Banachek LIVE (Instant Download) Incredible "Tools for Your Toolbox" with plenty of suggestions for alternate uses. The "work" you want to know. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Unlimited by Banachek (Instant Download) A powerful technique to predict ANYTHING that you may have heard of, that Banachek has PERFECTED. Video AND PDF. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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ESP Opener by Banachek (CARDS INCLUDED) An opener for walk-around professionals. A fool-proof miracle with everything a pro wants: It's easy-to-explain, quick and POWERFUL. 20+ IN STOCK.
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Psychokinetic Touches by Banachek (Book) A completely impromptu demonstration of mentalism.
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The Vault - Psychokinetic Silverware by Gerry and Banachek video DOWNLOAD If you really could bend metal with your mind, Psychokinetic Silverware is exactly how it would look! You'll see cold, hard steel melt like butter, bending, twisting, breaking and moving seemingly on its own, even in a spectator's hand! Banachek's metal bending is so amazing and so realistic that he
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Headline Prediction by Banachek (Instant Download) A master-class for pros. Learn Banachek's 4 favorite methods to PREDICT headlines, and how to GET headlines. START LEARNING INSTANTLY
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Banachek's PSI Series Vol 3 - DVD Do you want to find a needle in a haystack? Using the power of your mind and a little help from your volunteer, you can find anything through your heightened sense of touch. Almost anything you can do in mentalism can be re-enacted using Psychophysiological ThoughtReading. This DVD also includes Ban
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Banachek's PSI Series Vol 1 - DVD Make a pen stand up and write the exact word a spectator is thinking . . . all by itself! Predict a corporate image chosen by a CEO! Reveal the serial number of a borrowed dollar bill. All these and more are included in this DVD.These effects run the gamut from psychokinesis, telepathy, predictions
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Banachek's PSI Series Vol 4 - DVD Learn how to bend cold, hard steel with the "power of your mind." Make physical objects move, twist and curl up like a wet noodle at will. In true Banachek style, each move, gesture and psychological subtlety is covered in detail. This DVD stands alone from Banachek's previous work by presenting new
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Psychokinetic Silverware - Gerry & Banachek (DVD) Get enormous reactions by bending metal with your mind... This is extremely powerful magic.
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Psychokinetic Time by Banachek - Book You will get the biggest reactions of your life with this stuff. As seen on TV. Highly Recommended!!!
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Psychophysiological Thought Reading by Banachek and How to Read People's Minds by H.J. Burlingame Literally two books in one! On one side of this 180-page hardcover is a reprint of H.J. Burlingame's 1907 paperback release How to Read People's Minds which includes some history on muscle reading and how it works along with a fascinating section on training your dog to read minds!Then give the book
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Banachek's Pre Thoughts (Book) More than a set of lecture notes, this is a complete mentalism act from start to finish as used by Steve Shaw (Banachek). Excerpts can be used as stand-alone in your show!
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Banachek PSI Series #2 w/ Stigmata (DVD) Featuring the original version of Stigmata plus 7 other effects!
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Psychological Subtleties 2 by Banachek (Book) Banachek's highly anticipated follow up to his first higly regarded Psychological Subtleties!
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Vortex Magic Presents FALL 2.0 by Banachek and Philip Ryan - Trick One of the best selling mentalism/magic effects of the past decade just got an upgrade. Since the original release Philip has been working on creating a version with the Sharpie that enables the performer to WRITE with the Sharpie THEN have it fall on command. After years of research and development
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Vortex Magic Presents FALL by Banachek and Philip Ryan - Trick This is one of the strongest effects you can do with a Sharpie marker. A Sharpie is placed on a table or on a glass. The performer concentrates and the pen falls dramatically to the floor. Simple, direct yet powerful. Both Banachek and Ryan have had people screaming and even running out of a room!NO
Out of stock. $24.95
Psychokinetic Pen by Banachek The Original PK PenEFFECT: A Bic brand pen is balanced on the edge of the table and the performer may then walk across the room. After exerting tremendous mental powers directed at the pen, the pen slowly wiggles then moves and finally falls onto the floor! You pick it up, begin to return it to your
Out of stock. $23.00 $17.25
Psychological Subtleties 3 (PS3) by Banachek - Book At the time, Psychological Subtleties 2 was written, Banachek had a large amount of additional material, including commercial routines and tips from friends, that in total would have made that book too large to fit the format of the series. Although Psychological Subtleties 2 was acclaimed as the "B
In stock. $65.00
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Psychological Subtleties 1 (PS1) by Banachek - Book Psychological Subtleties by Banachek Banachek, first came to national prominence as one of two teen-age "psychics" validated by the Parapsychology Department at Washington University as part of Randi's "Project Alpha" experiment. Since then he has been buried alive on national television, caught bul
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Psi-Kalc by Banachek and Gene Protas - Trick EffectA random number (several digits long) is arrived at by members of the audience. A pocket calculator is used to ensure that the magician could not have known the number in advance. A member of the audience is asked to concentrate on each of the digits in the number. The magician proceeds to "re
Out of stock. $55.00 $41.25
Psychokinetic Times (Spanish Edition) by Banachek - Book EffectBanachek's Psychokinetic Time (Tiempo Sicoquinetico) Trick. Do you remember the stunning magic effect that Master Magic Man David Blaine used to open his "Street Magic" TV special? In effect, he borrowed a watch from a man sitting in his car and checked the correct time. He placed the wat
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Pre Thoughts (German) by Banachek - Book More than a set of lecture notes, this is a complete mentalism act from start to finish as used by Banachek. Excerpts can be used as stand-alone in your show! 24 page spiral-bound booklet includes detailed illustrations and instructions. Now translated into German!
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
Psychokinetic Touches (German Edition) by Banachek - Book Both Psychokinetic-Time and Psychokinetic-Touches are impromptu effects, they can be performed anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances. Both can be performed as straight pieces of mentalism with no dressing (just a demonstration of our mind power) or in a routine. All you need is your mind and
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Psychic Pad Folio by Banachek - Trick This is the most diabolical product ever produced by Banachek. This is indeed one of the most powerful devices available to mentalists and magicians alike. Banachek has personally used this tool in over 875 shows up to this date in November, 2011 and he will continue to use it. he has have used it i
Out of stock. $159.99
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