This Week's Top 20

Smooth by Nicholas Lawrence

The smoothest, most stunning "pen through dollar" trick ever created doesn't use a pen. Meet your new favorite pocket trick.
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What you're about to watch is the prototype video Nicholas Lawrence showed us over a YEAR ago.. our jaws HIT THE FLOOR. Smooth has been in development for over a year, with custom molded parts and assembled by hand by Nicholas Lawrence himself.

Here's what it looks like: You see a chapstick melt through a dollar. You see it melt back out. And then you can examine everything... and finally your brain melts. I mean.. what do you say after seeing something like that??

Now here's why this is my favorite pocket trick of all time.

1. The penetration looks better than ANYTHING similar that has come before it. Even before I get to the other reasons, this already makes it the best. You have to see it to believe it. Just spectacular.

2. Pen-through dollar was my #1 favorite pocket trick for years. Then, when Chris Smith's Ignition came out, I preferred that because it uses a car-key, and it's way more natural to have a car key than a pen these days.

BUT NOW though, this uses a lip balm, which is EVEN MORE normal to have on you, and for any age of magician (kids with car keys looks fishy).

3. You don't SLAM it through, like you have to with other penetration tricks. You MELT it through.. it looks like a special effect in slow motion.

4. The gimmick is easier to handle than any pen-version before it.

We brought some with us to Magic Live last month and they sold out almost immediately. Now we finally have more coming on Tuesday. Reserve yours to guarantee you get one.

In the box, you will receive everything you need to perform this absolutely stunning illusion anywhere you go.

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Awesome!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 26th, 2018
I do love this gimmick, it is the only 'thru' gimmick I know of that you can actually see the penetration as it's happening instead of the final snapshot after it's already happened. This gimmick allows you to control the speed of the penetration, that is what makes it so cool! I have other pen/thru, sharpie/thru gimmicks but this is my favorite for sure. I took it to work the first day I got it and was driving it through my shirt all day long showing co-workers. I got good/great reactions. The only thing different about this 'thru' gimmick that is a bit different than the others is that it will actually require just a little bit more practice and finesse. However it's not all perfect. The main thing that everyone else is complaining about in other reviews I must agree with. That special part of the gimmick that makes the penetration look so great can get stuck sometimes. And this is the part that everyone else in the reviews are saying will not last a lifetime. So Nicholas if you are reading this then just know brother that we love your product but it's pretty obvious what can be improved. That & I feel the price is just a tad-bit too high but I'm well aware that these are handmade so that's why I paid it anyways. I'm hoping for some refills for that special something though, or a slight improvement or at the very least another video in our learn section with details on how to make additional replacements for that one part. Hopefully that will be in the future. With all that being said it really is a great product guys & a lot of fun to practice even in the mirror to amuse yourself. If done properly it does actually look like it does in the trailer with proper technique. Trust me you guys will have fun with this the minute you get it out of the package!!!
19 of 21 magicians found this helpful.
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Nicholas Lawrence is a Genius! Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 13th, 2018
I was able to get an advanced copy of Smooth from MAGIC Live and absolutely love it! I have been blowing people away with this. Nicholas has done it again, he never fails to amaze me with the way he thinks of every last detail!
15 of 23 magicians found this helpful.
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LOVE THIS! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 10th, 2018
I now have performed this probably close to 100 hundred times at gigs and I have to say, for me, the reactions are over the top! Both adults and kids LOVE this! They are super stumped when the Chap Stick penetrates the bill but then their reactions always turn to complete amazement when the tube is pulled out. The heat is totally on the bill and I have never had anyone ask to see the Chap Stick. Even if they did want to see it, you have so much time to clean up and hand it out.

(RNK on the Magic Café)
7 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
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Best penetration Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 25th, 2018
Make no mistake; this is the best looking penetration there is. The gimmick is made extremely well and it can be handing out for inspection pretty much immediately. I'm very happy with this purchase and will be using it for life. I'm confident the reactions will be insane.
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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looks good, but there are issues Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 17th, 2024
I've performed this many times, especially in restaurants, and it does get a good reaction, however the clean up is not the easiest. One of the gimmicks is thin, a bit fragile, and a tight fit, so getting clean is possible, but far from easy. If you have extensive sleight of hand experience, it shouldn't be a problem, but I think there are many who will try and either get busted or ruin their gimmick. (The effort required telegraphs easier than most cleanups, so stronger than average misdirection is required).

Also, one word of caution. I handed this out for examination once and a spectator commented that it wasn't a brand they had ever seen before. And then, suspecting magnets, they stuck it to a fork! A normal chapstick doesn't do that, so I was busted and just made a joke about it. Not ideal at all! I also had another spectator comment that the cap looked "fake." So, lately, I've just been setting in on the table in front of everyone, rather than inviting a thorough examination.

If the thin gimmick were more durable and easier to steal, I'd probably give this 5 stars. As it is, your mileage may vary.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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It sure is visual .if done right Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 23rd, 2018
I been doing this for everyone i see.i put a new angle on it.about puting chapstick on the bill and saying its magical chap stick.
But it makes it harder to perform, the smoothness of the stick going controlled by you. I like entering thru slow.and pulling out quickly. Once you clean can hand the tube out to be examined.
4 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Truly Smooth Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 10th, 2018
This is one of the most convincing penetrations I have seen so far, and been able to perform to gasps from spectators at watching it happen. Many years ago, the old penetration frame had the same effect, but even the dullest spectator knew there was "something fishy about that frame" even if he didn't know how it was done. Smooth has no suspicious frame. The dollar bill is borrowed, the Chap Stick is the real thing, the angles are covered and it just seems so impromptu that people are stunned. It even is superior to the "Pen Through Dollar Bill" in that the action of both the penetration and the removal can be seen while it is happening. It is Truly Smooth.
3 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Works as advertised Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 8th, 2022
I actually purchased two of these because I could see the potential in using them in several different scenarios and I also simply wanted a backup. The item itself is of very high quality, constructed beautifully and made to last. I also appreciate the instructional video because of the detailed instructions and an example of a typical routine. I did read other reviews where there were serious concerns about the gimmick not functioning correctly or even breaking. This has not been the case for me and I waited a few weeks before writing this review. If quality control is consistent, then you should receive a great, consistent product. I highly recommend!
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Smooth. Nicholas lawrence Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 13th, 2021
Love it. Will be very useful if we ever do gigs again. If not I will have great lips.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Good Idea, OK-Subpar Gimmick Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 10th, 2021
Most of us are familiar with the concept and the workings. If you are interested in buying this, then I assume you are buying it for the subtlety and the gimmick. The subtleties are great and make the penetration slow and/or fast! Smooth also takes up minimal space and is definitely an EDC.

However, the gimmick is not up to standard. The m***** fell off the first time I used it. The cap had its own issues and it fell apart after couple days. Lastly, they should've added an extra s*****.

Overall, if you are handy with arts and crafts you can probably improve the gimmick and/or adapt to any lip balm. But yeah your gimmick's mileage may vary.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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