> Done By Misdirection Muerte, DVD

A lesson in misdirection Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 3rd, 2020
At first this looks as a Parlour show, but it is performed at a close table. I would think you could use for either depending on your show. The only weird awkward part of the dvd is at the beginning during ‘an interview’, however if you muddle thru it and actually listen to what he is saying, he is giving great information out such as many top performers, so it is hard to knock the information but the sound quality during that scene is tough. During the performance some moves are repeated but the performer uses methods that are not as common in the US so you get a different perspective on various methods. There are a couple of items not explained which takes away from 5 stars but there is enough info to be more than satisfied. I don’t think his style or tricks are everyone’s cup of tea, but that might be what you need to make the magic your own. There are several hidden gems that are useful such as his bill in lemon, which is a staple of many magicians act but his subtlety on the reveal takes off the heat which is refreshing. Also his cups and balls have a few different sleights that most can work in their act. Overall it is a great purchase for the serious performer but the casual performer may not get as much out of it except for new methods and great advice. Look for a cool box to save money. Recommend.

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