Tarbell 67: Modern Rope Magic (Instant Download) Rope Magic that's WAY beyond the traditional cut-and-restored.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Tarbell 80: Spirit Ties & Vest Turning (Instant Download) Contact with the spirits with these crazy party stunts!
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Tarbell 81: Modern Stage Magic (Instant Download) Tricks, devices, and routines adapted to work on the modern stage of today.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Tarbell 78: Silk & Rope Penetrations (Instant Download) Your audience will love the direct, and puzzling, nature of these effects!
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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In stock. $39.95
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Instant Bow Tie (Red) by Sorcier Magic - Trick Amazing Magical Appearance! For the first time on the market, a bow tie that appears from nowhere near the magician's neck. For this effect, it will be necessary to cover your neck for a second with a newspaper, a scarf or the like and a bow tie will appear out of nowhere. Easy to use, made with the
Out of stock. $49.95
Lasso Rope (Fringe) by Mr. Magic - Trick A chosen card is replaced into the deck which is shuffled and dropped into a box. A rope approximately 36" long, having tassels at either end, is lowered into the box. After a bit of magical gestures, the rope is lifted and spectators see the rope knotted around the selected card. Watch your audienc
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.20
SUPER SOFT WOOL ROPE NO CORE 25 ft.(Extra-White) by Mr. Magic - Trick Looking for the perfect rope for your rope routines? Super soft, extra white. It cuts softer than butter, as it's made of woolen yarn, and braided without a core. Perfect for all cut and restored effects. Do you perform The Professor's Nightmare effect, in which the ropes change size? You'll love h
In stock. $12.00 $9.24
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SUPER SOFT WOOL ROPE NO CORE 25 ft. (Extra-White) by Mr. Magic - Trick Looking for the perfect rope for your rope routines? Super soft, extra white. It cuts softer than butter, as it's made of woolen yarn, and braided without a core. Perfect for all cut and restored effects. Do you perform The Professor's Nightmare effect, in which the ropes change size? You'll love h
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.84
The Gold Standard by David Regal What is The Gold Standard? It is an 18k gold-plated tie tack or lapel pin that does something special with great economy: a card is returned to the deck, and an instant later it is seen impaled on your tie tack. You can pull on the card, and spin it on the post. Best of all, when you remove the card
Out of stock. $75.00
Devil's Tail (All Gimmicks & DVD) by Jay Sankey - Trick RING & ROPE MAGIC GOES 'STREET!This monster project features OVER 2 HOURS of mind-bending, hyper visual magic! The Devil's Tail project comes complete with: THE ULTIMATE RINGThe custom-designed, chrome-plated ring is the absolutely perfect weight and size for all of the amazing, 'next level slei
Out of stock. $49.95
WANDERFUL by Jay Sankey - Trick "The thick, nylon ropes handle so smoothly and have a gorgeous weight to them."-Jay SankeyLearn the secrets to Jay's especially entertaining version of the original 'Professor's Nightmare' (credited to Bob Carver, who based his trick on the ideas of Hen Fetsch.)Three magicians each have a magic wand
Out of stock. $39.95
Thinking Inside the Box by Kyle Purnell - DVD For years, man has been desperately trying to break the mold, and think outside of the proverbial box. With each attempt, man would take more and more steps away from the comfort of the box. And with each step, ideas would surely become more creative and unique, but at the cost of complexity and imp
Out of stock. $29.95
FREEDOM by Elexa curtis, Esya G and Arief Nugroho (Instant Download) Your headphones melt through your hand! Extremely Visual . Technologi. Esya Bagja Gumelar and Arief Nugroho
In stock. $10.00
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Sunga Rope by Bazar de Magia - Trick A classic effect and quite funny! During his performance, the magician notes that a piece of rope is hanging from his jacket sleeve. He pulls from the rope's end and some 5 meters of rope emerge from his sleeve, until the moment when the rope gets stuck. The magician looks down and discovers the rop
In stock. $25.00
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Linking Rope Loops by Mr. Magic - Trick Magician shows three different colored ropes (red, blue and green) and calls two spectators onto the stage. He gives each a color rope of his choice, and the magician holds onto the remaining rope. Magician asks the spectators to tie their ropes in a circle with a genuine knot and he, too, does the
In stock. $15.00 $12.30
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The Gold Standard by David Regal - Trick What is The Gold Standard? It is an 18k gold-plated tie tack or lapel pin that does something special with great economy: a card is returned to the deck, and an instant later it is seen impaled on your tie tack. You can pull on the card, and spin it on the post. Best of all, when you remove the card
In stock. $75.00 $64.50
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Comedy Necktie (Black) by Nahuel Olivera - Trick Want to make your audience laugh? Here's an excellent, humorous accessory to use in your shows! This long necktie is ideal for magicians, clowns or stage performers. You start your act wearing a "normal" tie -- then (in the course of your act), it grows slowly. You will end your show wearing a very
Out of stock. $49.95
Comedy Necktie (Blue) by Nahuel Olivera - Trick Want to make your audience laugh? Here's an excellent, humorous accessory to use in your shows! This long necktie is ideal for magicians, clowns or stage performers. You start your act wearing a "normal" tie -- then (in the course of your act), it grows slowly. You will end your show wearing a very
Out of stock. $49.95
Comedy Necktie (Red) by Nahuel Olivera - Trick Want to make your audience laugh? Here's an excellent, humorous accessory to use in your shows! This long necktie is ideal for magicians, clowns or stage performers. You start your act wearing a "normal" tie -- then (in the course of your act), it grows slowly. You will end your show wearing a very
Out of stock. $49.95
Eternal Rings by Mr. Magic - Trick Here's a beautiful visual effect with 7 rainbow color ropes. Magically, individual loops of rope, each of a different color (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red), get linked to each other, thus forming a chain of rainbow color rope loops. The effect does not end here. You then toss t
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.55
Instant Bow Tie (Blue) by Sorcier Magic - Trick Amazing Magical Appearance! For the first time on the market, a bow tie that appears from nowhere near the magician's neck. For this effect, it will be necessary to cover your neck for a second with a newspaper, a scarf or the like and a bow tie will appear out of nowhere. Easy to use, made with the
Out of stock. $49.95
Sam's Super Ropes by Mr. Magic - Trick Three great rope effects that will astound your audience! Any one of these effects with these multicolor ropes would be a good buy at this price. But, we give you not one, but THREE super tricks! For the price, these are an absolute bargain. 1. Super Unequal-equal Ropes 2. Linking Rope Loops 3. The
Out of stock. $12.00 $10.32
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