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Supreme Nest of Wallets (AKA Nest of Wallets V2) by Nick Einhorn and Alan Wong (Download + Gimmicks) The best just got better. COMES COMPLETE WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED.
In stock. $64.95
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$wap (DVD and Gimmick) by Nicholas Lawerence - DVD "Swap" in three words: PRACTICAL, ORIGINAL, STUNNING.Nicholas Lawrence releases his "pet" pocket effect, which he does every day to amaze the people in his life. The effect is this: you reach into your pocket and remove a dollar bill and clearly show it. Now you VISUALLY move the printed seal around
In stock. $25.00 $23.75
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Matchbox Penetration by Mr. Magic - Trick The magician holds a matchbox and a long needle with a ribbon passing through the eye of the needle. He holds the matchbox with one hand and draws attention to a small hole in the center of the face of the box. He passes the needle through the hole and the ribbon is seen clearly on both sides of the
In stock. $22.94 $18.81
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Hidden Hand by Sean Fields (DVD + Gimmicks) "Every once in a while the art of magic takes another step forward. The Hidden Hand is a leap." From the mind of Sean Fields, Hidden Hand is a brand new utility device that allows for stunning vanishes and productions. With NO sleights necessary, you will be able to manipulate items within minutes o
In stock. $35.00 $33.25
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World's Greatest Magic: The Card Through Handkerchief - DVD The Card Through Handkerchief is one of card magic's most popular plots mostly because of the very strong effect that's created by relatively simple means. A card is chosen and returned to the deck. The deck is then wrapped in a handkerchief which is then shaken. Then, one card - the selected card,
In stock. $19.95 $16.36
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World's Greatest Magic: Thread Magic - DVD "Those effects in which an inanimate object moves without any visible cause are perhaps the most mysterious and effective in all magic. Such a trick more than any other seems like real magic, especially when it is close range directly under the noses of the spectators." And, with t
In stock. $18.95
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Penhenge Sharpie by Joker Magic - Trick A floating Sharpie trick brings back the mystical world of Stonehenge! Everything can be examined! You can also write with the Sharpie! The magician tells the audience that he recently visited the 4500 year old Stonehenge in England. Those huge blocks of stone stand vertically in pairs (he demonstra
In stock. $34.95 $26.91
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Clear Penetration by Mr. Magic - Trick Effect: the magician shows a clear plastic piece framed in on all sides by opaque plastic. A playing card is placed on the clear plastic piece. Surprisingly, when the card is removed, the card has a hole in it and the clear plastic is unharmed.
In stock. $3.00
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Holiday Monkey by Chris Philpott (Instant Download) A perfect + hilarious holiday dinner trick. You hypnotize your guests to not be able to read words that might be controversial conversation topics. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $29.00
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A Trip to Cancun by George Iglesias & Twister Magic - Trick Make any signed card travel to Cancun in a very sensual way! Inspired by the classic Abbotts's Bathing Beauty effect, originally created by Frederick Culpitt from England. George Iglesias brings us now his renovated version, with an improved method and a powerful effect. A seven minutes solid comedy
In stock. $85.00
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Vibe by Bob Solari - DVD The Jersey Devil Bob Solari is at it again. With his latest project VIBE, Solari gives YOU a chance to offer a set of real miracles to your audience. Utilizing a very under used technique, you will be able to perform a huge array of modern miracles, without using ANY sleight of hand! Out of this gal
In stock. $18.95
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Bloom's Gypsy Thread (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Gaetan Bloom - Trick After jealously keeping it a secret during the decades, Gaetan Bloom finally shares the secret of his famous Gypsy Thread. Bloom shares in a masterful way the difficulties of this great classic in magic. He reached an astounding clearness with the effect thanks to a devilishly simple method which wi
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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Distance (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - Trick Distance is a fast attention grabber with nothing but a pen that sits in your pocket. Not only it is visually engaging, everyone walks out with a new skill they can share with their friends and talk about YOU! Ever since the visual concept was proposed by Nicholas Lawrence in early 2014, it took ove
In stock. $34.95
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Business Card Paradox by Bob Page - Trick A great item you will carry with you and use.This is a five piece puzzle that you or your spectators assemble into a Four of Clubs. Explaining that this is a two-sided puzzle you turn over four of the pieces and assemble them to form the back design of the card.The puzzle is complete, but there is a
In stock. $10.00
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My Silly Tricks by Hector Mancha - DVD Hector Mancha caused a sensation when he won the FISM Grand Prix, magic's highest honor. My Silly Tricks is his first and only commercial release. This wacky DVD teaches ten hilarious and eccentric effects from the personal repertoire. Each of the effects is visual in nature, and most of t
In stock. $30.00 $28.50
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BIGBLINDMEDIA Presents Zodiac Prediction (Red) by Liam Montier - Trick An incredible, three phase routine that allows you to predict your spectator's star sign AND selected card... and then turn the rest of the playing cards blank. All with NO moves or sleight of hand. This is mega commercial magic that anyone can do. It's a keeper!!!"This simple routine packs WAY more
Out of stock. $25.00
52 Shades of Red (Gimmicks included) Version 2 by Shin Lim - Trick "Shin Lim's card magic is so stunningly visual it looks like CGI special effects. His magic is fresh and inspiring. 52 shades of red is the best routine there is."- Dynamo (Dynamo currently opens his stage show with 52 Shades of Red) "Shin is a true master of deception. He's filled with poetry and e
Out of stock. $69.95
Mystery Doghouse (2016) by Tenyo Co. - Trick Transformation while trapped inside!T-265 MYSTERY DOGHOUSEA series of incredible effects will leave your audience breathless! An adorable toy puppy changes color, and magically jumps from place to place while closed up inside a box. These visual effects are made possible by a new and unique mechanis
Out of stock. $19.95 $14.96
Gone Deck by Shin Lim - Trick A visual masterpiece designed by Shin Lim and Tom Elderfield is used as a closer to Shin's Encore Act performed on the Illusionists Show from broadway. What more is there to say? Gone Deck can both be used as an APPEARING and VANISHING card box, making this a very versatile prop to anyones repertoir
Out of stock. $29.95
Paradox Card by Mickael Chatelain (1 RED) You'll be performing this one to yourself. It's that good.
In stock. $19.95
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The Social Deck by Soma "Wow. Gaff deck meets Facebook. I love this!" -Joshua Jay"Soma, the ultra-creative stage magician, has given us an ultra-creative tool for close-up performance. This deck defines NOW." -David Regal"There is truly no filler in the instructions: every routine is practical, and tested. The tricks are e
Out of stock. $29.95
Liberty Vanish by Masuda Each one handmade in Japan, this is the most visual vanish you'll ever see.
Out of stock. $39.95
Sweet'n Salty by Vernet "Sweet n' salty" is an amazing new utility gimmick. You can make salt disappear and reproduce it from an empty bag. You can mix salt and pepper and then magically separate them. You can do the "Lotta" effect with any salt or sweetener bag. You can produce salt and sweetener from different objects: a
In stock. $25.00
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Vault (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Leo Smetsers - Trick Leo Smetsers has done it again!Leo's Vault is a precision made, up to date version of Jack Lippincott's classic Lippincott box. This beautifully engineered aluminum box has a really nice weight to it. It is strong, sturdy and the best part is it can be handled by the spectator with no chance of them
In stock. $137.00 $117.82
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Matrix 2.0 (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick Show your audience a playing card, explaining that it's your favorite. Pass it out for examination. They'll find that the card is perfectly ordinary, except for four holes, one in each corner. Tell your spectators not to blink even for an instant or they'll miss the miracle to follow. Hold the card
Out of stock. $29.95
Revolution Box by Alexis De La Fuente & Marchand de Trucs - Trick The Revolution Box is the most powerful and practical solution to the card-in-box plot. Created by Alexis de la Fuente, it leaves you ready to perform the impossible any time you want. The box is specially designed to fit in a jacket or pants pocket. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional magic
Out of stock. $34.95
Devil's Hanky 17X17 Mr Magic This is a utility magic instrument with the help of which the magician can perform several types of magical or mental routines. The Devil's Hanky looks just like any other ordinary hanky. Included is one routine to help get you started but several effects are possible with this utility device and wi
In stock. $5.69 $4.67
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The Traveler (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Jeff Copeland - Trick The Traveler Coin Wallet is epitome of style, form and function, designed with the serious coin worker in mind. Originally crafted to hold and carry your prized coins & small wares, Jeff has ingeniously added a special feature to The Traveler that allows it to double as a utility gimmick that wi
Out of stock. $34.95
OH SNAP! Blue (DVD and Gimmick) by Jibrizy Taylor and SansMinds OH SNAP is an insanely visual and commercial effect to turn a deck of cards into money at the end of your card routine. Imagine at the end of your card set, simply by tossing the the deck, the deck visually morphs into a stack of bills. This looks too good it is like watching TV live.*Gimmick includ
Out of stock. $35.00
Magicianary Position (Featuring Tworn) by Arron Jones - DVD A collection of original effects and concepts for real world performers culminating in THE VERY BEST BUSINESS CARD GIVE-AWAY ever!TWORN - You tear the corner from a signed business card. You then restore the card in its twisted state before allowing your spectator to keep the impossible souvenir for
Out of stock. $30.00
iFlight (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Bill Perkins - Trick A borrowed ring appears LINKED ONTO YOUR HEADPHONES that are wrapped around your phone... in your back pocket! Sleek, modern, powerful, and memorable.iFlight is an update for the classic "Ring Flight" effect, in which you cause a borrowed ring to reappear somewhere unexpected. Rather than use a leat
Out of stock. $25.00
Spring Puzzle (Chrome Plated) by Premuim Magic - Trick With this product the magician has a spring which is welded at both ends, and a ring which is also welded together..The magician asks a spectator to join him and attempt to separate the ring and the spring, but unfortunately without knowing the magicians secret you will never be able to separate the
Out of stock. $2.26
OH SNAP! Red (DVD and Gimmick) by Jibrizy Taylor and SansMinds OH SNAP is an insanely visual and commercial effect to turn a deck of cards into money at the end of your card routine. Imagine at the end of your card set, simply by tossing the the deck, the deck visually morphs into a stack of bills. This looks too good it is like watching TV live.*Gimmick includ
Out of stock. $35.00
Pierce (DVD only) by Jibrizy Taylor and SansMinds - DVD Passing solid through solid is a classic and powerful magic illusion. When it's applied on an everyday water bottle that your spectator gets to keep, it's that much more powerful and organic.Pierce is the famous Skycap on steroid! From the mind of Jibrizy Taylor, his contemporary attempt in achievin
Out of stock. $19.95
At The Table Live Lecture Alex Pandrea - DVD Alex Pandrea has surged to the cutting edge of sleight of hand magic. In a unique format, we'll explore the three facets of Alex's career. He began performing close-up at restaurants, where his material had to be quick, visual, and perfect for small groups. That evolved as Alex became immersed in th
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.66
Magnetic Scotch and Soda Poker Chips by Tango PK005 - Trick The Scotch and Soda is one of easiest and best-selling gimmicks in the history of Tango Magic. Now you have the poker chip version! You can perform strong routines with green and blue poker chips, and with the quality of all Tango Magic products. When performing with poker chips they are soft and si
In stock. $35.00
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Chaos (2 DVD set) by Dani Da Ortiz - DVD The greatest genius in this day and age concerning card magic, and a big star of Spanish magic, Dani DaOrtiz reveals to you tricks, principles and techniques which he had still never published.His magic has a formidable efficiency and a rare intelligence. It is devilishly innovative and reveals a bi
In stock. $50.00 $41.00
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Sweetch (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Gabriel Torres - Trick Vanishing Inc. jumped at the chance to produce and manufacture "Sweetch" because it's such a simple, organic prop to incorporate into your magic. You cause a signed selected card to appear inside an isolated pack of gum. Having a pack of gum on your person is as natural as a phone or set of keys, an
Out of stock. $20.00
Silver Scepter by Premium Magic - Trick Over the years, many versions of the Rising Rod have appeared, and my first experience with it was a pencil which rose from its leather case. I understand that a plastic model has been put out and indeed it did break when it was accidentally dropped. The late Eddie Joseph used a wand and one or tw
In stock. $11.44 $9.38
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Zig Zag Card (Jumbo/Plastic) by Mr. Magic - Trick Effect: The performer shows a plastic frame having four windows. Three of these windows are on one side of the frame forming a vertical column while the fourth one is at the middle of the other side. Next, the performer shows the card and inserts it in the frame. The card is clearly visible through
In stock. $17.19 $14.10
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Magical Plunger (2016) by Tenyo Co. - Trick A mysterious plunger finds your cardT-267 MAGIC PLUNGERWhen this trick was first released, magicians around the world could not stop singing its praises. It's a first-rate card routine that is unique, fun, baffling, and best of all, easy to master. We have added something new to the gimmick, making
Out of stock. $24.95 $20.46
Float (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD Many levitation illusions on the market require a lot of attention on the working of the prop instead of the presentation.SansMinds Creative Lab presents to you a levitation illusion that is designed to be completely self working. Finally, the performer can focus fully on the audience interaction.Fl
Out of stock. $24.95
100th Monkey by Chris Philpott (2 DVD Set + Gimmicks) THREE devastating effects based on a brand new, diabolically clever principle. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $80.00
The Box by Mark Southworth (DVD + Gimmicks) The most portable and compact card-to-box we've ever seen. A walk-around worker's dream come true. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $75.00
Red by Craig Petty (DVD + Gimmick) They think of a card. You have one RED card in the deck. They turn it over and it's THEIRS. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED.
Out of stock. $38.15
Way Out XII by Marc Oberon - Trick Marc Oberon's Way Out is a versatile utility item that enables a single, folded piece of plain paper to contain the outs for anything up to twelve different predictions. It can be instantly opened to reveal only the desired one, with no fumbling or suspicious handling.Marc Oberon's Way Out is a vers
Out of stock. $65.00 $53.30
Punkture by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmick) You hand out an ordinary safety pin to be examined. You then borrow a dollar bill, slowly stick the pin through the bill, and lock it shut for maximum security. Then you do the IMPOSSIBLE and slowly pulls the pin through the fibers of the borrowed bill! To finish, you can either pull the safety pin
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
Unshuffled by Anton James (DVD and Gimmick) A utility deck that can be used for impressive, nearly self working effects. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $35.00
Flash Pen by Alan Wong Finally, an alternative to FISM Flash without the bulky and burdensome hook-up under your shirt.With the simple push of a button, you provide a sudden burst of light to enhance a disappearance, reappearance, transposition, transformation and many other special effects.Flash Pen comes with a recharge
Out of stock. $60.00 $22.50
The Streets (London Map) by John Archer From the man who fooled Penn & Teller in their hit show, we bring you "The Streets." The plot is simple: someone picks a city street map and thinks of ANY street they see on the page. You read his mind and tell him many details about the page he is looking at and even EXACTLY what street he is t
Out of stock. $80.00
The Streets Set (Boston and London Map) by John Archer From the man who fooled Penn & Teller in their hit show, we bring you "The Streets." The plot is simple: someone picks a city street map and thinks of ANY street they see on the page. You read his mind and tell him many details about the page he is looking at and even EXACTLY what street he is t
Out of stock. $120.00
Ring Flight Revolution (BMW) by David Bonsall The Ring Flight Revolution is the ring flight of choice of hundreds of the worlds top professional performing magicians and is the first ring flight to lock in place once retracted, allowing the spectator to remove the ring themselves! Designed by a professional performer with the working magician i
Out of stock. $225.00 $180.00
Series of Unfortunate Effects by Chris Mayhew & Five Academy (2 DVD Set + Booklet) Dealing with a mix of wacky personalities, including eccentric magicians and crazed card collectors, Chris and Ben go on a quest to learn the real secrets of magic.After witnessing an amazing magic trick performed by the world-famous Lee Asher, Chris enlists his friend Ben's help to discover the sec
Out of stock. $39.95
Out of stock. $55.00
Water Works by Uday Jadugar and Paul Harris (Download + Gimmick) An astonishing new method for the easiest, most powerful anti-gravity water effect...Ever. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $45.00 $42.75
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Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 8 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now. Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black
In stock. $49.95 $47.45
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Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 12 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now. Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black
Out of stock. $49.95
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 10 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now. Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black
Out of stock. $49.95
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 10 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now. Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black
Out of stock. $49.95
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 11 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now. Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black
Out of stock. $49.95
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 8 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now. Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black
In stock. $49.95 $38.96
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Art Decko by Simon Aronson The wait is over ... now Simon has collected his latest creations, showcasing his unique brand of impossible card magic in a fifth giant book. Art Decko is a large (8.5" x 11") hardbound volume, full-color dust cover, black binding with silver lettering (matching Simon's previous four large books),
Out of stock. $49.95
David Penn's Mystery Solved "The next big thing is HERE!" - Eric Jones The World's leading magicians, creators and historians have heralded David Penn's Mystery Solved as "The Holy Grail". In any lighting conditions, close-up, walk around, parlour or stage you will be able to perform the cleanest and clearest switch ever!!!!!
Out of stock. $72.50
Limitless by Peter Nardi (7 of Hearts) Limitless allows you to do just that, and the best bit? Your spectator will believe they had a totally free choice.Limitless gives you the power to perform routines with a mentally selected card that appear absolutely impossible.I designed limitless to be my secret weapon. The routines I have devel
Out of stock. $40.25 $32.20
The Alchemist T-261 (2015) by Tenyo Magic Create a real coin from scratch! Created by Kenichi Komiya The transformation of one object into another is always impressive, but even more so when the object is made of hard, solid metal. The gimmicks used in THE ALCHEMIST produce this baffling magic effect, thanks to the unique features of their
Out of stock. $24.95 $19.21
Card Cage by Hideki Tani You can perform three effects with this trick: capture a selected card, vanish the card, then make it reappear in a place of the magician's choosing. The audience selects any card from the deck and places it back into the deck. The magician then shows two cage-shaped cards and puts the entire deck i
Out of stock. $19.95
Ghost Cash by Astor (U.S.) With the help of this prop, you can "visually print" an examinable real banknote.Or if you perform the trick in a market or in a restaurant you can pay immediately with the banknote.Includes gimmick for US currency and instructions.
In stock. $39.95 $25.00
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Ghost Cash by Astor (Euro) With the help of this prop, you can "visually print" an examinable real banknote.Or if you perform the trick in a market or in a restaurant you can pay immediately with the banknote.Includes gimmick for Euro banknote and instructions.
Out of stock. $39.95 $25.00
Wishbone by Paul Harris and Bro Gilbert An impossible souvenir with two wood coffee stirrers. They can even be signed! Snap off two ends, put them in her hand.The two initialed pieces impossibly melt into a single seamless "wishbone"...which she can keep forever and ever. Be a Star at Starbucks...or wherever you hang out for coffee. Very
In stock. $34.95 $7.50
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Gonzo by Jose Lac'Quest Created by Jose Lac'QuestDeveloped and Engineered by Mark AllenAdditional Effects and Handlings by Alex Linian EMPTY HANDS. ROLLED-UP SLEEVES. BARE FOREARMS. PURE AMAZEMENT. AN INNOVATIVE STREAMLINED NEW HOLD-OUT DEVICE. A wondrous, secret gimmick that enables you to spread your fingers wide open an
Out of stock. $89.95
Badge (DVD and Gimmick) by Alexis De La Fuente and Sebastien Calbry - DVD For the first time ever Sebastien Calbry and Alex De La Fuente have created a card that changes without the need for touch. Any design drawn onto the back of a playing card changes instantly and yet totally under your control. You can use the BADGE gimmick to change open prediction or enhance incred
In stock. $45.00 $35.10
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50 Fifty (DVD and Gimmick) by Brian Kennedy - DVD Created by Brian Kennedy, 50Fifty is an incredible stage illusion that you can perform in close up conditions. A freely selected card is signed and then placed into a card case.Two other cards are used as blades and used to divide the card case in half.In a moment of pure close up theatre the box is
Out of stock. $38.00
Too Hot to Handle (DVD and Gimmick) by Kieron Johnson and RSVP Magic - DVD TOO HOT TO HANDLE BY KIERON JOHNSON (INCLUDING T&R CARD IN CHOCOLATE BAR)From the creator of the best seller "To The Max" Kieron Johnson comes a brand new mind bending piece of magic called "Too Hot To Handle".Imagine being able to supposedly control temperature!Turn a freezing cold can of Coke into
In stock. $48.95
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Tremble (DVD & Gimmicks included) by Magician Anonymous - Trick Technology today is at its peak in amazing feats and is only getting more impressive, so it's hard to sway the average heckler with a simple snap change. When technology can do so many extraordinary things, how do you make people open their eyes in disbelief at something? All that is about to change
Out of stock. $29.95
Imprint by Jason Yu and SansMinds What is it like to go beyond our dimension and sneak into another? Sounds like Hollywood type of special effect, except now you get to show people LIVE IN PERSON.Jason Yu from SansMinds' in-house designer team has designed Imprint to challenge the boundary of what visual magic could be. Imagine bein
In stock. $34.95
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Simplex Monte by Rob Bromley (RED Gimmick) The Three card Monte/ Find The Lady Is a scams that's still used by con men and grifters on the streets the world over. Simplex Monte takes this classic street hustle to a new visual level that has never been possible before. Rob Bromley has created a gimmick which turns this once challenging routin
Out of stock. $28.99 $23.19
Simplex Monte by Rob Bromley (BLUE Gimmick) The Three card Monte/ Find The Lady Is a scams that's still used by con men and grifters on the streets the world over. Simplex Monte takes this classic street hustle to a new visual level that has never been possible before. Rob Bromley has created a gimmick which turns this once challenging routin
Out of stock. $28.99 $24.93
Sbox by QUANG CD (Instant Download) completely new idea with any card
In stock. $1.95
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Antigravity by James Paul - Trick Imagine being able to balance a glass containing ANY liquid ON IT'S SIDE! Perform anytime during your performance. Everything is included! No Threads! No Magnets! No Sticky Stuff! No Elastics! No extra pieces needed! Custom made prop supplied and Online Tutorial Video.
In stock. $24.95
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Pen OR Pencil by Mickael Chatelain We are really happy to present to you the NEW TRICK of Mickael CHATELAIN : PEN or PENCIL!! For the first time, No playing card needed! An exclusive and very visual effect, so easy to perform! Based on a well known handling, this effect will fool your spectators! The well-known English magician, Dyna
Out of stock. $29.95
Paragon 3D by Jon Allen (DVD and Gimmick) A small clear box is placed on someone's hand, or table. Viewable from any angle, a folded card is seen inside. After performing your favourite signed card routine, the card in the box is tipped out onto your hand. The box is clearly empty and you cleanly unfold the card in your hand to reveal the s
Out of stock. $70.00 $57.40
Street Thief by Paul Harris (British Pound) Paul Harris PresentsStreet Thiefby A.G.The Super Human Pickpocket GimmickMake your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a SPECTATOR'S POCKET!All you need is the special Street Thief Wallet and you'll always be ready to steal the spotlight!WATCH THE DEMO NOWEasy to do Spectator places and removes
Out of stock. $39.95
Street Thief by Paul Harris (Japanese Yen) Paul Harris PresentsStreet Thiefby A.G.The Super Human Pickpocket GimmickMake your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a SPECTATOR'S POCKET!All you need is the special Street Thief Wallet and you'll always be ready to steal the spotlight!WATCH THE DEMO NOWEasy to do Spectator places and removes
Out of stock. $39.95
Penetration Impossible by Higpon - Trick Penetration Impossible can be performed by beginners to experts.There has been penetrating bottles in the past.However, in this trick you do not need to gimmick the cap or lid, or use water.A regular coin will penetrate through an ordinary jam jar.The most visual and clean effect.No need for French
Out of stock. $35.00
Nukes by Doug Edwards - Book Doug Edwards is known throughout the world for his straightforward approach to card magic. You will find all sorts of surprises and gems with a pack of cards, but the biggest surprise in Nukes is the non-card material included. Doug has finally released his work on magic with ropes, coins, pens, spo
Out of stock. $35.00
Nail Puzzle (Chrome Plated) by Premium Magic - Trick A pair of Nails are twisted around each other, and cannot be separated unless you know the simple secret.Of course you are not permitted to force the Nails out of shape, or straighten them.
Out of stock. $1.85
Lucky Coin Stop by G Sparks - Trick "An Automatic Coin Production." 3 Bar Coasters, a Real Game Die and a Shot Glass NOTE: Use your own coin.
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Four Pocket Small Walnut Shells - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $60.00 $45.00
Four Deluxe Turtle Shells - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $60.00 $45.00
Four Dung Beetle Scarab Shells (Green) - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $68.00 $51.00
Four Dung Beetle Scarab Shells (Red) - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $68.00 $51.00
Four Dung Beetle Scarab Shells (Blue) - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $68.00 $51.00
Four Dung Beetle Scarab Shells (Black) - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $68.00 $51.00
Four Master Walnut Shells - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $68.00 $51.00
Four Superior Walnut Shells - Trick This is considered a sacred game to almost all Native American nations. Played only in the winter and at night, when Myths and Legends were also told. The Natives played it against sides to see who was going to be more victorious or prosperous in the coming year. It is said if this game is played wh
Out of stock. $60.00 $45.00
The Skinner Tapes by Kaufman and Company - DVD The CDs are personal audio correspondence sent to Allen Okawa of Hawaii, and have been edited down from over 30 hours of material. It's like having Michael sit in the room and talk to you. A note about the contents of the CD's: The title of the tricks listed below might indicate a full performance w
Out of stock. $125.00
At the Table Live Lecture Jason England - DVD Jason England is acclaimed the world over for two things: his classical approach to magic's most enduring effects, and his ability to perfectly execute the most challenging cheating moves ever devised. Join Jason with host Eric Jones to get a closer look at both the classical magic he is known for,
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.66
Colombini Farewell Lecture Tour (Part 1) by Wild - Colombini - DVD Aldo Colombini moved to the United States from Italy in 1993. He has performed in over 60 countries including every European country, the Unites States, Canada, Japan, Australia, South Africa, China, and South America. He is a F.I.S.M. prize winner. He performed often on Italian television and he ha
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
Colombini Farewell Lecture Tour (Part 2) by Wild - Colombini - DVD Aldo Colombini moved to the United States from Italy in 1993. He has performed in over 60 countries including every European country, the Unites States, Canada, Japan, Australia, South Africa, China, and South America. He is a F.I.S.M. prize winner. He performed often on Italian television and he ha
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
Spellbinder Volume 2 - Part 3- by Stephen Tucker and Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD ROUTINES PERFORMED BY CAMERON FRANCISThe effects that you will learn on this DVD:Getting your own back (Paul Brignall)Jumping Jokers (Al Smith)Into the third dimension (Stephen Tucker)Unbeatable (David Britland)Contagion (Al SmithMagic By (David Hambly)Deathtrap (Roger Curzon)Yippee! (Stephen Tucker
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
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