Card College by Roberto Giobbi (VOLUME 1) Card College 1 is the DEFINITIVE starting point for serious card magicians. Highly recommended by card professionals.
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Card College by Roberto Giobbi (VOLUME 2) The DEFINITIVE course for serious card magicians. Highly recommended by card professionals.
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PRISM: The Color Series of Mentalism by MAX MAVEN (Hardcover) The most influential mentalism book of the last 50 years, PRISM contains polished routines guaranteed to amaze audiences. NEW PRINTING HAS ARRIVED.
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Card College by Roberto Giobbi (VOLUME 3) The DEFINITIVE course for serious card magicians. Highly recommended by card professionals.
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The Books of Wonder by Tommy Wonder (2 Volume Set) An uncompromising manifesto. A masterpiece. A legacy. And as heavily studied and beloved as these books are, they still contain hidden secrets waiting for you to unlock. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER.
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Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz (Hardcover) One of the greatest books ever to be in print. The power it gives you is unbelievable. Top pros SWEAR by it. VERY LIMITED SUPPLY. 20+ IN STOCK.
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Card College by Roberto Giobbi (VOLUME 5) You'll learn methods for covertly arranging stacks during performance, obtaining a duplicate of a spectator's signature with his knowledge, and secretly conveying cards to and from the deck!
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Card College Light (Vol. 1 in the Light Series) By Roberto Giobbi (Hardcover) The best kept secret in card magic. A treasure chest of easy-and-powerful tricks that professionals use. ORDER THE 3 VOL SET AND SAVE.
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Five Points In Magic by Juan Tamariz (Hardcover) The master of deception unlocks the psychological and physical secrets of fooling the mind. IN STOCK. LIMITED PRINTING.
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The Magic Way by Juan Tamariz (Hardcover) The most insightful magic theory book you can get. Magic Way will change how you perform. FINALLY BACK IN PRINT.
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The Art of Switching Decks by Roberto Giobbi and Hermetic Press (Hardcover + Video) In this masterclass, Roberto Giobbi gives you the incredible power to make any card trick "examinable". The 32 best deck switches are taught in DEPTH, preparing you for ANY situation.
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Card College by Roberto Giobbi (VOLUME 4) The DEFINITIVE starting point for serious card magicians. Highly recommended by card professionals.
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Secret Agenda by Roberto Giobbi and Hermetic Press (Hardcover) 365 tricks and secrets to make every day of the new year magical. From the author of one of the most respected texts in magic, Card College. ONLY 2 LEFT.
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Card College Lightest (Vol. 3 in the Light Series) by Roberto Giobbi (Hardcover) A treasure chest of tricks. Easy enough for beginners but powerful enough for pros. The best kept secret in card magic. ORDER THE 3 VOL SET AND SAVE.
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Verbal Magic by Juan Tamariz (Hardcover) The best interactive magic book of all time is back in print, and it's never been more valuable. Perfect for everything from live shows to Zoom. 75 IN STOCK.
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Magic Rainbow by Juan Tamariz (Hardcover) The most anticipated book of the last 2 years, Juan Tamariz's magnum opus on magic-performance theory. FINALLY BACK IN PRINT.
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By Forces Unseen by Stephen Minch (Hardcover Book) The innovative card magic of Ernest Earick is studied by pros because it's powerful, and worth the time it takes to master. Back in print by popular demand. IN STOCK NOW.
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Worlds Beyond by Paul Curry (Hardcover) The hidden treasure chest of a genius. Packed with foolers and outside-the-box secrets. If you liked Out of this World, you'll LOVE Worlds Beyond. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER.
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Letters From Juan by Juan Tamariz (Volume 1) Written as a personal letter to you from your dear friend, Juan teaches 4 closely guarded tricks for the first time.
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Letters From Juan by Juan Tamariz (Volume 5) Written as a personal letter to you from your dear friend, Juan teaches 4 closely guarded tricks for the first time.
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Standup Card Magic by Roberto Giobbi (Hardcover) Take your card magic to the next level. This is the world's best guide to performing pro card magic standing up. LIMITED FIRST EDITION NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Resigned to Miracles by Peter Groning and Hermetic Press (Hardcover) One of the holy grails of card magic. A method for SECRETLY getting a GENUINE signature, as well as an arsenal of tricks to perform. LIMITED FIRST PRINTING IN STOCK.
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Theater of the Mind by Barrie Richardson (Standard Hardcover) Considered essential by professional mentalists, this large volume includes 53 incredible mental routines, many with complete professional routines.
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Geoff Latta: The Long Goodbye by Stephen Minch & Stephen Hobbs (Hardcover + DVD) A magnum opus devoted to the coin magic of a giant of the field, Geoffrey Latta. THIS LIMITED EDITION FIRST PRINTING INCLUDES A BONUS DVD.
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The Top Change by Magic Christian (Hardcover) The most underrated sleight in card magic finally gets a book worthy of its power. A master-class even top card pros are raving about. LIMITED FIRST PRINTING. ORDER TODAY.
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Letters From Juan by Juan Tamariz (Volume 4) Written as a personal letter to you from your dear friend, Juan teaches 4 closely guarded tricks for the first time.
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The Aretalogy of Vanni Bossi by Stephen Minch (FIRST EDITION) The treasure-chest of a genius. 56 highly original tricks taught for the first time in stunning hardcover. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Letters From Juan by Juan Tamariz (Volume 2) Written as a personal letter to you from your dear friend, Juan teaches 5 closely guarded tricks for the first time.
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Letters From Juan by Juan Tamariz (Volumes 1-6) Written as a personal letter to you from your dear friend, Juan teaches 25 closely guarded tricks for the first time.
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Curtain Call by Barrie Richardson Dozens of wonderful tricks, routines and tools for mentalists, including his entire professional act! Most highly recommended.
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Letters From Juan by Juan Tamariz (Volume 3) Written as a personal letter to you from your dear friend, Juan teaches 4 closely guarded tricks for the first time.
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Second Thoughts by Ramon Rioboo and Hermetic Press (Hardcover) A collection of magic that fools the most knowledgeable audiences, designed to be performed with an air of casualness. LIMITED FIRST EDITION FIRST PRINTING.
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Act Two by Barrie Richardson (Standard Hardcover) 54 tricks, ideas and routines most including full professional presentations. A must-have addition to any mentalist's library.
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Card College Lighter (Vol. 2 in the Light Series) by Roberto Giobbi (Hardcover) Twenty-one tricks, easy enough for beginners but powerful enough for pros. The best kept secret in card magic. ORDER THE 3 VOL SET AND SAVE.
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Barrie Richardson Collector's Set Limited to only 300 copies this is a deluxe set of Barrie Richardson's 3 books, in a beautiful slip case. Over 100 tricks spanning nearly 1,000 pages. 42 LEFT IN STOCK.
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Relaxed Impossibilities by Stephen Minch and Ken Krenzel - Book RELAXED IMPOSSIBILITIES is what result when an acclaimed master of card magic sets out to explore how advanced sleight-of-hand can be made far easier to attain through a perceptive study of economy of action married to efficient placement of cards. By applying a lifetime of study and ability, world-
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Concertos For Pasteboard - Book Innovative Material from Roberto Giobbi, Pit Hartling, Magic Christian, Wittus Witt, Piet Forton, and many more! Concertos for Pasteboard features a remarkable breadth of material for today's card magicians. The tricks, which are helpfully classified for skill level, range from nearly sleightless to
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Encyclopedia of Egg Magic by Donato Colucci - Book The Magic Egg-Fascinating, Mysterious, Perfect in Form and Innately Funny How can one simple object be all these things and more? That is, perhaps, the central mystery of the egg. But with al these things going for it, the egg is a perfect prop for the magician, and magicians have been using it for
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The Indescribable Phenomenon by Barry Wiley (Anna Eva Fay Bio) - Book She was one of the most famous and successful mediums and mentalists of the twentieth century. She fooled the best minds of her time. She was, in the words of J. N. Maskelyne... "...a fascinating little blonde." After devoting twenty-eight years of research to her, Barry Wiley has written a biograph
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Mayhew (What Women Want) by Hermetic Press - Book All in all, the magic is magical. The comedy is funny. The methods are inspired, and inspiring. I don't know what more you could ask for from a book, but whatever it is, you don't need it. Buy this book and enjoy it.- Curtis Kam There is enough really good material here to make it a book magicians w
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More Power to You: The Very Best of David Acer - Book If you liked whatever your favorite book is, you'll love More Power To You! The Very Best of David Acer29 ingenious routines from over 20 years of published work, all rewritten, revised, updated and upgraded. Plus 3 brand new miracles, including David's astonishing moving-hole effect, "Wormhole"!Pro
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Redivider by Phil Goldstein (Max Maven) It has been a few years since Phil Goldstein's last book of magic, Thabbatical, was released. It is now a sought-after work, out-of-print with secondhand copies hard to obtain. So what has Mr. Goldstein been up to since then? The answer is Redivider, a book containing 24 tricks and routines with car
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Tangled Web by Eric Mead (Book) With an introduction by Teller, Eric Mead's first book is destined to be in your collection!
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Confidences by Roberto Giobbi - Book You Can Have Full Confidence in These Confidences Drawn from a Master's Repertoire - Taught with a Master's Ability Roberto Giobbi, recipient of the Academy of Magical Arts' Literary Fellowship of 2012-2013, is known worldwide as the preeminent teacher of card magic. He is also one of Europe's most
Out of stock. $47.00
B'Wave by Max Maven - Trick An Ultra-Simple Approach To The Packet Brainwave Effect. No Sleights - No Rough & SmoothThe magician puts a packet of cards on the table. He says to the spectator, "Let's play a game of imagination. Imagine that these are the four Queens." He pantomimes plucking a card with each hand from the pa
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Card Dupery by J.K. Hartman - Book When Hartman meets your deck, first he will teach it to talk-then he will teach it to lie! Seven years in the making! J. K. Hartman's newest collection of card magic-more than 90 tricks, routines and sleights-over 400 pages and 600 illustrations! The published history of J. K. Hartman's card dupery
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Devious Standards by Jamy Ian Swiss - Book Don't Settle for the Average! A New Book of Challenging Thoughts about Our Magic...Jamy Ian Swiss has long been recognized as a force to be dealt with in the world of magic. Intelligent, well-informed, thoughtful, volatile, inspiring, infuriating, articulate, skilled - these are a few of the words u
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Kort by Milt Kort Milton Kort is a legend of sorts: a magician who has seldom traveled outside the Detroit area, who rarely performs at magicians' conventions or lectures, yet a man whom the professionals and greats in magic came to see; men like Paul Rosini, Stewart James, Dr. Daley, J. B. Bobo, Charlie Miller, Card
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Maelstrom by Tom Stone - Book You are invited to collaborate in a creative experience with a day-and-night, seven-days-a-week professional, the inventive and always-thinking Tom Stone! You will need to bring with you-Playing Cards Coins Silks Multiplying Bottles Book Tests Billiard Balls Dancing Cane Silk to Egg Thimbles Bananas
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Milo & Roger by Arthur Brandon - Book A Magical Life Milo & Roger were one of the greatest comedy magic acts of the twentieth century! Two boys from poor families, Arthur Brandon and Roger Coker, followed a shared passion...bringing magic from mid-west America to some of the worst and most of the best theaters in the world! Milo &am
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Paths to Enchantment by Malcolm Yaffe - Book Most children's magicians depend on props to entertain their audiences. Readers of books on the subject of children's magic expect to find detailed accounts of tricks and routines. While Paths to Enchantment has plenty of these, its central purpose is to set out in the form of a blueprint a method t
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Vortex by Tom Stone and Hermetic Press - Book A whirlwind of routines, tricks, ideas and opinions-- Inspired and inspiring. Open this book and you enter the mind of Tom Stone, one of Sweden's finest professional magicians and one of the world's most wildly innovative magical thinkers. Within a few pages you will be swept up and carried away by
Out of stock. $55.00
Thinking The Impossible by Ramon Rioboo and Hermetic Press - Book If you fear being fooled, avoid meeting Ramn Riobo! Ramn Riobo holds a doctorate in deception. He is the 1992 recipient of the Ascanio Award and winner of the 1993 First Prize in Card Magic from the XIX National Magic Congress in Barcelona. He will yank the mental carpet from under you without your
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This Is Not A Book by Robert Neale - Book Wonder and magic surround us, yet we need a guide to see them. Historically, that guide is the magician-and Robert E. Neale is the celebrated mapmaker for this terra incognita. This new Neale collection explores the sphere of close-up magic without playing cards. In the process, it expands the borde
Out of stock. $47.00
Devious Standards by Jamy Ian Swiss - Book Devious Standards is the second essay collection from Jamy Ian Swiss, and it contains twenty of the most acclaimed essays from one of magic's most distinguished and celebrated authors. When it was first published, Devious Standards received rave reviews in Magic, Genii, and Linking Ring, and it cont
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