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Chris Capehart's The Rings by Kozmomagic - DVD

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Chris Capehart has been dubbed "The Ring Master" for good reasons. Chris's three-ring routine, which he perfected in 1981, has been acclaimed by some of the world's most renowned magicians as "the best of the best". He mesmerizes magicians and audiences with a close-up ring routine more commonly performed at a distance.

Capehart's Three Ring Routine is the closest thing to magic.

  • Double Link
  • Shoulder Link
  • Impossible Link
  • The Flip and MORE!
  • PLUS a BONUS MOVE "Meltdown"
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    Thank you Chris Capehart! Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 2nd, 2014
    All I can say is WOW! This is an amazing routine. I was lucky enough to find Capeharts old linking ring dvd years ago and I learned the routine from there, with that said, this dvd is leaps and bounds better then the old one. It has Chris's entire routine from start to finish. Every sequence of moves in the routine are explained in detail, some more then others, but all are explained well. The little details Chris gives during the moves are worth gold.

    While watching the dvd, I discovered that I was doing a few of the moves wrong for years. The impossible link was one of them. Once I applied the right handling to these moves, I was blown away by how much easier and more deceptive they were. Doing this whole routine correctly made me appreciate it even more then I already did. In addition to the routine, Chris also teaches a bonus move which looks fantastic. I don't think it's necessary to do, and it is a very bold move, but on stage it looks like a killer addition to the rings.

    I don't think I'll be using it, as I love the routine as is, but I'm still thankful that he put it in there. Also the dvd itself is top notch. WAY better looking then his old dvd. It's very clear, has a nice picture, nice sound, and was filmed in a nice studio for the explanations. It also includes a live performance at the magic castle for a room full of adults, which was nice to see. The routine itself can play well for both kids and adult shows.

    I use it for both, because IMO this is the best linking ring routine on the market. You are getting over 30 years of knowledge with this routine, and you are also getting a routine that is good enough to be performed your entire life. I perform this at every show I do, from kids birthday parties to adults only. The reactions I get are fantastic every time, and when I ask which trick they liked the best, this routine gets named ALOT.

    I want to say a special thank you to Chris Capehart for sharing this wonderful routine, but more importantly sharing his life's work. If you buy the rings dvd, plus his Misers Dream dvd, plus his Kidding Around dvd, you are getting this mans entire life's work, because those 3 dvds have everything this man does. I have them all, and they have truly made me a better performer, not just for kids shows, but in general magic performing. Do yourself and your career a favor and buy this dvd. If you don't have the others, buy them too.

    If you don't have the props you need to perform these wonderful tricks, get them, because these dvds will make you the best children's entertainer in your area. Thank you so much Chris Capehart. Absolutely spectacular.
    7 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
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    THE ring routine for Professionals and Hobbyists! Report this review
    Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 17th, 2015
    If you've been looking for a linking ring routine rings all the bells for practicality, performed in any environment and that garners the best reactions, then Chris Capehart's "he Rings" dvd is for you.

    Chris developed his routine working in the toughest environment possible: the streets of New York City!

    Chris would perform his 3 ring routine on Broadway in New York City and get paid big money to do so. In New York City, the crowds wouldn't stop, watch and tip unless they were seeing something truly astounding.

    The dvd is beautifully filmed by Kozmo Magic and Chris goes over all the fine details so that you can up to speed as quickly a s possible.

    You don't need expensive rings or great technical skills to perform Chris's routine. You can play ti funny as Chris does, or serious. It can be done with patter, or silent. It's one f the most flexible flexible pieces of magic you can perform and it play everywhere, any time, anyplace for any venue.

    Even a a near beginner can learn and perform this classic of magic and look like a seasoned veteran.
    2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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    The MASTER! Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 25th, 2015
    As Jeff McBride says: "Choose one effect and do it better than anyone else" That's Chris Capehart's ring routine in a nutshell! I've done rings for 40 years and Chris' artistry and new moves not only surprised me - they fooled me! You will have to watch the moves several times and Chris could have reviewed certain moves from more angles, but it's a minor quibble. Everything you need to become a rings master (and ENTERTAIN with the rings) is here.
    2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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    lord of the rings Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 29th, 2014
    I have been into magic for over 40 years, but have never done the linking rings.. it seems every child knows how they are done.. the 'trick' is to find a routine that makes it fresh and still beautiful and baffling today, even to those who know the secret.. Chris Capehart has such a routine.. He's not the most methodical teacher, you'll have to replay and pause a number of times to get the moves down, but I think this is one magical routine that fulfills all one could ask for today!
    I will now journey into the ring world!! Recommended!
    2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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    Strong routine well teached Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 11th, 2022
    The routine is absolutely perfect for parlour purposes. The routine is short, has a lot going on and packs a punch.

    The DVD has a full performance in front of a live audience, so that you have all the timing and pattern to start with.

    There is also a (silent) studio performance. The studio performance has undertitles with the move's names. Those move's names are the same as the in the menu, where every move is explained in detail.
    Furthermore the undertitles in the studio performance helped me a lot to memorize the sequence.

    Overall I'm very happy with the product, as I found a routine which I can use without any changes on the moves or sequence.
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    Easy Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 29th, 2021
    Although I have been doing this routine for the past 20 years I bought this DVD to have as a visual teaching tool. I learned this routine from a manuscript. I highly recommend this teaching for anyone who wants to learn a ring routine that can be performed anywhere. Will take a little practice but all good magic takes practice. Buy this DVD and have some fun.
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    Chris Capehart's Rings Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 21st, 2020
    I saw Capehart perform his rings several years ago and loved it. Unlike other ring routines I've seen he's in-your-face, funny and fast. He uses three rings, focusing on the impossibility of metal-through-metal penetration. That's why he only needs three rings, not multiple rings with a lot of drawn out elaborate figures.

    I bought the disk at the start of the pandemic, figuring I wanted something to learn while in quarantine. The disk was informative, and while I still get scraped up with his crash-link, I've gotten pretty comfortable doing the routine. Capehart probably developed this while busking as it's noisy and quick and can be done close-up or on stage. I tried learning other routines before, but this one got me. If you've got some rings sitting around, I recommend it highly!
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    Great for all ages and all settings Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 14th, 2019
    This routine is just amazing. It's fun to watch, loaded with humor, and the moves with the rings are magical and mystifying, even for people who know the "secret." I have performed this for adults and small children, at birthday parties, schools, banquets and picnics, and it captivates everyone. It can fit anywhere in your show and makes a good closer. I also highly recommend Chris Capehart's Miser's Dream. He is a Master Performer. You can learn top-notch routines -- and a lot about showmanship -- from watching his DVDs.
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    Excellent DVD and Routine Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 22nd, 2018
    This is a great Routine and fun to perform. Once I learned the moves I began adding my own moves in order to make the Routine my own. Chris does an excellent job of teaching.
    Because of this routine I have gained a huge respect for the linking rings. Unrtil now, I never fully appreciated how fun and entertaining they can be. If you are looking to incorporate a unique ring Routine into your act, this DVD is a must have.
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    Value learning tool Report this review
    Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 18th, 2018
    Clear and concise demonstration, presentation and tuition. Multiple camera, including close-up, shots of each stage of Capehart's basic routine. I consider my money well spent and Penguin's service nearly faultless: yet, if they further reduce the size of the printing on their address labels I will choose a new magic supplier.
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