> Evaporating Milk Bottle

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Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 13th, 2020
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I am having problems with this bottle. Seems like it's leaking from the top so the pressure doesn't hold in order for it to work. It's also difficult to fill, and a pain to clean. Will be looking for another vanishing milk prop.

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Jan 22nd 2022 9:03am
To me there is no problem with the pressure prematurely leaking. While filling if you hold the bottle at an angle it seems like a small amount of liquid will seep into the chamber , but if you hold it upright while filling that doesn't happen or only a tiny little bit. It can't be seen.

I'll grant you filling it is slow , but the filling process can be made easier by using a funnel with a thin flexible rubber tube attached at the end of the funnel, about 5 inches long. The thin rubber tube from the funnel is slid down into the area where you fill it and then carefully fill through the funnel and let the liquid settle, then continue filling until it is filled all the way to the top.

As for cleaning , for the first thing, don't use real dairy milk as the instructions specify. Real milk will cause the plastic to start to yellow after time and it is difficult to clean it off the interior of the bottle Instead , use white food coloring mixed with water or use rice milk. If you put a few drops of brown food coloring in the mix , you get "chocolate milk" (or use less brown food coloring to make it light brown so it is same color as a caramel mocha "frappucino" iced coffee drink)

Second, to clean you should pre-mix lukewarm water with just a few drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid in a pitcher or measuring cup , then use the same funnel with flexible rubber tube arrangement to fill it about half-way with the lukewarm water + dishwashing liquid solution and then shake it up and down a few times to clean, then drain it. Then re-fill with plain lukewarm water (never hot water) and shake it to rinse any residue, then drain.

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