NFW by Gary Freed One of the best card tricks of all time JUST GOT WAY BETTER. TWO ALL NEW PRESENTATIONS BY RICK LAX.
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Cardboard Contortionist - Jay Sankey EFFECT: Two cards are freely selected and signed by the spectators. The cards are then openly torn into quarters. The spectators actually see the magician count the separate quarters. Yet, in an instant, both cards are fully restored and given out for examination! Nothing is added or taken away. Any
In stock. $10.00 $0.01
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White Bikes by Paul Richards presented by Matthew Johnson (Deck + DVD) A jaw-dropping miracle you can use to close your card set. Powerful and practical enough to be used by hundreds of pros. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $25.00
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What's Mine is Mine WHAT'S MINE IS MINE fools that pants off of magicians and laymen alike! It's a fun, ultra easy, quickie that you can carry with you all the time! Not to mention it's a steal at this low price!You display a small packet of cards and ask that someone touch the back of any card they would like, it is
In stock. $15.00 $12.30
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Lone Stranger trick If it were any more direct, it would be real mindreading!You show a deck of cards completely, front and back. You also show the "Lone Stranger"...a single card, with a different colored back from the deck. The cards are shuffled and openly spread on the table, allowing a spectator to select any card
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Zag by Mike Gallo A jawdropping illusion with a borrowed quarter. Slide the middle out, slide it back and hand it out. Pro quality gimmick built to last.
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Sorted Affair 2016 by Sean Bogunia presented by Matt Johnson (CARDS INCLUDED) Card magic couldn't look more innocent, or be more devastating. A professional worker's dream. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. ALL NEW PRESENTATION BY PRO MATT JOHNSON.
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Sticky Situation by Andy Leviss presented by Rick Lax Visual, multi-phase, and the PERFECT ice-breaker.
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Target Practice by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmicks) When I first saw Jay Sankey perform this effect, my eyes bugged out! Its a wonderfully clever effect, that delivers a real twist on a classic plot. A visually striking effect to beholdand perform!You display a group of cards each with a target printed on its face. There is also a hole going through
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The Mark by John Murray (DVD + Gimmick) A coin vanishes and ends up in an impossible location -- THEIR HAND.
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Airtight by Jay Sankey presented by Matt Johnson (BALLOONS INCLUDED) Performed on TV by Copperfield. Make a balloon swallow a deck, then PLUCK A SIGNED card through its walls. BONUS IDEAS FROM MATT JOHNSON AND HIGH QUALITY BALLOONS INCLUDED.
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Coin Collector trick by Jay Sankey A Wildly Weird and Startling Effect from the Magical Mind of Jay SankeyYou show two small photographs, each with a picture of a quarter. You place one photo face down in a spectator's hand and the other photo is given a shake...and the quarter visually "pops" out of the picture, appearing in your ha
In stock. $10.00 $7.80
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Clear Close-up Switch Bag A Clear Switch Bag Made With The Close-Up Magician In Mind!With The Clear Close-Up Switch Bag you can:Without looking, reveal 3 freely selected coins from among dozens that look that same Predict freely chosen celebrities with 100% accuracy Allow a spectator to predict your position in a unique phot
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Transporter by Joshua Jay (DVD + BLUE GIMMICKS) Joshua Jay's Wonder Wallet Series Continues...TRANSPORTER Has Arrived! No Card Control No Palming Use Any Wallet Use Any Card ...and Yes, It's Signed! You explain to your audience that a magician is obligated to perform whenever called upon. In fact, it's part of the rules. You show your magic assoc
In stock. $29.95 $23.36
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Tag-O-Magic by Cameron Francis (DVD + Gimmick) Three miracles with something you ALREADY CARRY AROUND. Fully examinable and INSTANTLY resets. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Token by Paul Richards (DVD + Gimmicks) Their symbol ALWAYS matches your prediction that has been in plain view the whole time. LIMITED SUPPLY JUST ARRIVED. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Symbologic - Trick An Incredible Demonstration of Psychic ConnectionYou display two sets of ESP cards. Both sets contain the five classic ESP symbols-a circle, cross, three wavy lines, square and a star. You and the spectator mix the cards completely and you correctly predict what card the spectator will place down fi
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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Extra Credit (Props and DVD) by Joshua Jay - DVD Designed to create a lasting and powerful impression no matter where you are or who you're with. Created and field tested by Joshua Jay with artwork by Ben Harris, these effects have been printed on ultra thin but durable card stock which will easily fit in virtually ANY wallet you now carry. Each e
In stock. $25.00 $19.50
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Ultimate Bill Switch Kit by Jay Sankey The Ultimate Bill Switch Kit by Jay Sankey The Bill Switch is a staple in the magic arsenal of magicians the world over. The transformation is beautiful, but many of the standard routines tend to be flawed. Typically, immediately following the magical transformation of a to 0 or after turning a bil
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Big Finish trick Sankey Two Mind Boggling Routines With Big Impact!  EFFECT: The magician tries to divine a chosen card, but can only narrow it down to four choices. But, when those cards are turned face up, they form a Jumbo image of the selected card! ORThe magician holds a pack of four cards. A spectator is asked t
In stock. $20.00 $15.60
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Double Take by Paul Richards (Blue) Double Take is a deceptive double color changing deck routine wows even seasoned magicians. This long time feature, direct from Paul Richards' working repertoire is an original and offbeat take on a classic premise of card magic. You display a red back deck of cards. The spectator is asked to select
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Wallet Wallop trick In an instant a selected card vanishes under impossible conditions and appears in your wallet! You explain that the first time really wasn't fair for the audience because they didn't know what to you offer to repeat it. The spectator again chooses a card and it, too vanishes in an instan
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Vegas Visit (Props and DVD) by Joshua Jay - DVD Designed to create a lasting and powerful impression no matter where you are or who you're with. Created and field tested by Joshua Jay with artwork by Ben Harris, these effects have been printed on ultra thin but durable card stock which will easily fit in virtually ANY wallet you now carry. Each e
In stock. $25.00 $19.50
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Folding Deck trick - Jay Sankey (Red) (RED) EFFECT: You explain to your audience that you love card tricks, but the decks take up too much space in your pocket. However, you recently designed a new card box that solves the dilemma, displaying a box of cards literally folded in half! The audience can see the cards inside each half of the box a
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But Not Here (RED) by Mark Elsdon (DVD + Gimmick) A thought of card is predicted under the fairest and most impossible conditions with a surprising twist at the end. NOW SHIPPING.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $30.00
But Not Here (BLUE) by Mark Elsdon (DVD + Gimmick) A thought of card is predicted under the fairest and most impossible conditions with a surprising twist at the end. NOW SHIPPING.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $30.00
Naked by Pablo Amira (DVD + Gimmicks) Their THOUGHT OF card appears within a completely BLANK deck. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $29.95
Double Take by Paul Richards (Red) Double Take is a deceptive double color changing deck routine wows even seasoned magicians. This long time feature, direct from Paul Richards' working repertoire is an original and offbeat take on a classic premise of card magic. You display a red back deck of cards. The spectator is asked to select
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Practical Thinking You display a stack of nearly two dozen plastic cards, each with it's own geometric design printed within it. You also display a laminated sheet and a marker. The designs are mixed and then each one of four spectators is asked to select one of the symbols, the selection is force of any ki
In stock. $34.95
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Royal Redo (with DVD) - Bill Wisch - Trick The spectator shuffles a deck, from which you remove a set of five cards. The spectator thinks of one (they don't even need to name it) and you instantly show that you knew exactly which card was selected! No sleights, no moves, no pumping...just pure magic. The Royal Redo is Bill Wisch's new design
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Free Will trick Corbuzier/Elmwood We all want to believe that we are in control. We want to believe that our decisions are our own. But maybe those are just beliefs.... You begin by removing a small piece of paper from a cloth bag and handing the bag to a helper.   You explain that you'd like their help in an experime
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.70
Key Deposit trick by Jay Sankey The magician brings out his key chain, removes a single key and places it into a spectator's hand. He then removes the metal key tag from the chain and points out the hole running through it. He places the tag into the spectator's other hand and explains he's going to make "nothing" move from one lo
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
In a Bind trick Sankey So visually arresting, you'll have to remind them to blink!You display a small spiral bound memo pad and a deck of cards, then proceed to openly write down a prediction in the pad. A spectator then selects a card and returns it to the pack.You explain that a mentalist would simply predict the card,
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Balloonatrick Give Your Spectator An Impossibility To Keep EFFECT: Two coins and a clear balloon are placed on the table. The magician inflates the balloon while the spectator selects a coin. The balloon is sealed off and the magician now takes a coin and visibly pushes it into the balloon! If that's not eno
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Hole Hop trick by Jay Sankey One of the cleanest and fairest looking "traveling hole" effects you'll ever see!You open a card wallet and display a card with a large hole through its center. You openly remove this card from the wallet and place it on the table. A card is then selected from the deck and placed next to the HOLE ca
In stock. $10.00 $7.80
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The Vanishing by Jon Allen (DVD + Gimmicks) Harry Houdini performed his final miracle in 1926. Or did he? Your audience will be amazed as photographs of locked handcuffs mysteriously open and an image of Houdini vanishes without a trace. This lovely packet effect transforms a mundane card routine into a true piece of close up theatre. The Van
Out of stock. $19.95
Vanished & Gone trick I remember when I first saw this. I remember liking it...a lot. So much in fact that ELMWOOD MAGIC purchased the world manufacturing rights from Peter Duffie! This may be one of the most direct and powerful effects you can perform with a deck of cards! Here's the effect...You bring out a deck of car
Out of stock. $19.95 $14.96
Compressed Deck by Luke Dancy - Trick A complete sell-out at Magic Live! When your pockets are full it's time to crack open your Compressed Deck... The Compressed Deck allows you to perform a transformation to any four cards under the cleanest and most impossible of conditions. It's visual magic at its absolute best. Uses no Elmsley cou
In stock. $20.00 $15.60
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Single Ambition trick Sankey Jay Sankey`sSingle Ambition A Visually Stunning And Eerie Effect!EFFECT: Your audience will be stunned when the ink off the face of a selected card is seen to VISIBLY MELT up through the card and become permanently adhered to the BACK of a card! This of course leaves the face of the card totally bla
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Transporter by Joshua Jay (DVD + RED GIMMICKS) Joshua Jay's Wonder Wallet Series Continues...TRANSPORTER Has Arrived! No Card Control No Palming Use Any Wallet Use Any Card ...and Yes, It's Signed!You explain to your audience that a magician is obligated to perform whenever called upon. In fact, it's part of the rules. You show your magic associ
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.36
By Choice By Chance trick You give the spectator a dictionary containing thousands of words and a couple of dice. The directions are simple...A word will be chosen by choice and by chance. The chance consists of rolling the dice to get any random numbers. Then the choice comes into play...the spectator can use those number i
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Division by Luke Dancy - Trick You remove the two jokers from the deck and place them off to one side of the table. The spectator now selects a card from the deck and memorizes it. The selection is now placed openly into the center of the deck. The magician snaps his fingers and turns the top card over. Lo and behold, itiis the s
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Just Name It Trick Sankey/Elmwood You begin by turning the top card of the deck face up.  You proceed to write a prediction across the face of that card.  You then spread the cards face up between your hands and ask the spectator to name any one of the cards they see.  They may choose any card; they can even change th
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
Slapped Flat trick Chris Larson`s & Paul Richard`s Slapped FlatEFFECT: A card is freely selected, signed and then lost in the deck. You squeeze a quarter and it disappears! The deck is spread out to reveal the quarter has reappeared on top of the selected card! You offer to repeat the effect, but this time you ask
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Compact Compass trick by Jay Sankey A fun effect that you can carry with you everywhere! From kids to adults, it's perfect for all types of audiences!Each of three cards are shown to have the image of an arrow printed on the face.You explain that these cards will actually respond to magnetic fields in the same way a compass does.
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Quad Rope Lets Fetsch/Elmwood Many have referred to this effect as one of the finest rope routines EVER invented! Once a staple in many professional's acts, this Hen Fetsch miracle has long been unavailable. We have gone to great lengths to bring this remarkable routine back to the world of magic and at the highest level of qual
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.36
Folding Deck trick - Jay Sankey (Blue) (BLU) EFFECT: You explain to your audience that you love card tricks, but the decks take up too much space in your pocket. However, you recently designed a new card box that solves the dilemma, displaying a box of cards literally folded in half! The audience can see the cards inside each half of the box a
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Chain Reaction trick - Sankey You display two single and separate links of chain. One link is closed inside of your fist and the second link is simply "dipped" inside. When it is pulled out, the two links have joined together! A third link is brought forth and it too is instantly linked on to the others! Your hands are empty and
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Lightning Bolt by Jay Sankey A signed card is slowly inserted in the middle of the deck, only to reappear on top a moment later! This is repeated, and each time the signed card appears back on top. You even try to get rid of the signed card, Finally, you explain, "You might be amazed by the fact that the card keeps coming to th
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Misprint trick An astonishing visual animation!A card is shown to have a white border which is clearly misprinted. Most people would toss the card away, but you can fix it, you're a magician after all! Slowly, you wave the card and the border visibly begins to correct itself!This looks like real magic! Once the bo
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It's A Match 2.0 by Andy Leviss (DVD + Gimmicks) Andy Levisss ITS A MATCH has long been a best seller in the world of magic and mentalism.This updated version now includes 25% more custom printed matchbooks (with a different hotel from the original release), a custom manufactured hotel key, and detailed DVD instructions which include bonus ideas a
Out of stock. $29.95
Your Name Here One of the coolest ice breakers in magic, Your Name Here is destined to become a staple item in the repertoire of working magicians all over the world! Here's just a sample of what can be accomplished with this utility opener:The strolling magician approaches a group of people. They notice that his
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.56
One Car Garage trick - Sankey An Animated Miracle With A Pack Of Cards EFFECT: The spectator selects and signs a card. The magician draws a small "garage door" on the back of the card. Then, slowly and in full view of everyone present, the drawing of the garage door is impossibly SLID OPEN to reveal a car parked inside! The
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Unseen Forces by Elmwood Magic - Trick A deck of playing cards and an unusual gemstone are used to attract mysterious unseen forces that seem to have knowledge of the unknowable! A deck of cards is displayed both front and back and the spectator is asked to select any one of the cards as the magician deals them to the table. A card is se
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
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