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ESP Cards/ Gaff Decks

Hey Penguins 🐧

I have never worked with ESP cards. I have some symbols that I don't know what they mean in my gaff decks (which I haven't really touched) As I really have been looking for a great YouTube link to learn the deck I have. I have a red and blue deck version of "Bicycle Super GAFF" I believe it's V2? Half of the box is red on the left and blue on the right, the blue cards are the opposite color orientation of the box. It does say 2015 on the bottom. Got them on eBay a while ago that I never really learned, but I did learn ARMY of 52 by Ellusionist that was helpful as I own the Ghost Legacy and Ghost Gaff deck however... it's not a standard looking Deck so if I could go back I would and get Rick Lax's deck but I think his video is out of stock, he made a video on YouTube to sites before PM with very similar cards to my gaff decks but he had cards I didn't so even if I did buy it and it was in stock then I'd still struggle w out those cards. Do you guys know of any videos for the decks that I have or PM downloads on these decks? Maybe YouTube is all I have but would like a person like Rick Lax to teach if possible.

Lastly, as I said I never used ESP cards. I would like to understand what they do and do you buy a pack of ESP cards? Or do you just use the ones that come in my GAFF decks? There's a video that I saw on Penguin 🐧 , I think it was actually a top 10 product digital download where they used ESP cards in a mentalism memorization way that I just saw a few hours ago. What would a person be able to do with a deck that is all ESP cards ? Is this a mentalism kind of deck or is this a different kind of magic? Sorry for being so new to this if I could use what I have that would be great I have a lot of symbols in my GAFF decks but would like to hear what you guys think of this and also if there's any videos regarding to the special Super gaff v2 decks that I could learn

Thank you guys as always
- Andrew

Asked at 06:03pm on June 22nd, 2017 by ANDREWACEMAGIC (14 karma)
3 Answers
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To jump in...symbols?
With basic ESP cards, are you asking about the circle, plus sign, wavy lines, square, and star?
If so, yea, you could say that they have some 'meaning'.

Answered at 10:16am on June 23rd, 2017 by MagicYoda (9138 karma)
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ESP cards are just an easy way to perform mentalist type routines.
Simple to understand.
Very easy to use.
That's the basics of those.

Answered at 10:50pm on June 22nd, 2017 by JustStuff2009 (2711 karma)
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Hey okay so the symbols don't have a meaning ?

Answered at 11:56pm on June 22nd, 2017 by ANDREWACEMAGIC (14 karma)
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