This Week's Top 20
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Raven ReconFigure (Requires Raven Starter Kit) (MAGICIAN) With a wave of your hand, assemble a pile of toy bricks into a mini magician!! CLICK HERE IF YOU DON'T ALREADY OWN A RAVEN
Raven Mini Penny (Requires Raven Starter Kit) Shrink a penny in your spectator's hand WITHOUT EVER TOUCHING IT. Custom-minted all-metal gimmick. CLICK HERE IF YOU DON'T ALREADY OWN A RAVEN
Unexpected Agenda by Roberto Giobbi (Hardback) 365 tricks and secrets to make every day of the new year magical. From the author of one of the most respected texts in magic, Card College.
Stab In The Dark by Alex Latorre (Trick) Stab a thought right out of a book in full view. One of the most shocking and memorable tricks you can do.
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