Super Quick Cube by Syouma and Takamiz Usui The grand master of cube magic has featured this in his live shows and TV appearances and now you get it for the first time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Tarbell 65: Original Oriental Secrets (Instant Download) Interesting series of effects inspired by magic from Japan, China, and India.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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In stock. $39.95
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The Magic Cube (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Gustavo Raley - Trick Introducing one of the most innovative and creative effects of this year. A number of effects and presentations are possible with The Magic Cube. EFFECT 1: The magician shows the audience a DVD cover - he states that inside are instructions on how to solve the Rubik's Cube with this DVD in seconds.
In stock. $49.95
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Rubiked by Vincent Tarrit and Gentlemen's Magic (Special Cube + App) The most innovative cube prediction we've ever seen. They can mix it up any way they like. Your prediction matches PERFECTLY. 2 IN STOCK. VERY LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $145.00
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Cube Vision 1-1-6 by Takamiz Usui and Syouma - Trick TAKAMIZ USUI's LATEST WORK The performer picks up a regular puzzle cube and a small one as well. He also takes out a box where the small puzzle cube fits perfectly. First, the performer turns his back so he does not see what follows. A spectator is asked to place the small cube in the box with the s
In stock. $29.95
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Rubik Gone (Rubik's Cube) by Juan Pablo Magic RUBIK GONE! Using this gimmick, you can vanish, transpose and transform a full-sized Rubik's Cube! Transform a Rubik's Cube into candy, just like in viral videos! You can have a Rubik's Cube vanish and later appear in someone else's purse. You can solve a Rubik's Cube in under a second. You can even
In stock. $59.95
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Mystery Cubed (Mixed Cube) It's IMPOSSIBLE!!!! And yet... there it is, sitting on your coffee table. ONLY -1 LEFT. MYSTERIOUSLY HAND-MADE IN THE USA.
Out of stock. $49.95
Mystery Cubed (Solved Cube) It's IMPOSSIBLE!!!! And yet... there it is, sitting on your coffee table. ONLY 0 LEFT. MYSTERIOUSLY HAND-MADE IN THE USA.
Out of stock. $49.95
Perfect Square COMPLETE by JB Dumas and Michael Lam Smart, simple and the closest thing to REAL CUBE MAGIC. COMES COMPLETE WITH 2 REGULAR CUBES. VERY LIMITED SUPPLY. ONLY -3 LEFT.
Out of stock. $99.95
RD Regular Cube by Henry Harrius - Trick Rubik's lovers rejoice! The RD Regular Cube is here, and it's the first Rubik's Cube designed by magicians, especially for magicians. Ditch those more expensive and sometimes messy speed cubes. These cubes can be completely customized for your needs, and boast: - Silent movement - Tightening or loos
Out of stock. $12.00
SMOKE CUBE (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Joo Miranda - Trick Looking to enhance a great moment with the production of smoke? Read on! After the success of Joo Miranda's smoke watch (performed by David Copperfield on TV), is the highly-anticipated arrival of SMOKE CUBE. It is the smallest smoke machine in the world, created with the professional in mind. Inclu
In stock. $250.00
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Smoke Screen by Magic Smith The talk of the convention at Magi-fest, and the most practical smoke device we've ever seen. VERY LIMITED SUPPLY. 0 IN STOCK.
Out of stock. $100.00
Cubic (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Francis Menotti - Trick We absolutely love Francis Menotti. He comes up with material NOBODY else would possibly think of, and his effects are always intriguing to audiences. In Cubic, Menotti combines the best of cube magic with... the Magic Square, and the result is an UNFORGETTABLE routine that is as well suited to clos
Out of stock. $45.00
PSI by Wenzi Magic & Bond Lee - Trick Let's take your Rubik's Cube magic to the next level! PSI is a revolutionary gimmick which is perfect for mentalists. During a multi-phased routine, the magician can accurately predict the outcomes in a mind blogging manner. This prop requires no assistant and it is self-contained. The gimmicked cub
Out of stock. $395.00
The Enchanted Cube (With Online Instruction) by DARYL - Trick Effect: You cleanly display a thoroughly mixed Rubik's Cube on ALL SIX SIDES! There is no question that the cube is completely mixed (because it is). The cube is tossed into the air, INSTANTLY & VISIBLY SOLVED! Once again, the cube is shown around to now be solved. Right in front of the watchful
In stock. $39.95 $37.95
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The Dark Side of the Cube by Diego Voltini - Book Within the field of Rubik's Cube's magic, filled with effects focused mainly on solving and matching, The Dark Side of the Cube stands out from the crowd. The Dark Side of the Cube is an astounding mental act with a regular Rubik's Cube, accompanied by an original and entertaining presentation that
In stock. $29.95 $24.56
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Rubix Solve by Amanjit Singh (Instant Download) A one-handed method for solving your cube which will definitely melt your brain!
In stock. $3.95
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Hopping Cube by Takamiz Usui & Syouma - Trick Here's an effect where a Rubik's Cube multiplies and vanishes! And, this can be repeated several times! It opens the door to the new possibilities for the Rubik's Cube! This gimmick can help during times that would normally cause suspicion - the gimmick's composition covers those moments of weakness
Out of stock. $129.95
Rubik's Cube Holder by Jerry O'Connell and PropDog - Trick Rubik's Cube Holder by Jerry O'Connell is the perfect solution for carrying your Rubik's Cube. Handmade of the highest quality leather with a soft velvet inner lining, the cube holder will free up your pocket space and make it much easier to carry around your cube. The holder will carry both a regul
Out of stock. $22.50 $18.00
RD Insta (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Henry Harrius - Trick The MOST VISUAL cube solve on the planet!After the stunning release of his Venom Cube, Henry now introduces his unique instant solve system: RD INSTA. With absolutely NO MOVEMENTS at all, you INSTANTLY SOLVE a mixed up cube like CGI EFFECT (You have to see it to believe it!). It is so visual that yo
Out of stock. $75.00
PSI Extra Cube by Wenzi Magic & Bond Lee - Trick This is a normal, ungimmicked cube for use with PSI. While PSI already includes one normal cube, this second ungimmicked cube can serve as a replacement if needed.
Out of stock. $45.00
INFINITY RUBIK by Tora Magic An amazing and mysterious Rubik. This cube is capable of adding 6 or 7 different effects to your routine. You'll love its versatility, and your audience will be astounded at all of the magic you're performing! Looks great! Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 10.5cm
Out of stock. $110.00
WATCH CUBES by Tora Magic - Trick The magician opens a black box and takes out a solid black cube which is plain on all sides. With a wave of his hand, the magician causes a white clock face to appear on one side of the black cube. Then the cube is placed back in the box and the lid is placed on top. Another magical wave, and the bo
Out of stock. $85.00
JUMP CUBE by SYOUMA - Trick A Rubik's cube puzzle that is thoroughly mixed is placed on the palm of the hand. Just tossing it over from the right hand to the left with the pom-poms a couple of times, you'll get the whole picture - it is completely solved! The complete cube can then be handed over to the audience. Very easy and
In stock. $25.00 $20.50
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RUBREAK by JL Magic - Trick A perfect comedy piece for anyone using a Rubik's Cube in their act. RUBREAK can be used before, during, or after a Rubik's routine to create a very funny and awkward moment. Imagine, you have just completed your favorite Rubik's effect and you ask an audience member to help you out by holding the c
Out of stock. $32.80 $26.90
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