Born to Perform Card Magic by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) The most influential card magic video of the last decade. COMPLETELY UPDATED AND EXPANDED. Go from beginner to PRO with a deck of cards! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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iCurveball by Oz Pearlman and Bryan Yan (Instant Download) A deeply personal mind reading routine straight from Oz's professional repertoire. START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
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Oz Pearlman LIVE 2: Corporate Magic (Instant Download) One of the busiest working pros in the world came to Penguin for a massive 3.5 HOUR lecture on getting gigs. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Oz Pearlman LIVE (Instant Download) One of the busiest working pros in the world comes to Penguin for a massive 2-HOUR lecture. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL 3 HOUR LECTURE TODAY.
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Clutch by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Simple. Powerful. Easy to perform. A high-stakes pickpocketing routine straight from Oz's show. Plays as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
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Coin Under Watch Starring Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Vanish a coin and make it appear under a spectator's watch. THERE ISN'T A STRONGER MOMENT IN ALL OF COIN MAGIC. Highly recommended for beginner and intermediate coin magicians!
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A Sucker is Born Every Minute: How to Lose Friends and Win Money by Oz Pearlman (DVD Download) A guaranteed crowd pleaser used by pros all over the world. WATCH INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Into the Abyss by Oz Pearlman (DVD) NOW SHIPPING! Mentalism for the real world. Three DIRECT, in-your-face powerhouse routines that audiences will remember for a very long time. Highly recommended!
In stock. $34.95
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Red Hot Mamacita by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Change the color of your spectator's selected card... and then do it again! This is the best effect of its kind. Highly recommended!
In stock. $9.95
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Blindsided by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) The perfect trick for spectators who think they know what's coming! Hit them with this insanely visual FULL-DECK color change.
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Cheek to Cheek (with Red deck) by Oz Pearlman (DVD + Deck) One of the best trick decks ever invented. Perform the world's cleanest TRIUMPH with no sleight of hand!
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Quick Trick by Oz Pearlman presented by Erik Tait (Instant Download) Quick, easy, and high impact. This is a great choice for people who like BANG for the BUCK!
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STRIPPER Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD + Deck) The most versatile trick deck in history like you've NEVER seen it before! NOW SHIPPING. Watch the demo even if you already have a Stripper deck!
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SVENGALI Starring Oz Pearlman RED (DVD + Deck) One of the most powerful trick decks on the planet. Perform killer card magic with no sleight of hand!
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Born to Perform Card Magic by Oz Pearlman (DVD) The most influential card DVD of the last decade. COMPLETELY UPDATED AND EXPANDED. Go from beginner to PRO with a deck of cards! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Mambo #5 by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Five cards magically jump from your hand to your pocket. This is the most fun card to pocket we've ever seen. Highly recommended!
In stock. $4.95
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TranspOzition by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) This one trick alone is a mini-course in card magic! Start and end completely clean, no extra cards, no gimmicks. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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STRIPPER Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD Download) The most versatile trick deck in history like you've NEVER seen it before! NOW SHIPPING. Watch the demo even if you already have a Stripper deck!
In stock. $14.95
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Emerge Triumphant by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Oz's Favorite Triumph Routine!
In stock. $12.95
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SVENGALI Starring Oz Pearlman BLUE (DVD + Deck) One of the most powerful trick decks on the planet. Perform killer card magic with no sleight of hand!
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SVENGALI Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD Download) One of the most powerful trick decks on the planet. Perform advanced card magic with no sleight of hand! Now Available!
In stock. $14.95
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Cheek to Cheek (with Blue deck) by Oz Pearlman (DVD + Deck) No skill required! This ingenius deck does all the hard work. PRO-caliber magic even a beginner can do. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Starry Eyed Surprise II by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) NEW AND IMPROVED! An eye-popping barehanded four ace production.
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Delirium by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Four deuces dance and deliver a one two punch! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $7.95 $4.95
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Redux by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) This is an Instant Download. When you order this effect you will gain access to a detailed instructional video that will show you how to perform this amazing routine! Click on the "Instant Download Penguin" above for more details.
In stock. $7.95
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Watch Magic with Oz Pearlman (DVD) NOW SHIPPING! Get ready to GO COMMERCIAL! These are the tricks OZ does when he's getting paid to perform. Everything is VISUAL, AUDIENCE-TESTED, and READY FOR YOU. Highly Recommended!
In stock. $29.95
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True Love by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) True Love is the perfect effect for the special couple at your next event..
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The INVISIBLE Deck DVD Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD + BLUE Deck) A powerful piece of equipment that allows you to achieve one of the strongest effects in card magic w/ NO SLEIGHT OF HAND! DVD features 3 amazing routines with the ID you'd never expect.
In stock. $19.95
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Anthony Miller's Colossal Blizzard with Oz Pearlman (DVD) A spectator names one card in the deck... and THAT'S the ONLY card in the deck. The rest are BLANK! No deck switch. Totally self-contained. Highly recommended!
In stock. $19.95
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Coin Under Watch Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD) Vanish a coin and make it appear under a spectator's watch. THERE ISN'T A STRONGER MOMENT IN ALL OF COIN MAGIC. Completely impromptu, an absolute MUST for every coin magician.
Out of stock. $20.00 $0.17
Perfection by Oz Pearlman (DVD) NOW SHIPPING! Quite possibly the most direct mental effect ever conceived with a deck of cards. Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $19.95
Born to Perform Card Magic with Oz Pearlman - 2004 Edition (DVD) The most anticipated DVD release of the year - NOW AVAILABLE! Finally, a card magic DVD that will take you from beginner to pro!
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21st Century Phantom by Oz Pearlman (DVD + Props) The ultimate in VISUAL mentalism. A KILLER mind-reading routine that finishes with an unbelievable souvenir for your spectators!
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Oz Pearlman's Lecture Notes Powerful magic for serious performers!
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The INVISIBLE Deck DVD Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD + RED Deck) A powerful piece of equipment that allows you to achieve one of the strongest effects in card magic w/ NO SLEIGHT OF HAND! DVD features 3 amazing routines with the ID you'd never expect.
In stock. $19.95
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Born to Perform Card Magic with Oz Pearlman - 2004 Edition (DVD Download) The most anticipated DVD release of the year - NOW AVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD! Finally, a card magic DVD that will take you from beginner to pro!
In stock. $24.95
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The Greatest Beginner Magic DVD Ever featuring Oz Pearlman and Jessie Geneva (DVD) The perfect place to start. Powerful tricks with beautiful secrets. Fun and easy to perform. Highly recommended!
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A Sucker is Born Every Minute: How to Lose Friends and Win Money by Oz Pearlman (DVD Only) A guaranteed crowd pleaser used by pros all over the world.NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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TRIUMPH Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD) One of the top effects in card magic. An impossible challenge, a perfect finish. Now Shipping!
Out of stock. $30.00 $0.01
The Greatest Beginner Magic DVD Ever featuring Oz Pearlman and Jessie Geneva (DVD Download) The perfect place to start. Powerful tricks with beautiful secrets that are fun and easy to perform.
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Anthony Miller's Colossal Blizzard with Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) A spectator names one card in the deck... and THAT'S the ONLY card in the deck. The rest are BLANK! No deck switch. Totally self-contained. Highly recommended!
In stock. $19.95
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Clutch by Oz Pearlman (DVD) Simple. Powerful. Easy to perform. A high-stakes card routine straight from Oz's show. Plays as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred! -1 LEFT IN STOCK.
Out of stock. $19.95
Curveball by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Completely Impromptu. Easy to perform. A deeply personal mind reading routine straight from Oz's show. Plays just as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
In stock. $19.95
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Oz Pearlman LIVE 2: Corporate Magic (DVD) One of the busiest working pros in the world comes to Penguin for a massive 2-HOUR lecture. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Stripper (with deck, BLUE) by Oz Pearlman - DVD The Stripper Deck is the most versatile of all trick decks. It makes even the most advanced effects possible with no sleight of hand, yet the secret is so subtle that you could actually play cards with it and no one would know. Learn to easily find multiple chosen cards, have immediate access to the
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.36
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