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How does the question and answers page work?

Asked at 10:47am on November 6th, 2018 by joshburch (1938 karma)
1 Answer
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Hi guys, Josh Burch here. I am one of four moderators on this page.

It's a little unconventional but, I'm going to answer my own question here so that we can dispell a little bit of the confusion that pops up from time to time on this board.

Here's a reminder of the Question and Answer board rules:

1. This board is only designed for questions and answers. Anything that is not a question or answer will be removed.

2. Ask questions at the bottom of the main page, answer questions on the question threads. If you ask or answer a question in the wrong place your comment will be removed.

3. All questions and answers are organized by vote. Upvote helpful, useful, and accurate questions and answers. Downvote spam, unhelpful comments, inaccurate answers, magic exposure, or repeat questions.

4. Don't hesitate to provide additional answers on questions that have already been answered. If you can answer the question, then answer it. Don't worry about bogging down the question with too many answers. The voting system should make the best answer come up first.

5. Do not downvote an answer because you don't like it. Downvote it if it is inaccurate or in violation of a rule.

For example, if someone asks, "Does Hover Card Plus require a gimmick?" we should upvote an answer like this, "Yes, it requires a gimmick" because it is accurate. We should downvote an answer like this, "Nope, it doesn't require any gimmicks" because no matter how much we wish it was impromptu, it is not.

We might not like that it requires a gimmick but that should not change how we vote. In general, upvote for accuracy and downvote for inaccuracy.

Things to keep in mind:

-This is not a conversation page. This is where you go to ask specific questions about specific products. Because of the voting system, conversations get confusing.

-These are not new rules. This is how it has been since the beginning of the question and answer board on Penguin. There have been times when a moderator has not been active on the boards, at these times things have been confused.

-If you don't like a comment please just downvote it, if you like a comment than upvote it. Withhold the urge to call someone out or thank them for their time. This goes back to the first point, anything that is not a question or answer will be removed.

-Questions about release dates, restocking, or information on your order should be directed towards our customer service team. this is not the place for those types of questions.

Answered at 10:48am on November 6th, 2018 by joshburch (1938 karma)
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