonishment"Try This At Home" with Garrett Thomasthis episode Garrett looks at the fake take"Off The Shelf" features John Lovick's new hundred dollar bill switch book "Switched"Andrew Pinard's Continuum a look at those who influence m
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Refills for Movemint (3 pcs MAGNETIC) - Trick Three magnetic refills for Movemint by Darryl Vanamburg.
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
Refills for Movemint (Ungimmicked) - Trick Includes an ungimmicked box of mints. Used for Movemint by Darryl Vanamburg.
Out of stock. $6.75 $5.40
Souvenir Linking Loverbands (20 link, 10 single, DVD) by Alan Wong - Tricks TWO NORMAL RUBBER BANDS LINK, VISIBLY MORPH INTO TWO PERMANENTLY LINKED HEARTS...THEN ARE GIVEN AWAY AS A ROMANTIC SOUVENIR!Souvenir Linking LoverBands is created by Alan Wong on the ten-year anniversary of his best selling rubber band effect "Stargazer".Paul Harris and Alan Wong had the same dream
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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REFILL for Souvenir Linking Loverbands (20 link, 10 single, BANDS ONLY) by Alan Wong - Tricks 20 linked heart shaped and 10 matching single refills for Souvenir Linking LoverbandsLinking LoverBands is a strange beautiful visual dream. Two separate red bands suddenly link...then slowly and visibly morph into two rubber band hearts! It's the perfect romantic souvenir for the ladies. You have t
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Paul Harris Presents Deep Clear by Paul Harris - Trick The final evolution of one of the most stunning tricks of the last 20 years.
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The Vault - Water Trap by Bro Gilbert (From the TA Box Set) video DOWNLOAD Bro Gilbert's unimaginably cool new approach to Doug Bennett's Signed-Coin-In-Matchbook plot. A genuine breakthrough new method that allows you to quickly prep a normal matchbook in ten seconds! Watch the trailer, and you'll see a signed coin vanish from a spectator's hand - only to appear inside th
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The Vault - Backlash 2 by Paul Harris/Bro Gilbert video DOWNLOAD Hypnotize them with a deck of cards! Backlash 2 is an updated, streamlined version of Paul Harris's famous Backlash effect. A playing card is clearly signed on both sides by your spectator. They push their signed card into your pocket themselves... Without you ever going near your pocket, you show t
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The Vault - HULSE by Olivier Pont video DOWNLOAD HULSE! When your device turns into a heart monitor. Imagine finding the spectator's card using their heartbeat! With HULSE, you will be able to reveal several different shapes, using your own phone. Have your spectator select a card, or think about an ESP symbol, an animal, etc. Plug a headset into
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The Vault - Visual Pop by Afreakkk and X Magic video DOWNLOAD An impossible, easy-to-do card reversal/travel effect using no gimmicks! Many incredible possibilities await you with this versatile card move from the creative mind of Indonesia's Afreakkk! Cards appear to travel, turn over, restore themselves, and more! No gimmicks to build. Uses any regular playi
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The Vault - It Doesn't Matter by Steve Bedwell video DOWNLOAD Cut to the four Aces in a shuffled un-gimmicked deck! This variation of Marlo's classic Ace cutting routine takes the danger and the effort out of finding all four Aces. The spectator is allowed to shuffle and cut the deck. Still, one by one, you brilliantly and amazingly find each Ace in a differen
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The Vault - The Transcendental Bar Bet by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD The Transcendental Bar Bet is the PH completely hands off, in your face (and on the table), card vanish. Oh yeah, the deck is completely normal, there are no duplicates, and you never touch it during the vanish. The spectator actually vanishes the card themselves. And... you can make the card reappe
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